

1. "Leiomyomas occur in 20% to 25% of women under age 30 and account for 30% of hysterectomies, of which 80% turn out on retrospective review to have been recommended inappropriately.


2. and ability to arouse inappropriately close or hostile treatment relationships.


3. Some Canadians alleged that Asian anglers were over fishing, fishing out-of-season, or fishing inappropriately, and that they did not respect the lives of other citizens.


4. The practice of inappropriately misconstruing income statements for the purpose of pleasing investors and inflating stock prices.


5. Immature or psychologically fragile people can be thrown into a panic, or far worse, if they are inappropriately confronted with such topics.


6. Removes the requirement that all code in the call chain must be granted permission to access the specified resource, it can open up security vulnerabilities if used incorrectly or inappropriately.


7. Inappropriately located productive sites will yield lower returns or losses, and ultimately may result in failure and exit from the market.


8. To ally inappropriately.


9. But he also brought along a blazer, a tie and dress shoes, in case it turned out he was dressed inappropriately.


10. Hackers blow off questions that are inappropriately targeted in order to try to protect their communications channels from being drowned in irrelevance.


11. behave inappropriately


12. In fact, a lot of temperament terminologies being used are used inappropriately.


13. The partner will not be left unsupervised inappropriately or left on their own.Partners will be expected to have their own bed in their own room or in a room with a partner /sibling of the same sex.

交流伙伴不会无人照管和照看. 双方的伙伴将有独立的卧室,或与同性别的伙伴/孩子合用卧室。

14. From an ethical standpoint, precision is part of the obligation of researchers to participants, and helps to ensure that the research findings are neither under-generalized nor over-generalized inappropriately.


15. Educators must be prepared for the possibility that personal information and images published on the Internet may be used inappropriately by others in the Internet community.


16. To many employers' dismay, traditional dress codes aren't always enough to keep employees from dressing inappropriately.


17. It was as if individuals were being punished for being inappropriately silent, for deceptively withholding information about a rich food source.

似乎,那些猴子受 攻击,是因为它们不适当地保持沉默,隐瞒了一个丰富的食物资源的信息。

18. However, it must be emphatically pointed out that although a large amount of money was allocated for such projects, the money was inappropriately used. From now on, we should build more projects with less money.


19. There are, however, some students at our school who display antagonistic attitudes and behave inappropriately.


20. As someone who's worked with two dialysis chains, he said he has never been encouraged to use Epogen inappropriately.


21. DPI (dots per inch) is a measurement of printer resolution, though it is commonly applied, somewhat inappropriately, to monitors, scanners and even digital cameras.


22. To cast(a role or theatrical production)inappropriately.


23. To cast(a role or theatrical production) inappropriately.


24. If, for instance, a co-worker is behaving inappropriately, you may feel the need to keep a record of the issue.


25. Intrude-- v. I. To come in rudely or inappropriately; enter as an improper or unwanted element


26. Due to the lack of clear strategy and an inappropriately broad product range, insurance companies are unable to centralize their resources in operation and are far from being specialized in sales.


27. Bug Fixes Fixed a bug where weapon skills were inappropriately capped at 5 times level. Characters should now gain benefit from weapon skill bonuses beyond their normal cap.


28. make a bad alliance; ally inappropriately.


29. If the elevator lobbies were used inappropriately to cause the incomplete compartments, the situations of fire behavior will be the same with no compartments.


30. Keywords hypertension;left ventricular mass;left ventricular mass index;adequate left ventricular mass;inappropriately high left ventricular mass;


31. The molecule appeared to initiate some signaling cascades that could affect inappropriately proliferating cells but not normal ones.


32. Management of the projects financed by treasury bonds was tightened to avoid redundancy and inappropriately high standards and to ensure better cost-effectiveness.


33. Even under controlled circumstances, thrombolytics are being used inappropriately, leading to an increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH).


34. The effects of adequate left ventricular mass and inappropriately high left ventricular mass on left ventricular structure and function in essential hypertension


35. That committees will issue biased or uneducated advice, or that administrators will inappropriately use committees to bolster preconceived policy preferences.


36. Oh, you used this idiom here inappropriately.


37. It will be appropriate if we do not cover up what we have done and proposed inappropriately and realistically review our experience.


38. Because of the incorrect diagnosis, they were all treated inappropriately, and suffered from the complications of treatment.


39. Histrionics are, therefore, “inappropriately seductive” and have multiple sexual liaisons and partners.


40. In infrastructure development, we also need to plan rationally, do everything according to our financial capabilities, stress economic results, and avoid inappropriately high standard construction.


41. Most Stroke Patients Are Treated Inappropriately for Hypertension


42. ostentatiously or inappropriately pretty.


43. She was inappropriately dressed for a funeral.


44. Can be dangerous if used inappropriately


45. If you tell them what's going on, they might think you're inappropriately pushing your opinion.


46. If you are worried that your children or employees are using any of your smartphones inappropriately, then iSpy is just for you.


47. If we use them inappropriately, adverse effect may occur.


48. If we act inappropriately, we may have a bad effect.


49. One issue is that you use the apostrophe (') in inappropriate places, and use the genetive case inappropriately.


50. This system causes many problems, such as that most floating population do not pay the premium of unemployment insurance and that insurance money is paid inappropriately.


51. It is inappropriately Orwellian: in free societies, thoughts can be provoked or stimulated or gathered.


52. For those situations that didn't work out as well as they could have, discuss what steps in the "communication" section were missed or inappropriately handled.


53. Group members often inappropriately stereotype their different colleagues rather than accurately perceiving and evaluating those individuals'contributions, capabilities, aspirations, and motivations.


54. Despite the evidence of a lowered incidence of sudden cardiac death with the implementation of screening programmes, there is a worry that athletes may be inappropriately excluded from competing.


55. Application security testing to make sure that valuable and sensitive data cannot be accessed inappropriately or compromised under concerted attack.


56. The bad results and medical disputes are mounting up when the operative cases are increasing dramatically and the operative treatments are applied inappropriately.


57. When hypomagnesemia is present, PTH levels are inappropriately low or in the lower portion of the normal range, while hypocalcemia is generally mild.


58. Two problems in the present operational system were concluded in the thesis: IPTV itself was inappropriately defined;


59. Patients often become introverted, exhibit compulsive behaviors and lose inhibitions that would otherwise prevent them from acting inappropriately toward others in social settings.


60. Or, given that something is shared, can intruders share something inappropriately?


61. There has not yet been any evidence the data has been used inappropriately.


62. In the process of construction of multi-media classroom, many schools dangle after the construction of hardware equipments inappropriately.


63. IN this activity, learners attempt to re-write an inappropriately informal business letter in a more appropriate, formal style.


64. use inefficiently or inappropriately.


65. Doing it this way will prevent the same problem from occurring at some later day if someone else decides to manually change either value inappropriately.

日后如果其他人手动更改任何值,或者值不正确时,上述方式 可以避免同样的问题发生。

66. Finally, features of Analysis Services that may compromise security if they are configured inappropriately or used in an inappropriate environment are disabled by default.

最后,默认禁用那些如果配置不正确或在不适当的环境中使用就可能危及安全性的Analysis Services功能。

67. There is some evidence that inappropriately expressing anger can be harmful.


68. It is invalid for Calibration /Test Report with a disagreed modification or format of seals inappropriately.


69. Being soft at the appropriate extent can be a virtue, being inappropriately hard can be a menace.The weak is what the people will help, those that pretend to be strong is what people will resent.


70. A high risk exists as well for obesity drugs to be misused by people seeking inappropriately low body weights for nonmedical reasons.


71. The party that discloses or inappropriately exploits the said business secrets causing thus loss to the other party shall hold the liability for the loss.


72. Thermal damages with essential principle similar to bums wounds need to be treated with proper methods.Pigmentation and scar formation would occur if they were treated inappropriately.


73. to use words inappropriately


74. It's not rare that some candidates for the university entrance examination get high marks but fail to be admitted to a university because they fill in the application form inappropriately.


75. Because they're often confused or used inappropriately, they're defined here as pairs to help you understand their true meanings and the differences between them.


76. (3) the government doesn't supply enough support,and sometimes manages inappropriately.


77. The Federation also claimed that the professional library community had to be consulted, so as to avoid the risk of inappropriately drafted Copyright legislation.


78. Insulinoma is characterized by spontaneous fasting hypoglycemia and its diagnosis relies on inappropriately increased insulin levels during episode of hypoglycemia and/or high insulin/glucose ratio.


79. Strategic placement of AEDs is pivotal for public-access defibrillation, whereas with unguided initiatives, AEDs are likely to be placed inappropriately.


80. Other home schoolers contend “not so much that the schools teach heresy, but that school teach whatever they teach inappropriately”, Van Galen writes.

