

1. Slowness does not give rise to errors; impetuosity does. In handling other matters we should be neither impetuous nor proceed slowly, but in handling this matter, we should not be afraid of going slowly.


2. "Say rather," said the King, "that I will not give way, Dunois, to the headlong impetuosity, which, on some punctilio of chivalry, would wreck yourselves, the throne, France, and all.


3. The saying "Haste does not bring success" does not mean that we should not make haste, but that we should not be impetuous; impetuosity leads only to failure.


4. The campaign to "check impetuosity and rash advance" was a gust of wind, wasn't it?As it blew from above, it brought down a number of agricultural producers' co-operatives that should have survived.


5. It often happened that comrades who arrived in a new area suffered from the lack of a rear area to support the fighting,so they were eager to establish one where wounded soldiers and leading bodies could be placed. This led to impetuosity.


6. Undoubtedly, the crisscross streets here are fraught with clamor and impetuosity, which I am the most reluctant to contact.


7. 3.There shall never be anything in the world other than love that can warm the coldness of heart, cure the mania of brain, and modulate the absurdity of my impetuosity.


8. Career comes from persistence and is ruined by impetuosity.


9. The coolness of his temper contrasts strongly with the impetuosity of mine, which I cannot conceal.


10. Reasons of Impetuosity in the Late Period of Socialist Transformation of Agriculture


11. Impetuosity kills you.


12. Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments.


13. Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my dear Scarlett. I mean, my dear Mrs. Kennedy.


14. At the same time, he hoped that two athletes guard against arrogance and impetuosity, make persistent efforts, strive for a greater victory.


15. In spite of his usual command over himself, Dants could not restrain his impetuosity


16. Therefore, it has been possible to avoid impetuosity and rashness on the one hand and conservatism and drift on the other, and thus correctly apply the Central Committee's policy of "active leadership and steady advance".


17. From now on, it is of paramount importance to wage a political struggle against Rightist pessimism in the War of Resistance, although it is still necessary to keep an eye on "Left" impetuosity.


18. in the new liberated areas impetuosity has occurred in our work,resulting in the broadening of the scope of attack and the adoption of a "Left" policy with regard to industry and commerce.


19. Under the form of the economy became the seven seas, science and technology change with each passing day, international competebecame more and more impetuosity.


20. Under the form of the economy became the seven seas,science and technology change with each passing day ,international competebecame more and more impetuosity.


21. Impetuosity in the Academic Periodical Community and the Responding Countermeasures


22. It is a milestone in the end, is also the next milestone, our staff and impetuosity, to better for tobacco companies and pharmaceutical enterprise service.


23. It often happened that comrades who arrived in a new area suffered from the lack of a rear area to support the fighting, so they were eager to establish one where wounded soldiers and leading bodies could be placed. This led to impetuosity.


24. Therefore, impetuosity and eagerness for quick success and instant benefit are worthless.What artists should pursue is unique art language and perfect art realm but nothing else.


25. For gusts of wind, which rose and fell with sudden impetuosity, swept the bosom of the firth, and impeded the efforts of the rowers.


26. Impetuosity will only make things worse.


27. Slowness does not give rise to errors; impetuosity does. In handling other matters we should be neither impetuous nor proceed slowly,but in handling this matter,we should not be afraid of going slowly.


28. We are opposed to tailism, but we are also opposed to adventurism and impetuosity.


29. Some of our comrades have good intentions,but unfortunately they are impetuous in their work. Therefore,leaders should always guard against impetuosity.


30. Some of our comrades have good intentions, but unfortunately they are impetuous in their work. Therefore, leaders should always guard against impetuosity.


31. I have but to watch that moment, like one of the tauridors (Spanish bull fighters) whom we saw at Burgos, and his impetuosity places him at my mercy.


32. "overcome impetuosity and exercise patience; no haste, be patient"


33. Be on guard against conceit impetuosity; guard against pride and haste


34. Along with the complexity of business management and impetuosity of competition, the interface of knowledge alliance has been becoming increasingly important.


35. Moggy is indomitable and extremely confident;nevertheless, on one occasion, an advertisement production company files a lawsuit against him because of his rashness and impetuosity.


36. After new China was founded, the Party exhorted all its members to remain modest and prudent, guard against conceit and impetuosity, and retain the revolutionary spirit of arduous struggle for good.


37. in the new liberated areas impetuosity has occurred in our work, resulting in the broadening of the scope of attack and the adoption of a "Left" policy with regard to industry and commerce.


38. They are inclined to impetuosity and luxury.


39. Impetuosity--The formidable Enemy of Modernized Construction


40. Good sense has triumphed over unreasoning impetuosity.


41. The impetuosity system, the law system and the finance supported system is the importment dependent route for blazing new trails in our country.


42. Comrades who suffer from revolutionary impetuosity overestimate the subjective forces of the revolution and underestimate the forces of the counter-revolution.


43. Overbearingness and Impetuosity and the Doctrine of the Mean--A Study of the Diversity of the Life and Art of the "Four Monks" and the "Four Wangs"


44. RHETT: Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments, my dear Scarlett, I mean my dear Mrs.

瑞德: 原谅我,我的冲动吓着你了,我亲爱的思嘉,我是说我亲爱的肯尼迪太太。

45. Rhett: Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments,my dear Scarlett, I mean dear Mrs.


46. Even his good qualities of geniality and impetuosity counted against him.


47. 55.However, it is unknown whether this is due to a defect in the gene-seed, a result of their high gravity world, or comes about from the Chapter's doctrines against hastiness and impetuosity.


48. Blind faith and impetuosity have led them into their present difficulties.


49. Unplanned action, recklessness, impetuosity and carelessness will only lead to defeat.


50. Impetuosity in sci-tech academic periodical publishers and its countermeasures


51. 2.Third, they should exploit their own position to conduct propaganda and organizational work secretly and resourcefully, but they should guard against impetuosity.


52. 4. Third, they should exploit their own position to conduct propaganda and organizational work secretly and resourcefully, but they should guard against impetuosity.


53. check impetuosity and rash advance


54. Red wine or white wine, dry or sweet, still or sparkling, still with the impetuosity of youth or rather with the distinction of maturity?


55. Summer, the Jiangnan where rain is also under emergency impetuosity, it seems especially with the Jiangnan looks and gentle nature of the character.


56. Impetuosity brewed the flavours of "mashed garlic" and "clam"--The Research into the relationship between the literati spirit and the style of the type of verse in Yuan Dynasty


57. In the past,people in other areas experienced troubles. An important cause was their impetuosity.


58. Such seemingly revolutionary "Left" opinions originate from the revolutionary impetuosity of the petty-bourgeois intellectuals as well as from the narrow conservatism of the peasant small producers.


59. The only weakness in the proposal was that it set a time limit of one year,which it should not have done,and so gave a flavour of impetuosity to the word


60. guard against impetuosity


61. The customers rensponsed very impetuosity.


62. 4. During these ten months of war all kinds of views which are indicative of impetuosity have also appeared.

