
hurryhurryD.J.:[ˈhʌri]K.K.:[ˈhɚri, ˈhʌr-]vt. & vi.1.催促; 急忙Let's hurry a bit, we are far behind them.咱们得快点, 咱们比他们落后多了。If we hurry the work, it may be spoiled.要是我们匆忙地把工作干完, 可能会把事情弄糟。The salesman hurried the customer to make a choice.售货员催促顾客赶快做出选择。n.1.匆忙, 急忙Don't drive so fast; there's no hurry.不要开这么快, 不必急急忙忙的。

hurry['hʌri; 'hə:ri]vi.1.匆忙,赶快,急忙,赶紧 (常与up连用):We must hurry up,or we'll be late.咱们快点吧,不然就迟到了。Hurry dear, coming is the bus.快点,亲爱的,公共汽车到了。vt.1.使赶紧,催促,使加快:He hurried me into disguising as an old man.他催促我赶快装扮成一个老人。It's no use hurrying him.催他也没有用。2.匆忙进行,匆忙完成:We hurried an oral agreement before signing a formal contract.在签正式合同之前,我们先草签了一份口头协议。3.急派;急送;急运:A delegation has been hurried to Africa.已派出一个代表团赶往非洲。This is the letter to be hurried.这封信应该赶快投递。n.1.急忙,匆忙;仓促;忙乱;着急2.渴望,急切3.[常用于否定句和疑问句]赶快的必要近义词hastein a hurry匆忙,慌忙[口语]急于要;愿意地[口语]容易地in no hurry不慌不忙地不愿意不容易变形vi.hurriedhurrying

hurryhurry[ˈhʌri]n.1.匆[急, 慌]忙; 仓促; 急切2.匆忙的行动3.混乱, 骚动The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.不停的动乱和日常生活的平凡活动看来会阻碍或者至少会使人不能安静地集中思考。In her hurry, she dropped the books.她在匆忙中将书掉到地上了。
词性变化hurryvi.1.匆忙, 赶紧[快]; 慌张; 仓促Hurry up! You'll be late.赶快! 你会迟到的。vt.1.催促2.驱[急]赶3.急派[运]4.匆忙移开[拿走]They -ried us into the car.他们急忙地把我们送进车内。He -ried his book out of sight when the teacher appeared.老师来时, 他赶快将书藏起来。

继承用法hurry-durryadj.1.多风多雨的hurry-scurry,hurry-skurryadv., adj.1.慌忙地[的]; 迫切地[的]; 仓促地[的]

词性变化hurryn.1.慌张vi.1.仓皇前进; 仓猝行事hurry-upadj.1.匆忙的; 快速的 -riern.1.急忙的人; 催促者hurryinglyadv.

参考词汇hurry;haste;speed;均含“动作上的快速[捷]”的意思。1.hurry 指“动作不轻松、不自然的快, 有时表示不必要的快”, 并且常有“忙乱匆促”的意思, 如:In her hurry she forgot to leave her address.在匆忙中, 她忘了留下地址。2.haste 着重“想办法赶快”的意思, 并常表示“匆忙[促]的动作, 有时动作过分匆促而不能得到预期的结果”, 如:All his haste was of no use.他白忙了。3.speed 指“人[物]快捷[速]的动作”, 如:It is dangerous to corner at speed.高速转弯是危险的。