
humhumD.J.:[hʌm]K.K.:[hʌm]vt. & vi.1.发出嗡嗡声; 哼唱The bees were humming in the garden.蜜蜂在花园里嗡嗡地叫。She is humming a folk song that I never heard before.她在哼一首我以前从未听过的民歌。No one can hum him to draw his attention.没有人可以用哼歌来吸引他的注意。vi.1.忙碌, 活跃The new manager soon made things hum.这位新经理不久便使一切都活跃起来了。n.1.嗡嗡声We hear the hum of conversation from the next room.我们听到隔壁房间嗡嗡的谈话声。

hum1[hʌm]vi.1.(飞机、马达、蜜蜂等)嗡嗡作响,发连续低沉的声音:A bee hummed around flowers.一只蜜蜂围着花朵嗡嗡作响。My head hums.我的头痛得嗡嗡响。2.发嗯嗯声,发哼声(以表示犹豫、疑惑、惊异、不满或称赞等):He hummed and shaked his head.他嘴里哼哼着不满意地摇了摇头。3.哼,哼曲子:He hummed and went down the stairs.他嘴里哼着曲子走下了楼。4.(剧场、观众等)发嘈杂声:They began to hum when seeing Jackson walk into the hall.他们一看到杰克逊走进大厅,开始发出了嘈杂声。5.[英国俚语]发出难闻的气味,发出恶臭:The lake water is humming.那个湖里的水开始发出恶臭的气味。6.[口语]活跃起来,(事业等)变得有生气:The air of the ball began to hum.舞会的气氛开始活跃起来了。to make things hum使事业兴旺7.[澳大利亚口语]乞求vt.1.哼(曲子),哼…歌曲;哼着曲子使:John was humming a tune when he put on his clothes.约翰一边穿衣服一边哼着曲子。to hum a baby to sleep哼着歌哄婴儿入睡2.用哼声表示(反对等):She hummed her anger and quickly left.她生气地哼了一声,很快就走掉了n.1.嗡嗡声,hum2[hʌm]n.1.[俚语]欺骗,哄骗vt.1.=humbug

humhum[hʌm]n., vt.1.(hummed, humming)[俗]欺瞒; 欺诈