

1. The two-photon resonance ionization processes at 355nm make the ion intensities of pyrrole and the clusters obviously more abundant than at 532nm.


2. X-rays bathed the dayside of our planet and sent waves of ionization rippling through the atmosphere over Europe.


3. Yang BY, Zhu DM, Zhang YK.Maxtri-assited laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry and its applications in biochemistry research[J].Prog Biochem Biophys, 1995, 22(3): 272-5.


4. The ionization process often results in chemical changes in living tissue, and damages the function and metabolism of the cells which can lead to injury in the organism.


5. The ionization in the upper atmosphere is caused by ultraviolet rays form the sun.


6. Neutrons, being electrically neutral particles, do not produce ionization or excitation directly in their passage through matter.


7. The severe impact ionization effects in polycrystalline silicon thin-film transistors are investigated and characterized.


8. To avoid them,a new alternate method which combines thin layer chromatography(TLC)with hydrogen flame ionization detector(FID)is adopted.


9. This paper presents a measure method of the time respond function for gas ionization chamber.The image clarity will be improved by inverse convoluting the image data.


10. The recognition to solution theory early and foundation of ionization theory and formation of ion hydration are introduced.


11. Hydrocarbon impurities in propylene were determined with capillary gas chromatography (GC) by using PLOT/ Al 2 0 3 quartz capillary column and flame ionization detector (FID).

以PLOT/Al2 O3 石英毛细管柱为分析柱 ,采用氢火焰离子化检测器 ,建立了测定丙烯中烃类杂质含量的毛细管气相色谱法。

12. The fragmentation pathway of raddeanin A was studied by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(ESI-MS/MS) together with chemical derivatization.


13. Application of a conventional MALDI matrix facilitated desorption and ionization of peptides and proteins for molecular weight determination of the separated compounds.


14. For example, background particles tend to produce more ionization than a nucleus recoiling from a neutralino collision.


15. The stronger the ionization of accelerator is, the more rapid the vulcanization is, and the more rapid the reversion is.


16. The periodical rule of element ionization energy can explain the FDMS characteristic of the kind of salts and predict FDMS characteristic of other group inorganic salts.


17. A gas-filled ionization chamber uses this principle.


18. Electron-electron correlation studies in photon ionization.


19. The spectrum variation is due to the exciton ionization in electric field.


20. Drop of differential resistance results from the effect of photocurrent multiplication,which is due to the electron impact ionization when photocurrent-generation proliferates.

关键词 光电倍增;

21. Sporadic-E propagation is caused by patches of intense ionization in the E-layer of the ionosphere (approximately 35 to 60 miles above the Earth's surface).


22. Sporadic-E is first noticed on TV channel 2 and then "rises" in frequency as the ionization intensity increases.


23. Tentative result indicates that the ionization chamber has perfect saturation characteristic.


24. The initial pseudospark discharge is simulated with PIC model and the properties of the three ionization growth regimes are presented.


25. The negative effect produced by ionization of the dielectrics is reduced with the phase factor of alternating electric signals.


26. The He 2+ +H Impact Ionization process is investigated using a continuum distorted wave method with the eikonal initial_state(CDW_EIS) approximation.


27. The basic characters of ionization current are studied by means of the steady flame of blowtorch.


28. The signals of multiphoton ionization of refratory metal atoms obtained with the pulsed atomic beam were observed and their detection was discussed.


29. Cesium chloride was added as the ionization buffer to eliminate the ionization interference of sodium and potassium.


30. A plasma occurs when a gas has obtained enough energy so that ionization occurs.


31. The group delay and dispersion of whistler wave are mainly dependent on ionization density.


32. Since neutrons have no charge, they produce no ionization in their passage through gases.


33. Figure 2-11 illustrates guarding as applied to measuring the ion current (IC) from an ionization chamber.


34. The multiphoton ionization of the hydrogen-bonded clusters C_4H_5N-(H_2O)_n was studied using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer at 355nm and 532nm laser wavelengths.


35. The protonated products obtained at 532nm are suggested to arise from an intracluster penning ionization or a charge transfer process.


36. Below 60km, ionization is not due to the sun's ultraviolet and x radiation primarily, but to cosmic radiation.


37. In quick scanning radiography system, the time respond speed of array gas ionization chamber effects the image clarity directly.


38. Based on extensive research of literature, the feasibility of using ambient flame as ionization source of mass spectrometry is studied theoretically.


39. In radiocommunications, pertaining to variations in the received signal strength due to varying ionization conditions over the propagation path.


40. Using model of coronal and non-coronal radiation,ionization rate equation has been solved respectively.


41. Then oil samples are analysed for their metallic elements with the ICP method with less chemical and ionization interferences,providing an accurate measurement for multi-elements.


42. In Gaseous state,Numerical Value of Ionization energy measure difficult and easy of metal atom lose electron.


43. Beyond the upper limit of the linear region of an ionization gauge, there is a falloff in the ion current with the increase of the measured pressure.


44. In this respect, they violate the material law of ionization.


45. Inside the bucket, xenon gas from the propellant tank flows into an ionization chamber where an electromagnetic field tears electrons off the xenon gas atoms to create a plasma.


46. The influence of matrix elements on the degree of analyte ionization is insignificant.


47. The matrix facilitates ionization of proteins when excited by laser energy.


48. An increase in the energy of the electrons increases the probability of ionization.


49. Cosmic rays and X-rays produce energetic electrons by ionization.


50. The process which effects the initial ionization within a flashlamp is known as "triggering".


51. Experiments have shown that most of the ionization is caused by particles coming into the atmosphere at great speeds from outer space.


52. Practices prove that: the key of protection of silver plating color variation lies in reducing silver ionization.


53. For a given species the energy required to remove the first electron is called the first ionization energy, and so on.


54. The calculated ionization potentials are larger than the fragmentation energies of these small phosphide clusters, exhibiting a dominance of dissociate over ionization.


55. As a versatile example, the feasibility of this scheme applied to lutetium isotopic analysis by Laser Resonance ionization Spectrometry (LRIMS) was discussed.


56. O-chlorophenol/water mixed clusters were studied using both laser multiphoton ionization mass spectrum and supersonic pulsed molecular beam technique.


57. A thin layer chromatography/flame ionization detection (TLC/FID)method for quick determination of the family composition of heavy oil is established.


58. Determination with gas chromatography/flame ionization detector(GC/FID) for dioxane in cosmetics was developed.


59. Liquid chromatographic method coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(LC-ESI-MS) has been developed for the determination of methyl carbamate residues in liquor.


60. The method of high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization?mass spectrometry (HPLC/ESI?MS) was used for qualitative analysis of Liuwei dihuang pills.

建立了高效液相色谱/电喷雾电离 质谱定性分析六味地黄丸的方法,通过2级质谱识别了其中的9种化学成分。

61. On the basis of high-sensitive testing technique of the ionization chamber, a general purpose photoionization detector is developed.


62. The pulsation of cepheids is known to be driven by oscillations in the ionization of helium (from He++ to He+ and back to He++).


63. The study of multiphoton ionization of methylamine at 355 nm[J].

引用该论文 乔光,孔祥和,刘存海,孙志青,李丽,李宾中.

64. Mass spectra of multiphoton ionization of water/methanol clusters[J].

引用该论文 姜素蓉,张树东,孔祥和,许明坤,蔡廷栋.

65. Comparison Experimental Investigation of Detection of Aromatic MoleculesPollution by Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization[J].

引用该论文 孔祥和,郑海洋,张冰,魏杰,李子尧,夏柱红,顾学军,方黎,张为俊.

66. Laser enhanced ionization spectrometry and trace analysis of rare-earth element samarium (Sm)[J].

引用该论文 张在宣,方晓,袁怿谦,陈俊德.

67. Wavelength Dependence of Resonance-Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization of Methylamine[J].

引用该论文 方黎,张冰,柳晓军,郭文跃,魏杰,蔡继业.

68. Multiphoton ionization spetroscopy and mass spectral study of tetramethylsilane with violet laser radiation[J].

引用该论文 施德恒,朱梦霞,孔繁敖,陆庆正,余枝广,马兴孝.

69. Violet Laser TOF Mass Spectra Study on Mudtiphoton Ionization of Tetramethylsilane[J].

引用该论文 施德恒,熊永建,陆庆正,孔繁敖,余枝广,马兴孝.

70. Resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization induced by two-color-lasers in Fe(CO)5[J].

引用该论文 李书涛,钱谊乐,刘厚祥,李昭临,韩景诚,吴存恺.

71. Study of Isotopic Selectivity in Laser Resonance Ionization of Lutetium Atom[J].

引用该论文 李志明,朱凤蓉,邓虎,张子斌,任向军,翟利华,韦冠一,张利兴.

72. Resonant Multiphoton Ionization Spectra of M-Cresol and Cresols in the First Electronic Excited State[J].

引用该论文 潘潇宁,林美荣,刘耀明,张包铮,陈文驹.

73. Measurements of high-lying levels of atom Gd by resonant multiphoton ionization[J].

引用该论文 瞿佳男,周志尧,朱利洲,林福成.

74. Study of the resonance multiphoton ionization of Gd atoms[J].

引用该论文 瞿佳男,周志尧,朱利洲,罗才雁,林福成.

75. Reaction of methanol clusters following multiphoton ionization by VU laser[J].

引用该论文 蔡廷栋,张树东,孔祥和,许明坤,姜素蓉.

76. Multiphoton ionization mass spectrum of ammonia-methanol complex cluster and ab initio calculation[J].

引用该论文 许明坤,张树东,孔祥和,蔡廷栋,姜素蓉.

77. Study on resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization of p-chlorophenol[J].

引用该论文 赵婷婷,丁蕾,郑海洋,方黎.

78. Analysis of Four-Photon Ionization Processes of p-Fluorotoluene[J].

引用该论文 赵青春,林美荣,刘耀明,张包铮,陈文驹.

79. Resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization spectra of argon:odd parity Rydberg states[J].

引用该论文 郑贤锋,王婷婷,裴林森,陈从香,陈旸.

80. Multiphoton Ionization Process Study of Ethylamine via Mass Spectrometry[J].

引用该论文 魏杰,方黎,张冰,郭文跃,章莲蒂,张树东,蔡继业.
