

1. Instructional design for increasing the intrusiveness of soft-volleyball course for primary and middle school students


2. Echoing the debates now common in western societies, many in China are beginning to bristle at the intrusiveness of nosy employers, data-mining marketers and ubiquitous security cameras.


3. Describes the modes that determine the intrusiveness of garbage collection.


4. The possible use of a sub-system acquiring data from several wireless sensors with minimal intrusiveness is both worth investigating and achievable.


5. The Clinton Administration has no intention of withdrawing,but it will reduce U.S.intrusiveness,and do everything it can to make the situation more palatable.


6. And a posse of Hollywood stars--among them tom cruise.George Clooney and Sylvester Stallone--jumped at the chance to vent their long accumulated rage at the paparazzi's intrusiveness.


7. So it is with many African countries, fed up with the intrusiveness of Europeans and Americans fussing about corruption or torture and clamouring for accountability.


8. When a dedicated test vehicle is used, it is expected that the installation of test equipment will require a high degree of intrusiveness.


9. We believe the assistance of the Federal Government should be provided with a minimum of administrative burden and intrusiveness.


10. Tech Indifferent: (10%) Have limited online access at home, and while most have cell phones, they bristle at their intrusiveness.

技术不一样的: (占人口总数10%) 很少在家上网, 但大都有手机,他们对手机的侵入表示愤怒。

11. Due to its trait of “no intrusiveness”, the Spring framework can easily integrate Hibernate to replace Entity Bean’s O/R mapping solution and excellent Struts framework.

由于Spring本身“无侵入性”的特点,它又可以方便地集成Hibernate O/R映射方案来取代Entity Bean解决方案,集成优秀的Web层框架Struts。

12. Due to its trait of "no intrusiveness", the spring framework can easily integrate Hibernate to replace EJB's Entity Bean O/R Mapping solution and excellent Struts framework.

由于Spring本身“无侵入性”的特点,它又可以方便地集成Hibernate 对象/关系映射方案来取代EJB的Entity Bean解决方案,并可集成优秀的Web层框架Struts。

13. Government, in both its intrusiveness and its incompetence, isa hindrance to them.


14. These, after exhausting other modes of amusement, now thronged about Hester Prynne with rude and boorish intrusiveness.

这伙人在看腻了各色开心事之后,此时已粗鲁无礼地围在海丝特 - 白兰的身边。

15. "These, after exhausting other modes of amusement, now thronged about Hester Prynne with rude and boorish intrusiveness."

