

1. Results Compared with controlled group,the serum MES in hyperthyroidism were significantly abnormal(P<0.01).


2. Of the 104 cases, 94 hot nodules and 10 warm nodules were found by isotope scan; 25 cases were diagnosed as AFTN with hyperthyroidism; 76 patients were from iodine deficiency areas.


3. Two cases had adrenocortical tumor;2 cases renal tubular acidosis, and 16 cases hyperthyroidism in the group.Oral KCL was the treatment of choice.


4. Xia Shaonong, ed. Treating hyperthyroidism by methods of benefiting qi and replenishing yin. TCM Magazine 1984;9:687.


5. severe hyperthyroidism of graves disease


6. hyperthyroxinemia without hyperthyroidism


7. There was no significant difference in the G-CSFR expression rate,amount of granulocytes and neutrophils between the patients with hyperthyroidism and normal controls(P>0.05) before ATD therapy.


8. Multivariate regession analysis indicated that BUA were still negetivelycorrelated with IL-6 and positively correlated with BMI and leptin in hyperthyroidism patients(p<0.0001).


9. The World Authority on Herbs, The German Commission E, reports that Bugleweed, Motherwort, and Lemon Balm are safe and efficacious for treating hyperthyroidism.


10. In fact, these physical symptoms (such as chest pain and difficulty breathing) mimic those found in medical illnesses such as heart disease, asthma, and hyperthyroidism.


11. The biochemical finding of subclinical hyperthyroidism is associated with AF on resting electrocardiogram.


12. He once suffered from hyperthyroidism, but now he has recovered and his weight has become normal again.


13. These data demonstrate that 15 mg MMI as a single daily dose is reasonable and effective for the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

以上结果提示MMI 15mg/d是治疗甲亢的理想剂量,每日一次顿服是合理有效的。

14. Conclusion T/L value is more accurate than T/S in diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.

以临床诊断为对照,T/L与T/S诊断甲亢的正确指数有显著差异,T/L更准确。 结论 T/L比T/S诊断甲状腺甲亢更为准确。

15. For example: sympathetic dysfunction enhanced and sustained, the circulatory system function hyperthyroidism, it has palpitation, Bieqi, the symptoms of high blood pressure.


16. A toxic condition resulting from excessive amounts of thyroid hormones in the body, as occurs in hyperthyroidism, for example.


17. Among them , Merged thyroid adenoma are 2 examples, tubercular goiter are 6 examples, hyperthyroidism are 2 examples, other tumor are 2 examples.


18. Endocrine: If Acromegaly, hyperthyroidism.


19. Endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism: needs it to be intervened?


20. The Levels of G-CSF in serum of patients with hyperthyroidism was significantly higher than that of normal control (novel group P< 0.01,ATD therapy group P< 0.05).


21. Hyperthyroidism due to struma ovarii


22. In Traditional Chinese Medicine ancient books, both the etiopathogenisis and pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism have been described in detail.


23. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, can cause weight loss, palpitations, diarrhoea, anxiety, scanty periods and hot flushes.


24. After salt iodization the incidence of hyperthyroidism is increased in deficient iodine and adaptive iodine regions of Jilin province.


25. Herein, we present a case of subclinical hyperthyroidism involving a 58-year-old male who complained of frequent chest tightness and typical electrocardiographic changes while in a resting state.


26. In treatment, particularly adept at the hyperthyroid disease and thyroid cancer radionuclide therapy.A certain degree of influence has been achieved on the domestic experts.


27. BUA were positively correlated with BMI and leptin in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism patients as well as normal controls(p<0.05). BUA were negetively correlated with IL-6 and FT4 in hyperthyroidism patients. (p<0.05).

在甲亢、甲减及正常组中,骨超声参数BUA与BMI及瘦素间均呈显著正相关(p<0.05),甲亢组中BUA与IL一6及FT4呈显著负相关(p<0 .05)。

28. Among 3 patients withrecurrence of hyperthyroidism,TDA was positive in 2 cases. All the 5 patients withsimple goiter had normal TDA.

复发的3例,有2例 TDA 阳性,5例单纯性甲状腺肿和10名正常对照者,TDA 均正常。

29. Compound iodine solution is used to treat hyperthyroidism.


30. She had no personal or family history of hypertension or hyperthyroidism.


31. We also need to check the TSH and free T4 to tell whether you are hyperthyroid.


32. The hyperthyroid cardiopathy from 56 patients were retrospectively analyzed.


33. Caution must be exercised in the case of hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media, latent hyperthyroidism and bland nodular goitre.


34. The prevalence of hepatic dysfunction newly diagnosed hyperthyroid patients was 30.1%, increased ALP, ALT acre the most familiar abnormal hepatic function parameters.


35. This formula is often being used in arrhythmia, extrasystoles, coronary disease, rheumatoid heart disease, and viral myocarditis, and hyperthyroidism.


36. Hyperthyroidism due to ectopic thyroid nodule


37. We prospectiely registered all new cases of oert hyperthyroidism in two areas of Denmark before and for the first 6 yr after iodine fortification.


38. The clinical characteristics and subsequent results in these hyperthyroidism patients with angina pectoris,acute myocardial infarction(AMI)),mitral valve prolapse(MVP),diastolic murmur and heart block were reported.


39. Results: type A character among hyperthyroidism patients was remarkably higher than that in control group,and scores of...


40. Abstract The serum leptin level in 43 hyperthyroidism patients, 9 hypothyroidism patients, 21 normal controls are determined by radioimmunoassay(RIA ).

摘要 采用放射免疫分析法(RIA)测定了43例甲亢患者、9例甲减患者、21例正常对照组的血清瘦素水平。

41. A 29-year-old male with a 5-year-history of hyperthyroidism complained of diplopia and proptosis.


42. This article presented Shao Rongshi's experience in the treatment of hyperthyroidism of yin asthenia and internal heat.


43. Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a rare complication of hyperthyroidism and is most prevalent in Asian males.


44. A 45 year-old male patient suffered from a severe proptosis and eyelid retraction due to long-term hyperthyroidism.


45. Hyperthyroidism is a specfic autoimmune disease.Disease incidence shows adscendent tendency, pathogenetic condition delays and is difficult to recover.This influences the patients' quality of life.


46. Objective To explore the clinical characters, therapy and prognoses of hyperthyroid cardiac disease in children.


47. Objective To observe the expression and clinical significance of receptors for granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSFR) from patients with hyperthyroidism by antithyroid-drug (ATD) therapy.


48. Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of treating diffuse goiter with hyperthyroidism using 131I.


49. Objective: To explore the surgical treatment effect of hyperthyroidism.


50. Objective: To observe the changing patterns of the Zusanli (ST36) acupoint s volt-ampere characteristics on both hyperthyroid and normal people.


51. Objective: To observe the volt-ampere characteristics of acupoint Neiguan (PC6) in patients with hyperthyroidism.


52. Graves' disease is one of the important autoimmune thyroid diseases to cause hyperthyroidism.


53. Radionuclide therapy for hyperthyroidism


54. Neonatal transient hyperthyroidism


55. Methods 47 cases of pregnant women with hyperthyroidism were divided into the treatment group receiving anti-thyroid drug PTU and the non-treatment group, and 30 cases of normal pregnant women served as control.

方法 妊娠合并甲亢 2 7例行丙基硫氧嘧啶 (PTU)治疗 ,为治疗组 ; 另外 2 0例 ,未给予治疗 ,为未治疗组 ;

56. Methods Superior and inferior thyroid arteriographies were performed for 15 patients with hyperthyroidism including one of the lowest artery and followed by the correlative arterial embolization.


57. Methods 9 patients with hyperthyroidism were performed thyroid function test,electrocardioagram,holter monitor ECG and the sinoatrial node function test.They are treated with the tapazole.


58. Methods To analyze the 6 clinicaldata with hyperthyroidism firstly presented with periodic paralysis .


59. Method: The clinical datas of 120 hyperthyroidism patient operation cure were reviewed.


60. Methods:Fifty-six clinical data of middle-aged age patients with hyperthyroid cardiopathy were retrospectively reviewed.


61. Methods: The data of patients admitted with hyperthyroid heart disease in our hospital in the last 11 years were collected.


62. Methods The TSH levels in serums were detected by CLIA and IRMA in 112 normal persons,120 hyperthyroidism patients and 58 hypothyroidism patients.


63. Method Clinical feature was comprehensively analyzed in 176 cases of hyperthyroid heart disease.


64. METHODS The study 192 hyperthyroidism cases after subtotal thyroidectomy to observe the postoperative complications.


65. Methods Out-patient prescriptions of hyperthyroidism disease in our hospital from 2005 to 2007 were analyzed.


66. Methods Clinical feature was comprehensively analyzed in 32 cases of hyperthyroid heart disease.


67. Methods Four drugs were used as preoperative medication of 48 patients with hyperthyroidism and then observe their effects on the operative process and postoperative complications.


68. Methods A group of 38 cases of hyperthyroid and an ther group of 16 healthy people matched in sex and age were tested for fast, 2h postprandial blood glucose and insulinlevel.


69. Methods BMD, serum calcium,AKP,parathyoid hormone(PTH), calcitoni n (CT) and 24 h urine calcium were measured in 65 hyperthyroid patients and 38 normal controls.


70. Methods FT3, FT4 were determined by immunoassay system in 71 patients with hyperthyroidism and 32 healthy controls.TG, TCH, HDL-C and total protein were determined at the same time.


71. Methods: Eighty-five cases of hyperthyroidism were divided into JKN group (24 cases), JKN with low dose Tapazol group (35 cases) and Tapazol control group (26 cases) at random.


72. Methods: Indeses (WT/HT,TSF,AMC,GS,BF) were conducted in 85 patients with hyperthyroidism within 3 day of admission.


73. Furthermore, monitoring is expected to show a decrease in the number of elderly subjects suffering from nodular hyperthyroidism.


74. Initially, the thyroid is enlarged and there may be transient hyperthyroidism, followed by a euthyroid state and then hypothyroidism with eventual atrophy years later.


75. The article reviews the changes of physiology and thyroid function of pregnant woman and introduces the methods of diagnosis and treatment of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy.


76. A male with thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) excess and an autonomicly functioning thyroid adenoma is presented.The problem of diagnosing hyperthyroidism in the presence of TBG excess is discussed.


77. Our research aim at exploring a new method to treat hyperthyroidism, which is based on the etiopathogenesis of hyperthyroidism and immunology dysfunction .


78. The purpose of this study was to investigate the iodine nutrition and the epidemiologic state of hyperthyroidism in ChongQing after universal salt iodization(USI) .


79. Rarely, a struma ovarii can even be a cause for hyperthyroidism.


80. The results of the thyroid scanning and protein-bound-iodine show that you have hyperthyroidism.

