

1. These songs of ours lament one person or event in an impromptu fashion and are easily set to wind or stringed accompaniments.


2. The word "Kuiyi"refers to all kinds of music and impromptu dances accompanying the music.


3. There are four basic methods of giving a speech: impromptu, manuscript reading, memorization, and outlined.


4. Mar, 1997 To make the competition more challenging, the organizing committee adds a new section - the impromptu speech to the overall format.


5. "We want to settle down here and live in freedom and hope," said Lee Song, a 43-year-old factory worker, at a televised impromptu news conference.


6. Jul 10 - Ghanaians have been rehearsing for Barack Obama's visit with an impromptu motorcade complete with a cardboard image of the U.S. president.


7. Description: An impromptu performance to memorialize Huipng Mo's longtime dance partner Yi Ming who suddenly and tragically died in the prime of his life.

php 送给Yi Ming的礼物为了纪念莫慧萍长期舞蹈搭档Yi Ming突然在青春佳期悲惨死去的一段即兴表演。

8. An impromptu performance to memorialize Huipng Mo's longtime dance partner Yi Ming who suddenly and tragically died in the prime of his life.

us http 送给Yi Ming的礼物为了纪念莫慧萍长期舞蹈搭档Yi Ming突然在青春佳期悲惨死去的一段即兴表演。

9. The actress took a fellow passenger's remark that whales are often attracted by music as her cue to belt out a stirring impromptu rendition of“ Amazing Grace.


10. It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.


11. Immediately to the left in Sainsbury's is another familiar sight: a “chill zone” for browsing magazines, books and DVDs, tempting impromptu purchases and slowing customers down.


12. Artistic directors of Shanghai Dance School handpicked Tan from among 10,000 children who performed an impromptu dance.


13. Whilst not impromptu, the preparation is minimal and does not need to be repeated for subsequent performances.


14. To engage in impromptu or nonofficial public speaking, often flamboyantly.


15. It usually take me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.


16. The Prepared Speech should be finished in 2-3 minutes, and the Impromptu Speech should be finished in 1 minute.


17. There were also comedy acts, impromptu skits, and DJ music to fill the lulls between acts.


18. They presented impromptu items to greet the distinguished guests.


19. He is good at make impromptu speech.


20. He stops in for impromptu meetings at retail shops in cities across the country.


21. He was outwardly decent and managed to keep his coolness, but inside he was impromptu and full of unexpectedness.


22. He was outwardly decent and managed to preserve his aquarium, but inside he was impromptu and full of unexpectedness.


23. His call for a book of the trains had been a sheer piece of impromptu .


24. His impromptu speech was admired by everyone.


25. In this booklet, you will find SEVEN very strong coin routines requiring NO SLEIGHTS AT ALL and totally impromptu using ordinary coins.


26. Such impromptu situations often occur when we are with Master.


27. Jet gave us another impromptu seminar on GSD suspicion of strangers shortly thereafter.


28. Participants practice and learn skills by filling a meeting role, ranging from giving a prepared speech or an impromptu one to serving as timer, evaluator or grammarian.

其宗旨在于训练会员的沟通技巧与领导能力。透过自学 ,互学及实践, 促进个人成长 , 提高自信,增强沟通 ,丰富演讲技巧及发挥领导才能。

29. Again, it is impromptu transposing keyboard technology.


30. Beijingers often gather in these sheltered walkways for impromptu classic opera, play traditional music, or to exercise.


31. The impromptu accompaniment offers the convenience of on-spot availability, but the pianist has limited time to analyzed the song for the piano accompaniment.


32. Some dance movements were composed impromptu, which were simple and standard.


33. The picture on the right shows Mr. Tandja Mamadou, President of Niger, giving the impromptu speech.


34. Oh, yes, it is the melody, the skill of the players, the use of plenty of syncopation, the impromptu performance and the uniqueness that make a jazz fan.


35. How can anyone be faultless in what he says?How can every remark one makes in impromptu discussion be perfectly correct?


36. As an art form, rap music is impromptu and fast-paced, topical and insightful, requiring skills of language, nuance and keen observation, as well as emotional truth.


37. On the evening of his death from cardiac arrest, fans by the thousands convened at impromptu memorial sites.


38. I was too nervous to remember what I had said in the impromptu speech.


39. Ostermeyer celebrated her shot put victory by performing an impromptu Beethoven recital back at the French team headquarters.


40. Michael Golding of Huntington Antiques in Stow accepts his role as an impromptu guide with good grace.

在斯托地方的亨廷顿古玩店的迈克尔 - 戈尔丁欣然担任了临时导游的任务。

41. On this DVD, you will learn Will’s complete two minute impromptu body magic miracle where he bends and snaps his finger completely inhuman ways.

在此的DVD ,您将学习将完整的两分钟即兴人体神奇的奇迹,他和急弯手指照片完全不人道的方式。

42. After that, Zhao Hongzhu said in an extemporaneous (or impromptu?) speech that “you are from Jiaxing, the birth place of CPC.


43. In between appearances on TV and radio broadcasts, Mr. Fletcher holds an impromptu news conference.


44. In an impromptu news conference outside the ballroom, a family spokesman said the couple had no plans for a honeymoon cruise.


45. Amongst these miracles, you will learn one of the simplest, most effective and completely impromptu versions of the cups and balls - probably the only version you will ever need!

在这些奇迹之中, 您将学会一最简单, 杯子和球- 可能您曾经将需要的唯一的版本的最有效和完全地最即兴的版本!

46. Keith Moon - countless drug-fueled brawls, a food fight with police in Flint, Michigan and an impromptu fireworks display on a U.S. Television show.


47. Festooned with a canopy of lights, a night market is visible from the main road and features utilities for impromptu stalls, music performances, and dancing.


48. She played a tune impromptu.


49. Her words were made to seem all the more empty when jeering students at the forum overwhelmingly voted against the proposed laws with an impromptu show of hands.


50. If one visits impromptu, is the intended host obligated to accept the visit or can the visitor politely be turned away?


51. There also may be impromptu reading quizzes, depending on how well class discussions go.


52. If so, you might want to make it seem impromptu so the latter won't be hurt that they weren't invited.


53. Political leaders read speeches for accuracy and precision.They lack the spontaneity of the impromptu speech or the extemporaneous speech.


54. Completely impromptu using only sleight of hand and the ingenious thinking of Irving Quant.


55. To all those in charge of our young people's welfare, I can do no better than proffer some impromptu advice and implore them to take stock of the situation.


56. To all those in charge of our young people's welfare, I can do no better than proffer some impromptu adviceimplore them to take stock of the situation.


57. Consider the impromptu speech as an opportunity to practice and develop your speaking skills.


58. Even so, the impromptu trading rooms of Ho Chi Minh City are beginning to resemble the London coffee-houses that incubated the ruinous South Sea Bubble in the early 18th century.


59. The Beatles'last public performance, on the roof of Apple Records in London. The impromptu concert is broken up by the police.


60. Young idealists went out to the West Bank to put up impromptu settlements, which the army at first dismantled.


61. When he finishes his impromptu dance routine, his guests at the table applaud.


62. Most often, you can find them in everyday, inconsequential and impromptu moments.


63. The President gave an impromptu press conference.


64. No prizes for guessing who inspired the headline “New President Feels Nation’s Pain, Breasts”, or who regaled dinner guests with an impromptu oration on Virgil’s minor works.


65. We're having an impromptu meeting!


66. We're having an impromptu meeting.


67. I ought to have replied that it was not easy to give an impromptu answer to a question about appearances.


68. I looked at this tree, the red maple tree, we thought of these, so I speak impromptu Yin: "a tree from the mountains, others to his reddish red.


69. A man I love plans the occasional fancy-schmancy dress-up date and impromptu weekend getaways, and he buys my favorite candy in advance when we're just going to the movies.


70. I quite by chance got drawn into a kind of impromptu party downstairs.


71. I'm sure his remarks were rehearsed, not impromptu.

我肯定他的话是预先想好的, 不是即席讲的。

72. As the wave falls, the arc creates an impromptu seating area for the interior Event Space.


73. Interpretation is an impromptu oral activity in which information is an4-n.M bin a aerate language into a target language.


74. Piano accompaniment for vocal music falls into two types: impromptu and written.


75. Over the New Year holiday some 500 disgruntled former temporary workers made homeless by layoffs built an impromptu tent city in a Tokyo park adjacent to the Labor Ministry.


76. It is a kind of activity with impromptu music and dances on joyous festivals when people gather together.


77. Jugglers and fire-eaters entertain the crowds as the night goes on and with the brilliant impromptu fireworks display.


78. Positively. He's eloquent and often speaks impromptu in the speech.


79. Lin Shui lake's platform impromptu performances, in particular, may be unable to enjoy the sea surging tide of visitors did not appreciate the taste of the sea.


80. Coming from the depths of the black man’s soul which longed for freedom, jazz is one of the freest of all musical forms with its impromptu variations.

