

1. The inexplicable disappearance of some nonlocal seasonal women worders worried everyone.


2. Forgot who said: winter cold hands of the girls were not hurt. Know that there was no scientific basis. But I believe this is inexplicable.


3. June 9. Thick clouds blanket the sky quietly. Mood is inexplicable low. Feel unexpected sad and empty.


4. "I don't know what it is about music," she started to say, moved by the inexplicable longings which surged within her; "but it always makes me feel as if I wanted something--I----"


5. "I saw two or three men arrested, too," Fan Po-wen told Tu Hsin-to with an inexplicable sigh, "and I'm perfectly certain that one of them was only an innocent passer-by."

“我也看见两个或是三个人被捕! 其中有一个,我敢断定他是不相干的过路人。” 那边范博文对杜新箨说,无端地叹一口气。

6. "I am very surprised that my roommate is a night until about two o'clock in the morning to sleep off hand, and wake up the table on the stolen mobile inexplicable.


7. The fact that a woman should laugh just after her husband had been murdered on a lonely hillside somehow seemed inexplicable.


8. Second, we can all teach Mom how to really use computers well. We won’t have to answer her pointed questions about the inexplicable behavior of the interface.


9. Some Sparc systems are notoriously difficult to boot from CD-ROM and even if they do boot, there may be inexplicable failures during the installation.


10. an inexplicable fire


11. the study of the evidence for psychological phenomena,such as telepathy,clairvoyance,and psychokinesis,that are inexplicable by science


12. An inexplicable new broad region of auroral light has been photographed at Saturn's polar cap.


13. An inexplicable longing consumes them.


14. An inexplicable mood caught Heam.


15. Somewhere behind his thoughts an inexplicable excitement stirred.


16. With an inexplicable start, he realized that she looked familiar yet he could not remember when or where he had seen her before.


17. For some inexplicable reason he decided that there was hope for him yet.


18. It's inexplicable why he should have fallen love with such a shrewd and insolent woman.


19. But the matter is so inexplicable that I shall lay it all before you, and you shall judge what is essential and what is not.


20. Individuals are also often Besieged by involuntary and inexplicable feelings.


21. The year 1866 was marked by a bizarre development, an unexplained and downright inexplicable phenomenon that surely no one has forgotten.


22. At 19 he had commenced one of those careers attractive and inexplicable to ordinary mortals for whom a single bankruptcy is good as a feast.


23. Their actions are completely inexplicable.

他们的举动完全令人摸不 头脑。

24. 77. their inexplicable cession of the chart; or harder still to understand, the doctor's last warning to Silver,' Look out for squalls when you find it;'


25. It seemed to him that he had but just waked up from some inexplicable dream, and that he found himself slipping down a declivity in the middle of the night, erect, shivering, holding back all in vain, on the very brink of the abyss.


26. Not only did an inexplicable regret stir within him, but a certain great tenderness came upon him.


27. At nineteen he had commenced one of those careers attractive and inexplicable to ordinary mortals for whom a single bankruptcy is good as a feast.


28. He left the house at three in the morning for inexplicable reasons.


29. In his almost inexplicable apathy he was content to droop supinely while Carrie drifted out of his life, just as he was willing supinely to see opportunity pass beyond his control .


30. He understands the inexplicable connections within a musical line because he sings naturally on his instrument.


31. turning him into a superhuman rageaholic whose growth spurts and pigment change signal impending destruction, guttural toddler-talk, and the inexplicable busting of all his clothes save his pants.


32. He remembered the general's pale baleful eyes staring at him blankly, and then the inexplicable wink


33. His inexplicable debts were a byword in his circle


34. inexplicable behaviour


35. So,all these could summarzied to a point that I was the most inexplicable actor of all.


36. The most inexplicable things will brew in any mind.


37. “The bag is the secret drawer of a woman,” says Ivo, in an attempt to explain her (sort of inexplicable, but equally understandable, for most of us) obsession.


38. However, in what might be one of the most inexplicable policy mistakes, except for the PBoC in China, Asian central banks have sterilized these foreign exchange reserves almost entirely.


39. But you will find inexplicable discomposure as the sea is extremely calm and scilent .


40. Sooner or later, you'll encounter strange failures, bizarre error messages, or inexplicable system freezes.


41. As usual--and for some inexplicable reason--the men chose the winter for the forcing of the hand of their employers and the settlement of their difficulties.


42. Left the house at three in the morning for inexplicable reasons.


43. perceive intuitively or through some inexplicable perceptive powers.


44. There was an inexplicable amount of dust everywhere, and the rooms were musty, as though they hadn't been aired for many days.


45. Now that the years were slipping away and the problem of the world was becoming more and more inexplicable, he clung with pathetic anxiety to the doctrines which contained a solution.


46. History is dotted with rum and inexplicable occurrences.


47. Is there anything more that is meant by compulsive behavior than the fact that it is behavior which is inexplicable or unaccountable in terms of the motives and purposes people generally have?


48. Romance has seemed as inexplicable as the beauty of a rainbow.


49. One of the other great pleasures is the way that those Numbers have been worked in over and over again in ways that seem completely inexplicable.


50. And surely, to be just a very gullible consciousness provisionally existing among inexplicable mysteries, is not an enviable plight.


51. Unfortunately, both of them have an inexplicable history which is a thwart to their love.They finally find that they can no longer living together and get apart.


52. At the same time, even a horrifying explanation may be less frightening than inexplicable death.


53. Hence the inexplicable and mysterious disappearances that has very often been blamed on the area of the ocean known as the Bermuda Triangle!


54. After inexplicable losses to the Bobcats and Grizzlies at STAPLES Center, the Lakers needed OT to beat the Wizards after blowing a late lead.


55. There is a weird power in a spoken word(Joseph Conrad.Somethingeerieinspires inexplicable fear or uneasiness that seems to result from a sinister influence:

在所说的字词中有一种奇异的力量(约瑟夫 康拉德)。Eerie的东西可激起一种似乎因不吉利的影响而产生的无法解释的恐惧或不安:

56. Inexplicable grew his attitude to his wife in the presence of so many distinguished guests at the party.


57. At the top, in large affairs, life goes off almost inexplicable tangles of personalities


58. Under such circumstances, all waited for the visitor to explain her object, which to most of the spectators seemed as inexplicable as her appearance.


59. The wavering of a mind under such circumstances is an almost inexplicable thing, and yet it is absolutely true.


60. For some inexplicable reason, marketing is constantly linked to sales in a way that no other function of management seems to be.


61. Many seemingly inexplicable occurrences and disappearances have taken place in this particular area.


62. Most praise addicts who fast go through severe withdrawal pangs, including intense anxiety, inexplicable rage, and terrible weariness.


63. As set by what is all that inexplicable between human beings and natural beauty, a place endowed with peerless landscapes never comes to make a genial abode.


64. Back in my college days, a professor of Oriental civilization introduced me to the wealth of Confucianism and Taoism, and by doing that he planted in the depths of my mind the inexplicable“ China dream”.


65. a strange affair; an unusual phenomenon; inexplicable occurrence


66. Strange and inexplicable events follow, each increasingly more terrifying.


67. An event inexplicable by the laws of nature; a miracle.

奇迹自然规律无法解释的事实; 奇迹

68. An event inexplicable by the laws of nature; a miracle


69. It was inexplicable that she had been subject to a man so paltry in mind, so despicable in character.


70. Her sudden and inexplicable loss of weight alarmed her doctor.


71. Her inexplicable absence worried me.

她的缺席无法解释, 令我担忧。

72. for people whp likes chimney, why? doesn't matterwhy ,coz it's inexplicable.


73. a completely inexplicable phenomenon


74. an inexplicable animus against intellectuals


75. Animus: hostile feeling or intentan inexplicable animus against intellectuals.


76. There is an outburst of inexplicable anger within me for the move that not only destroys the environment but affects our offspring as well.


77. But if it were inexplicable to me, the appearance of the chart was incredible to the surviving mutineers.


78. inspiring inexplicable fear,dread,or uneasiness; strange and frightening


79. It is now inexplicable how that development was misinterpreted


80. The downfall of Germany seemed to him inexplicable by ordinary processes.

