

1. 1, since commit will " shoddy goods " since the blunder in interfuse open market, venture capital investment is in all the time in time of near 10 years bear from this and the penalty that come.


2. But extra whakse wax can harden and form bulakidge and interfuse a blockage that interferes with sound waves and reduces hearing.


3. Practice: Go to cherry the nucleus extracts juice, join a few yoghurt agitate, next interfuse a few flour, agitate comes mushy can.

做法: 将樱桃去核榨汁,加入少量酸奶搅拌,然后混入少量面粉,搅拌至糊状即可。

4. Mustn't let metal or other foreign substances interfuse into the gunk.


5. The Yejin spare part management system which is based on ERP and other models in ERP system coordinate and interfuse each other.The spare part recourses are managed more scientifically.


6. To giving birth to postpartum female, the composition interfuse of aloe is galactic, meet exciting child, cause next dysentery.


7. To ferromagnetic ore, if country rock interfuse is 10 % on average, go out with get rid of of magnetism pulley place..


8. Keywords Parameter of technology;Interfuse;Loss;


9. Current, breed of the chemical fertilizer on the market is more, a few false deterioration are fat also interfuse among them, hole farming is killed civilian.

据有关部门调查表明,现在农民急需以下“四器”: 一、化肥成分测定器。目前,市场上化肥品种较多,一些假劣化肥也混入其中,坑农害民。

10. But under, disguise as a man then interfuse barback.


11. Cornmeal bath: Develop cornmeal with boiled water, interfuse bath crock, OK and moist dry skin.

桔皮水浴: 洗澡时加入桔皮(皮晒干后装在纱布袋里)泡在浴缸中,可使皮肤光滑润泽。

12. Bath dew: Mix four cups of olive oil 4 teaspoon are saccharic, interfuse inside oar of a cup of bright coco, mix can show as bath after divide evenly.


13. Scoria silicate cement: By silicate cement grog, right amount bead changes interfuse to blast furnace scoria reachs gesso mill and be become.

火山灰质硅酸盐水泥: 由硅酸盐水泥熟料和火山灰质材料及石膏按比例混合磨细而成。

14. Current, breed of the chemical fertilizer on the market is more, fertilizer of deterioration of a few bogus is different also level land interfuse among them, entrap farmer.


15. Develop at present " Fineflex-E " give priority to with 2 oxidation silicon, the material such as interfuse magnesium, calcium.


16. The defects of welding of pure aluminum are air hole, un interfuse, occlude and holding wolframium, etc.


17. A hope, to sing by gladly? ... or a fine.Sad memory, with thy songs to interfuse?


18. Sad memory, with thy songs to interfuse?


19. There is corruption to wait the element of the respect a moment of course among this, but quite of the amount " Na Guoxian is unripe " interfuse meantime, should be a very main reason.


20. All these mechanisms can interact and interfuse with one another and can form intelligently and naturally operating mechanisms.

