

1. Asks the possible to the impossible,where is your dwelling-place? in the dreams of the impotent,comes the answer.


2. "A red-hot little Rebel," he said, with another sudden grin. He bowed and sauntered off, leaving her with her bosom heaving with impotent rage and indignation.

"好一个火热的小叛徒!" 他说,又咧嘴笑了笑,接着他鞠了一躬,便悠然自得地走开了。 让她一个人气得胸脯一鼓一鼓地站在那里。

3. 6.Don't make him feel impotent about work.


4. Asks the Possible to the Impossible,Where is your dwelling-place?In the dreams of the impotent, comes the answer.


5. Asks the possible to the impossible, where is your dwelling-place? In the dreams of the impotent, comes the answer.


6. "Technology without morality is barbarous; morality without technology is impotent" (Freeman J. Dyson)


7. "While states may not be about to exit from the political stage, and while they may even continue to occupy center stage, they do seem likely to become vulnerable and impotent"(Rosenau 1995).


8. "Nothing, indeed," thought I, as I struggled to repress a sob, and hastily wiped away some tears, the impotent evidences of my anguish.


9. Now in his southern accent, the word "important" souded very much like the word "impotent", and the Shah too felt most pleased that the President should agree with him.

”碰巧的是,卡特总统用美国南方口音,重复“重要的”一词时,听起来很像是“软弱无力的”一词。 这样,国王也以为双方的观点是一致的。

10. 4.What a bumbling, impotent buffoon!


11. Some are led not by impotent peasants butby well-organised burghers from Shanghai and Xiamen, a development thatmust horrify China's rulers.


12. Don't make him feel impotent about work.

不 要 让 他 感 到 他 在 工 作 上 是 无 能 之 辈 。

13. impotent leadership


14. But if neither time nor place be known,then the left wing will be impotent to succor the right,the right equally impotent to succor the left


15. Cure of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is impotent the observation method that still lacks uniform diagnostic standard and rigor, still require good animal model in basic research respect.


16. In this sense, at least, Tibetans are not much more politically impotent than the hundreds of millions of hapless Chinese uprooted by China's Faustian pact with consumer capitalism.


17. I exhausted myself remorselessly in tangled and contradictory accounts, and I wept with impotent despair.


18. Therefore, from an almost impotent man were born descendants as numerous as the stars of heavens, as many as the grains of sand on the seashore.


19. Only then will the Fed really start to feel impotent.


20. And, crumbling the handkerchief in her hand, she went down the stairs to the kitchen in search of Uncle Peter. As she passed the stove, she shoved the handkerchief into the flames and with impotent anger watched it burn.


21. Cure is impotent henceforth in development the meeting on new-style medicaments and appliance has greater progress.


22. The concern more frequently pressed today is not whether the Presidency is imperial but whether it is impotent.


23. His face was the face of a man drunk with fatigue and impotent rage and burning pity.


24. They beat her, saying,'You are poor and impotent,' so you can be beaten and plundered with impunity.


25. These are beings of the great neuter species: impotent men, parasites, cyphers, who have a little land, a little folly, a little wit


26. They were virtually impotent against the power of the large companies.


27. They quote a Ugandan judge as saying that “in most African countries, the legislature has, through intimidation, bribery and incompetence, been rendered impotent.


28. They looked at the repeated attempts by the Bank of Japan to pull its economy out of a deflationary mindset and concluded that other central banks might prove equally impotent.


29. He trembled, unnerved and impotent


30. “In the dream of the impotent .”comes to answer.


31. He was impotent against it


32. He is impotent in helping her.


33. He is impotent to help her.


34. He is impotent to help.


35. In my heart I accused my companion of putting forward a most lame and impotent excuse to cover his failure. What data could he expect from an uncleaned watch?


36. His face was a face of a man drunk with fatigue and impotent rage and burning pity


37. But then Serbia has a choice: sulk for decades in impotent resentment, like Hungary after the treaty of Trianon, or take the European road to national reconstruction, like Hungary today.

但 塞尔维亚可以选择,他们是象匈牙利在特里亚农条约后经年沉浸在无助的仇恨中,还是象今天的匈牙利那样,走上其他欧洲国家的重建家园之路?

38. But in foreign policy, China appears impotent and bemused.


39. But they often feel depressed or angry, impotent and under stress.


40. but she is pictured here as “frustrated”, so “masculinized” by her career that her castrated, impotent, passive husband is indifferent to her sexually.


41. But the UN is derided by much of the media as divided, bloated, corrupt and impotent.


42. Yet the Arab leaders' inability to protect the Lebanese people makes them look impotent on the regional stage and weak at home.


43. You are almost always impotent.


44. To render ineffective or impotent.


45. For example,we might equate money with being loved,or with being either powerful or impotent.


46. If anything, President Dmitry Medvedev and his mentor and prime minister, Vladimir Putin, seem to be enjoying the world's impotent indignation in the face of their new-found machismo.


47. Some are led not by impotent peasants but by well-organised burghers from Shanghai and Xiamen, a development that must horrify China's rulers.


48. Some are led not by impotent peasants but by well-organized burghers from Shanghai and Xiamen, a development that must horrify China's rulers.


49. Next, it is hemal sex impotent.


50. Next, impotent often mix premature ejaculation is jumbly together, have data story, in 305 impotent patients, 86 people have clear premature ejaculation history.


51. Always rise from manhood impotent all the time, the circumstance that fails to make love calls former hair the gender is impotent, this kind of circumstance is scarcer.


52. Prostatitis, hypertrophy of the prostate, orchitis, premature ejaculation, impotent.


53. Don't render that mind impotent by thoughts of fear, doubt and anxiety.


54. Cure advocate people the cure that use zinc is impotent, zinc is right the heal that accelerates human body cut, counteractive disease also has apparent effect.


55. The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent.


56. The sincere if impotent desire wins his blessing.


57. Asks the possible to the impossible where is your dwelling place ? In the dreams of impotent comes the answer.


58. Eat what what medicine can let him to become impotent!


59. Around the central discussion, this paper also subtly delineates the impotent role of Creative Thinking in the process from ape to man.

围绕中心,本文 还深刻揭示了创造性思维在从猿到人转变过程中的关键作用。

60. Data of domestic sampling investigation shows, grownThe maleThe person of 10% above has impotent appearance in, among themDiabeticIn patient crowd impotent occurence rate close to 60% .


61. Foreign expert because of,abdicate of peace treaty writing ever pointed out Masitesi to send the pathogeny with impotent sex formerly is a heart mostly of the gender.


62. The Kuomintang is so impotent that no amount of help can save it from inevitable doom; the U.S. imperialists are losing grip over things and feel helpless.


63. The Shah didn't have a very high opinion of the said organization as he found it beset with many internal problems, so he used the word "impotent" to describe it.


64. The apparitions showed a sorrowing mother who suffered for the sins of the world and yet was impotent to do anything to help because we human beings refused to cooperate.


65. Nowadays, men who fail to earn big money will be regarded by women as impotent, losing their charms over women.


66. There the impotent painted deities paraded the walls in vain.


67. There the impotent , painted deities paraded on the walls in vain.


68. You remember the words of the prerevolutionary poet,'You are poor and abundant, mighty and impotent, Mother Russia. '

大家还记得革命前一位诗人说过的话:“俄罗斯我们的母亲啊,你既贫穷又富饶,既强大又衰弱! ”

69. She blazed with impotent rage.


70. If happen repeatedly, those who meet the frigidity that brings about the woman or man is impotent.


71. If he sat behind her stiff with impotent rage it only made a trembling vividness come into her energy.


72. Will asked calmly and, looking down at him in a confusion of joy and impotent fury, Scarlett saw in the quiet depths of his eyes understanding and pity.

威尔平静地说。 这时思嘉低下头,怀着一种又高兴又恼火,但却无能为力的惶惑神情看着他,她从他宁静的眼睛深处感受到了理解和怜悯之情。

73. Melanie smiled at him through sparkling tears while Scarlett felt the fox of wrath and impotent hate gnaw at her vitals.


74. It also renders conventional monetary policy impotent, as the interest rate that prevents too much saving is below zero.


75. In the dreams of the impotent,comes the answer.


76. In the dreams of the impotent, comes the answer


77. In the dreams of the impotent, comes the answer.


78. Although angular stone of the development, they were always relegated to the outskirt of the urban society, impotent to obtain the elementary rights to which they could legitimately claim.


79. The roofs were impotent against an aerial bombardment, but now, life is once again very good.


80. He suddenly felt an impotent fury at having been deprived of his own past-at being unable to trust his own memory.

