

1. He is above, interceding on our behalf.


2. He is interceding for us.


3. He even stopped Jeremiah from interceding on their behalf, for they had become so calloused, insensitive, and hardened in sin that they had reached the point where God saw they would not repent.


4. “A personage of very high standing in our brotherhood has been interceding for you to be admitted into our brotherhood before the usual term, and has asked me to be your sponsor.


5. The governor promised to interced with the Home Office on behalf of the girl.


6. interc ross


7. He lived a sinless life, bore our sins, died, resurrected and ascended to heaven and now seated at the right hand of God, mediating and interceding for us. (Mt. 1:18-24;


8. Would that all God's people have this same spirit and motivation to commune with God, interceding on behalf of others and bringing glory to Him!


9. Good service for Interceding the Contradictions between the Patients and Medical Workers


10. Job Responsibility:1.Check payment requisition form, match invoice, GRNs, contract terms 2.Check interco payable, interc...... ...


11. V isit a nursing home with your family.Spend time praying with the residents, interceding for our nation and its leaders.

和你的家庭拜访一个安养院. 度过时间和居民祈祷,为我们的国家和它的领袖仲裁.

12. They are like watchmen guarding the cities and warning approaching dangers, praying and interceding for the people to turn away from evil and do good.


13. For in the past you have only talked to Me, praying to Me, interceding with Me, beseeching Me.


14. He helped the Mongols impose taxes, interceding with the Khan to prevent reprisals when rebellions broke out.


15. 1.Theology A person officially recognized, especially by canonization, as being entitled to public veneration and capable of interceding for people on earth.


16. Begin to live a new life in the assurance that intercession, in the likeness and the fellowship with the Lord Jesus in heaven interceding, is the highest privilege a man can desire.


17. As we think of how Christ said, “I in them, and Thou in Me,” let us believe that just as the Father worked in Him, so Christ the interceding High Priest will work and pray in us.


18. I began to pray with intensity and growing faith as never before.Whatever bad news I would receive about him, I kept interceding and actually began praising God for what I knew he would do soon.


19. I remember, when I was once interceding with the emperor for a criminal who had wronged his master of a great sum of money, which he had received by order and ran away with;


20. The research provides a reference for o ther s imilar ur b an interc hange reformation.

方案 实施后达到了预期效果,本研究为解决 类似城市立交改造问题提供了参考。

21. Holy Angel, interceding for my wretched soul and my passionate life, forsake me not, a sinner, nor shrink from me for my intemperance.


22. The relationship between the physiologic and pathobiologic manifestations of the progressie fibrotic process and interceding pulmonary hypertension has not been well defined.


23. Who will dare to condemn them? Christ who died, and better still, rose and is seated at the right hand of God, interceding for us?


24. In this paper, one appro ach which com-bines joint detector and spatial filter in order to eli minate both interc ell and intracell interference is pr oposed.


25. O Holy Angel, interceding for my wretched soul and my passionate life, forsake me not, a sinner, nor shrink from me for my intemperance.


26. ' [7: 158].The Prophet asked for intercession and Allah gave permission.He was interceding for every individual that Allah created.

