

1. Intrusive questions about an employee's private life or body.


2. The granites, granodiorites and tonalites of the Transaltai and Tsagaan Bogd intrusive complexes are comagmatic with these volcanic rocks.


3. An acceptable general noise level is achieved by careful acoustic control to provide aural privacy and mask intrusive noise.


4. Some enforced conformity to dress codes in public (usually enforced in benign ways, but occasionally intrusive or humiliating incidents occur).


5. Privacy advocates say it is overly intrusive, and forced Intel to let users and PC makers turn off the serial ID.


6. A system of more intrusive inspections has been created under the so-called "additional protocol", but countries are under no obligation to subscribe to it.


7. The valuation of shares of the public listed companies is based on the concept of maximization of shareholders" fund and its intrusive value.


8. A variety of geological environments are extrusive or intrusive rocks.


9. Avoid unlicensed beauty parlors and cosmetic surgeons for eyebrow and body tattoo, ear piercing, cosmetic surgery and other intrusive operations.


10. Avoid unlicensed beauty parlors and cosmetic surgeons for eyebrow and body tattoo, ear piercing, cosmetic surgery and other intrusive operations.


11. Liguo early Cretaceous high-Mg adakitic intrusive rocks in the Xuzhou region: petrogenesis and implications for geodynamics and mineralization.


12. Mesozoic intermediate-acid intrusive rocks are closely related with large scale mineralization in the Tongling metallogenic cluster area.


13. There is a closely retationship between the formation of gold deposit and the tectonics, stratigraphy, petrological character, intrusive rocks, Uolcanic rocks and ductile shear zone.


14. The Machangqin Cu-Mo-Au deposit is a type deposit related to the Himalayan epoch rich-alkali intrusive rock.


15. Intrusive containers have thread safety guarantees similar to STL containers.


16. Operating with intrusive containers doesn't invoke any memory management at all. The time and size overhead associated with dynamic memory can be minimized.


17. Iterating an Intrusive container needs less memory accesses than the semantically equivalent container of pointers: iteration is faster.


18. Right from birth there is a small but crucial difference between men and women that becomes more obvious and intrusive later in life.


19. He might wish to keep in contact with players but must do so with enough tact not to seem intrusive for the clubs paying the wages.


20. He disliked “soft” living and “intrusive” women and revered murderous savages, to whom he gave guns.


21. He disliked "soft" living and "intrusive" women and revered murderous savages, to whom he gave guns.


22. Instead of policies that are minimally intrusive, well-targeted and efficient, we are depressingly likely to get the exact opposite.


23. K Ar dilution and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar step heating methods have been chosen in dating the isotopic ages of the volcanic and intrusive rocks of Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island.


24. To the south,they are characterized by weathered parent rocks of volcanic,intrusive,and hypermetamorphic rocks and come f...


25. Intrusive now takes advantage of compilers with variadic templates.


26. As they are volatile, our fragrances are not heavy and long lasting, but they are less intrusive for those hyper-sensitive to chemicals.


27. But if it becomes too intrusive, the borrower will walk away.


28. But environmentalists and others have criticized the horseshoe-shaped skywalk project since its inception, saying that the overhang will tarnish the pristine canyon and that a less intrusive tourist attraction could have been developed.


29. When you're trying to make money from your website, it's all too easy to try to fit in more ads than you really should, or start using ad formats that are too intrusive.


30. Your compatibility score with Leo is 40%. Leos are magnanimous and loving but can also be overbearing and intrusive.


31. The first is characterized by intermediate-basic intrusive rocks, and the second, by acid intrusions. They are of middle Hercynian age as shown by a Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age determination of 315 Ma.


32. Obvious intrusive contact is observed between the Cambrian epimetamorphic rock system intruding into the eastern flank of the NE Heping anticlinorium and surrounding rocks.


33. Move in on To make intrusive advances toward; intrude on.


34. To make intrusive advances toward; intrude on.


35. The rock mass produced by an intrusive process.


36. Classes to be stored in intrusive containers must change their implementation to store the hook and this is not always possible or desirable.


37. Stop Intrusive Pop-up Ads and Regain Control ofdour Online Experience!


38. Intrusive viruses invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program.


39. Intrusive viruses Invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program.Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file.

入侵型病毒侵入已有的程序,实际上是把病毒程序的一部分插入到主程序中。 入侵型病毒难以编写,在去除它们时常常会破坏主文件。

40. Intrusive viruses invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program. Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file.


41. Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file .


42. Title: Are the peridotitic xenoliths entrained in Late Mesozoic intermediate-mafic intrusive complexes on the North China Craton the direct samples of lithospheric mantle?


43. Similar intrusive interventions are reported by Westerners whose children do not look the least bit Chinese.


44. A change within an intrusive igneous rock caused by the assimilation of portions of the surrounding rock.


45. Memory management usually is not a predictable operation so complexity guarantees from non-intrusive containers are looser than the guarantees offered by intrusive containers.


46. "Moreover, the minimally intrusive nasal interface of TNI may improve patient adherence, and may ultimately prove more effective in managing the long-term morbidity and mortality of sleep apnea.


47. Moreover, their speech is often rapid, excitable and intrusive, and their thoughts move quickly and fluidly from one topic to another.


48. Emergence stratums are of Sinian、Devonian、Permian、Trias and intrusive Granite dike and coarse - grained granite dike.


49. According to the amplitude of vibration,wave group continuity and forms of seismic waves reflected on the 6 sections,the Meso Cenozoic,Upper Paleozoic,Predevonian,Precambrian,intrusive mass and the basic magma basement could be identified.

利用深部地震剖面上反射波的振幅强弱、波组连续性和波组外形等识别标志 ,可识别出中、新生界、上古生界、前泥盆系、前寒武系、侵入岩体和基性岩浆底垫等地质体 ;

50. In this region, the tectonic faults with NS direction develop, neutral-acid intrusive rocks and alkaline basalt eruptive rocks form two nearly NS direction magmatic rock belts.


51. Are the peridotitic xenoliths entrained in Late Mesozoic intermediate-mafic intrusive complexes on the North China Craton the direct samples of lithospheric mantle?


52. Geochronology of Cretaceous A-type granitoids or alkaline intrusive rocks in the hinterland, South China: constraints for late-Mesozoic tectonic evolution.


53. County in intrusive rock is acidic magmatic rocks.


54. On the other hand, overly intrusive judicial review is sometimes criticized for its undemocratic character.


55. You can use the Get-Message cmdlet to retrieve a set of messages and then pipe the results to one of the intrusive cmdlets.

可以使用Get-Message cmdlet检索一组邮件,然后通过管道将结果传递给一个突出的cmdlet。

56. You can use the Get-Queue cmdlet to retrieve a set of queues and then pipe the results to one of the intrusive cmdlets.

可以使用Get-Queue cmdlet检索一组队列,然后通过管道将结果传递给一个突出的cmdlet。

57. In practice, therefore, judicial oversight of agency inaction in the rulemaking context is probably not much more intrusive than it is in the context of individual enforcement decisions.


58. The granite porphyry occurred in Tuan?Jie?Gou Gold Field is rock plant like hypabyssal/super hypabyssal intrusive mass.


59. Copper mineralization occurs in the intrusive rock or in the skarn at contact zone of the intrusive rock and the strata and is controlled directly by fractural zone.


60. At the consumer level,there is growing frustration with the intrusive nature of telemarketing,which is often timed to reach people at home in the evening or on weekends.

在消费者水平,用电话推销的打扰性质有增加的挫折, 时常傍晚或在周末在家是该联络人的时候。

61. The most common intrusive in the order of igneous rocks is granite.


62. The mineralization related intrusive was emplaced in three times after magmatic differentiation of the crust mantle mixed magmas.

在第一侵入期花岗闪长岩体内、外接触带的构造有利部位形成金矿体,在第二侵入期花岗闪长斑岩周围 形成铜矿体。

63. In those countries, inspections should be extensive and intrusive.


64. Added an option to specify include files for intrusive configurable assertion macros.


65. Strange dreams or nightmares, feeling tense, or having intrusive memories are common during or shortly after stressful work with human remains.


66. Shell and intrusive viruses most commonly attack executable program flies-those with a. corn or. exe extension,although data flies are also at some risk.

外壳型和入侵型病毒通常攻击可执行文件,即带有.COM或. EXE扩展名的文件。当然数据文件也有受攻击的危险。

67. Shell and intrusive viruses most commonly attack executable program flies-those with or.exe extension,although data flies are also at some risk.


68. Shell and intrusive viruses most commonly attack executable program flies-those with or.exe extension, although data flies are also at some risk.


69. The volcanic - intrusive complex in northern Dabieshan are mainly intermediate, felsic rocks riched in alkali, LREE, LIL and defected of HREE, HFS.

大别山北缘中生代火山侵入杂岩是一套以中性、中酸性岩为主的岩石。 富碱(特别是富钾),低Ti,LREE、LIL相对富集,而HREE、HFS则相对亏损是它们的基本特征。

70. She could feel his eyes on her constantly, though his watching was circumspect, never obvious, never intrusive.


71. Her images, whether of McCarthyism, apartheid in South Africa, centenarians in Georgia or the women of Afghanistan, are intimate but never intrusive.


72. If you think her concern is intrusive, say nothing more.


73. This zone consists of basalt, diabase and other basic intrusive rock, and the isotopic age is between 259 Ma and 292 Ma.


74. Ever-present but not intrusive or overwhelming, it provides a base from which both partners can pursue their down goals in the world, and to which they can return to share their experiences.


75. It's usually all within acceptable limits and should hardly be visible on a standard size print, but occasionally the fringing can become more intrusive as illustrated by the following samples.


76. Notwithstanding the strong case for democratic oversight over public funds, intrusive scrutiny would inevitably spill over to monetary matters.


77. Through analysing the petrochemistry,trace elements and REE of the intrusive rocks, we provide the model that the emplacement mechanism of plutonic mass is of the heat-light-balloon-expansive origin.


78. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic intrusive rocks are grouped into the Lhagoi Kangri and Gangdise granite zones.


79. It clearly would be intrusive to manually replace all of the existing logging calls with calls to a generic logger interface.


80. The isochron of whole rock Rb-Sr of intrusive during Caledonian in xiao Qinling mountain is 503 Ma.

