

1. 13 is an inauspicious number,nobody willing to live in this room.


2. The first national lottery to be held in Afghanistan in more than a decade got off to an inauspicious start Monday when organizers failed to hand over the prizes on time.


3. Inauspicious matters must be referred to in auspicious words i.e.


4. ominous; ill-omened; inauspicious; unpropitious; ill-boding


5. Inauspicious matters must be referred to in auspicious words i.e., a bad or shocking piece of news or strong sentiments must be couched in polite languagee.


6. an inauspicious start


7. Marked by bad omens;inauspicious.


8. Marked by bad omens; inauspicious.


9. Is inauspicious, does not raise.


10. Bad luck has it that most primary commodity and food prices have risen at this most inauspicious time.


11. ominous; inauspicious; ill-omened; boding; portentous


12. An inauspicious beginning


13. chinese people stree to send present by pair,the odd is inauspicious.


14. Chinese people consider the number 4 as inauspicious.


15. And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars


16. It is inauspicious to walk under a ladder.


17. THE new unity government of Zimbabwe, launched with fanfare on February 13th, has got off to an inauspicious start.


18. A FORLORN shop facing a dusty car park in one of the poorest parts of Phoenix, Arizona, is an inauspicious place to start a closely watched experiment in global retailing.


19. If the kitchen stove is located on the bathroom floor below, is inauspicious, the best transform kitchen stoves.


20. And inauspicious form partners, manganese copper is a good opportunity.


21. In India, an eclipse is considered inauspicious.


22. in the West seems that Friday was an inauspicious day, in this day, some because of fear under the bed can not, some people will refuse to fly, buy a house, or even win the purchase of shares.


23. The open desolation at the foot of the walls and their towering height filled him with foreboding as he went, so much so that he even skirted crows scavenging on the rubbish heaps for fear of startling them into inauspicious cawing.

城根的空旷,与城墙的高峻,教他越走越怕。 偶尔看见垃圾堆上有几个老鸦,他都想绕着走开,恐怕惊起它们,给他几声不祥的啼叫。

24. O Krsna I am unable to keep composed, my mind is unsteady and I see dire indications of inauspicious omens.


25. Krsna I am unable to keep composed, my mind is unsteady and I see dire indications of inauspicious omens.


26. The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday, anyone wishing to avoid an inauspicious event had better stay indoors.


27. Many Chinese here were already lamenting the rare, inauspicious appearance of two eclipses in the first lunar month of the year, one solar and one lunar.


28. Clearly, most investors have not seen higher commodity prices as inauspicious, merely as a symptom of robust global demand.


29. Because of this be1ief, the sick are seen as inauspicious, and are avoided.


30. Inauspicious day to hang prayer flags This day is inauspicious for hanging prayer flags, but this does not apply to flags that are permanently hung.


31. Resulting or likely to result in misfortune;inauspicious.


32. Resulting or likely to result in misfortune; inauspicious.


33. America has had an inauspicious start to the 21st century, to put it mildly.


34. All of the scripts are unzipped with mode 666, which is particularly inauspicious in that it lacks execute permission.


35. "Luther, according to the scandal of his monkish enemies, was a brat of that hellish breed;nor was Pearl the only child to whom this inauspicious origin was assigned among the New England Puritans.


36. "Luther, according to the scandal of his monkish enemies, was a brat of that hellish breed; nor was Pearl the only child to whom this inauspicious origin was assigned among the New England Puritans. "


37. It is said that to do so inauspicious Why?


38. Setting a rather inauspicious precedent, the empress is said to have fortified her driver, Sun Fuling, with a generous bowl of rice wine.


39. Caption :15 August 2007: Ronaldo is sent off at Portsmouth as Manchester United make an inauspicious start to the 2007-08 season.


40. One who rejoices not, dislikes not, grieves not, and desires not, impartial to both what is auspicious and inauspicious engaged in devotional service such a one is very dear to Me.


41. Finding it so directly on the threshold of our narrative, which is now about to issue from that inauspicious portal, we could hardly do otherwise than pluck one of its flowers, and present it to the reader.


42. The club were eventually granted a place in 1892 and made an inauspicious start to their first ever season in the Football League.


43. On one occasion, which either Plutarch himself or one of his colleagues witnessed, temple authorities forced the Pythia to prophesy on an inauspicious day to please the members of an important embassy.


44. And as I've mentioned a few times of late, after an understandably inauspicious start David Ngog is coming along very nicely, and looking stronger in every sense.


45. Out of order; inauspicious or unsatisfactory.

混乱的; 不利的或令人不满的

46. Out of order;inauspicious or unsatisfactory.


47. Binjiang Dao there are a few, carefully to find the point, remember that close to an inauspicious Natou, and recreation in the vicinity of ice cream there.


48. Because nine is an extreme number, Chinese have the saying that it is inauspicious to run across nine.


49. The likeness is indeed true, but it is a dull, dead, unfeeling, inauspicious likeness


50. “Seventh, they con people, practice sorcery and witchcraft, advance unorthodox ways and circulate inauspicious sayings, befuddling good people.The King must stop them.


51. nor was Pearl the only child to whom this inauspicious origin was assigned among the New England Puritans.


52. a date regarded in many countries as inauspicious, is actually safer than an average Friday.


53. Dutch statisticians have established that Friday 13th, a date regarded in many countries as inauspicious, is actually safer than an average Friday.


54. The beginning of the season, made an inauspicious, Ewing has been in Serie A and Champions League crown in the strength of red, but Ranieri is not the same as with the idea.


55. There exist taboos on intercultural communications,such as taboos on person s names,inauspicious words and religion terms in utterances,and taboos on social contact,food and drink,etc.


56. Clifford was inviting the young man of thirty at an inauspicious moment in thyoung man's career.Yet Clifford did not hesitate.


57. Clifford was inviting the young man of thirty at an inauspicious moment in thyoung man's career. Yet Clifford did not hesitate. Michaelis had the ear of a few million people, probably;


58. It was an inauspicious start, to say the least.


59. His Olympic speed skating career began with a rather inauspicious debut, as he failed to finish the 10,000m in 1948, the only event in which he competed that year.


60. Chinese people regard it as inauspicious to place a pair of chopsticks unevenly on the table before, during or after a meal.


61. It was inauspicious


62. Such an ill-fated person gets birth in an inauspicious state of being in the next world.


63. inauspicious circumstances

逆境, 不利形势

64. The king thought it inauspicious, monstrous and inhuman, and put it into the horse corral, but the horses took care not to trample it;


65. Despite inauspicious beginnings, more than 400 therapeutic mAbs entered commercially sponsored clinical deelopment during this time, with anticancer mAbs comprising approximately half of the total1.


66. These inauspicious yet historically important rooms have been hidden from the public for too long.


67. an inauspicious occasion, event, meeting, etc

预兆不祥的情况﹑ 事件﹑ 会面等.
