

1. One of the most biting ironies of Sept. 11 was that the terror attacks led fearful authorities to ban visitors from the United States' most enduring icon of freedom, the Statue of Liberty.


2. "slur-footed ironies, veiled jokes, tiptoe malices" (Edith Wharton)


3. "I prefer to let things reverberate with their own ironies and implications.


4. “The ironies of life” he said to himself.


5. There are three kinds of ironies: the irony of view-point;


6. "Pride comes before a fall!" In accordance with this, the greatest of Nature's ironies, the Forsyte family had gathered for a last proud pageant before they fell.


7. It isone of nature's great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants' leavesare bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas.


8. As with many bilateral conflicts between the US and China, perverse ironies abound.


9. Two bitter ironies serve to deepen the gloom.


10. One of the ironies of object-oriented programming in C++ is that we cannot use objects to support it.Instead, we must use pointers and references, not objects.


11. It's one of the ironies of investing.The rich can afford to take risks, but they don't need to.The poor need to take risks, but they often can't afford to.


12. life's little ironies


13. Nor do the ironies he culls from the history of medicine bode well for the disease-free future imagined by some prophets of biotech.


14. * He inherited a fortune but died a month later;one of life s little ironies.

他继承一笔遗产后一个月就死了, 有点时乖命蹇吧.

15. He inherited a fortune but died a month later; one of life's little ironies.


16. By one of history's little ironies, those struggling of independence sometimes inherit the imperial pretensions of their former colonial rulers


17. Have you noticed that in the fast-paced society,when one mentions"Somebody is a poet",it couchs ironies in the backhanded compliment.


18. mec "Ironies principles


19. Are there any ironies of this sort in Clytemnestra's description of the fall of Troy?


20. One of the ironies in all this is that Disney World falsifies our desire for a better world, even as it expresses it.


21. One of the ironies of this downturn is that it was caused by global housing and credit busts, and yet the economies that have suffered most, such as Germany and Japan, sat out the credit boom.


22. Libyans have had a long time to grow used to such ironies, but their credulity has lately been stretched anew.


23. History has many ironies.


24. It's one of the cruel ironies of aging: if you want to remember your favorite restaurants, the less you should eat at them.


25. slur - footed ironies, veiled jokes, tiptoe malices(bEdith Wharton)

含糊的讽刺,模糊的笑话,偷偷的怨恨(b伊迪丝 华顿)

26. slur - footed ironies,veiled jokes,tiptoe malices(bEdith Wharton)


27. slur - footed ironies, veiled jokes, tiptoe malices(Edith Wharton)

含糊的讽刺,模糊的笑话,偷偷的怨恨(伊迪丝 华顿)

28. slur - footed ironies,veiled jokes,tiptoe malices(Edith Wharton)


29. So it is one of history's ironies that NATO should now find itself waging its first ever ground combat operations in the very place where the Soviet armed forces finally came to grief: Afghanistan.


30. And if you like the ironies contained in that split personality, Basildon might be an interesting place to visit.


31. For Mr.Hussein, the sentencing, nearly three years after American troops pulled him from a stifling earthen bunker that had been his hiding place near Tikrit, the sentencing was rife with ironies.


32. (One of the ironies of object-oriented programming in C++ is that we cannot use objects to support it.Instead, we must use pointers and references, not objects.


33. When she died in 1948, at age 84, Jarvis had become a woman of great ironies.


34. Life is full of ironies, and that is exactly what makes life so interesting and inspiring.Here in MIA, we believe a character’s existence mustn’t be merely for the sake of promotion and entertainment.


35. :These tales included grotesque, comic, and poetic descriptions, character sketches, and narratives, gusts of feeling, delicate ironies, and astute observations.


36. I was an outlet for some of his previously unvoiced thoughts, the only person besides his siblings he felt intelligent enough to appreciate the ironies he saw.

我先前是他的一些一个出口使变成无声音想法, 唯一的人此外他的兄弟他觉得够聪明感激他看见的反讽。

37. 2.It couches ironies in the backhanded compliment.


38. One of the great ironies of colonial history is the way in which colonised people adopted some of the very prejudices that justified colonial rule.


39. One of the cruelest ironies about climate change is that the ones who will be hurt the most are the most innocent: the worlds poorest and those yet to be born.


40. Nobody smiled at these colossal ironies.


41. Still, there are ironies.


42. By one of history's greatest ironies, this led the New World to be named not for its discoverer but, for another Italian, Amerigo Vespucci.


43. It's one of the ironies of the current Internet that success is often uncorrelated with a company's R&D budget or the number of programmers on its staff.


44. It is one of the saddest ironies of his life that even as they headed for divorce, they had at last begun to understand each other.


45. Furthermore, Shia-led government that the American props up in Baghdad thinks of Iran as its best foreign friend. it's irony of ironies.


46. But this is where the ironies of the deal are most apparent.


47. Since Monica lives at the Watergate (irony of ironies) she probably wouldn't like that so much.


48. One of the ironies of capitalism is that most managers in commodity industries abhor shortage conditions - even though those are the only circumstances permitting them good returns.


49. There are several ironies in this.


50. In the answer to that question lie numerous cosmic ironies, which are related in a melancholy narrative of great power, simplicity and beauty.


51. It is one of the ironies of US politics that George Bush, who did not smoke, resisted all attempts to curb the tobacco industry while Obama, a smoker, today did just that.


52. It is one of the ironies of Krugman the economist that for someone who said, "The point .


53. It is one of nature's great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil is used frequently to an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants' leaves are in a sea of nitrogen gas.


54. 3、It is one of nature's great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants' leaves are bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas.


55. It was one of life's little ironies.


56. When spring leaves for military service, Ah Dee falls into a hopeless love with Tangerine, in a tale rich with dreams and nightmares and strange ironies of hates and love.


57. I also like the ironies in the movie.


58. 46.It is one of nature’s great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants’ leaves are bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas.

