
intentintentD.J.:[inˈtent]K.K.:[ɪnˈtɛnt]n.1.意图, 意向, 目的She behaved foolishly but with good intent.她表现得很愚蠢, 不过用心却是好的。adj.1.专心的, 专注的There was an intent look on her face as she watched the game.她看比赛时脸上显示出专注的神色。He was intent on the job he was doing.他专心致志于正在做的工作。2.意愿坚决的, 一心想…的A merchant is intent on making money.商人热衷于赚钱。He's intent upon revenge.他一心想报仇。

intent[in'tent]n.1.意图;目的2.意义;含义;意思3.【法律】(犯罪或侵权行为的)故意adj.1.(注意力等)集中的;目不转睛的2.专心致志的;专心的3.下决心的;坚决的;有固定目标的4.急切的;渴望的近义词intentionto 或 for all intents and purposes实际上;事实上;几乎在一切方面

intentintent[inˈtent]n.1.意图, 目的, 计划2.意义, 含义modest intent一般要求with murderous intent behind one's smiles笑里藏刀with intent to defraud存心欺诈What is the intent of that sentence?那句话的意思是什么?The revised edition is to all intents and purposes a new book.修订本实际上是一本新书。
词性变化intent[inˈtent]adj.1.目不转睛的; 集中的; 专心致志的2.热心的; 坚决的an intent look凝视, 注视an intent person热心人be intent on one's studies专心致志地学习
