

1. At a recent WHO annual meeting, it was stated that breast milk substitutes cause irreparable damage in infants.


2. “He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage,” said Mr.Kane.


3. “Listen, man, the damage you have done to the reputation of this institution of learning and research is probably already quite irreparable, and I find your answers so far have been quite irrelevant.


4. "During this time, irreparable damage can result if the wrong antipsychotic is given to a patient."


5. "When all taught irreparable, how should live? Some things caused by the trauma of time to be cured. Injury because of this, can not be left indelible marks."


6. "a sudden and irreparable fracture of the established order" (W. Bruce Lincoln)


7. "The damage to his image caused by the sound box of his marriage to Diana seems irreparable.


8. "Sire, I believe it to be most urgent, but I hope, by the speed I have used, that it is not irreparable."


9. Attention to only 10,000 for "security" these two words, one ten thousandth of a careless loss is irreparable price, and even precious lives.


10. A small misunderstanding, so many people suffering from the pain of remorse sad, irretrievable, irreparable fault, how to get to the perfect?


11. What an ominous minute is that in which society draws back and consummates the irreparable abandonment of a sentient being!


12. irreparable; irrecoverable


13. irreparable harm


14. irreparable injury


15. Do not bend or deform the probes as this could cause irreparable damage.


16. an irreparable position


17. irreparable harm; an irreparable mistake; irreparable damages.


18. warning: Don't let counterparts provide translation services for you, and be wary of asking one's host to help procure a translator. Disloyal translators can do irreparable damage.


19. To add aesthetic, it was generally used in furniture, pipes buried wall construction, but if the leakage and burst, will bring irreparable consequences.


20. The judge said the girl had suffered irreparable psychological and mental damage.


21. From the perspective of the development of literature itself, the declination of traditional verse after Yuan had been irreparable, and the efforts of later generations were fundamentally short of innovation.


22. They're already done irreparable damage.


23. Are they alive not only to the vastness of the material damage, much of which is irreparable, but also to the harvest they are laying up for the future relationships of the peoples of Europe as well as to its moral implications?


24. There is no need to underscore the fact that his passing away at a time venerable of his caliber are greatly needed is an irreparable loss to the W.B.S.C. as well as to the Buddha Sasana.


25. He is patient,forbearing, and resigned,on principles,he submits to pain,because it is inevitable,to bereavement,because it is irreparable,and to death,because it is destiny.


26. Even if the surgery succeeded, Epstein worried that the tumor might have already inflicted irreparable damage


27. He said he saw it as an affront to his authority and the damage to their relationship was likely to be irreparable.


28. in an irreparable manner or to an irreparable degree


29. in an irreparable manner or to an irreparable degree.


30. Each of the parties do hereby waive any proof that such breach will cause irreparable injury to such party or that there is no adequate remedy at law.


31. It will: it will become a solid mass, permanently protuberant, its inanity irreparable.


32. “It’s a closed, fragile chain,” he said.In many locations, he has seen irreparable damage to its links.


33. However, they require extremely fine temperature adjustments since even slight overheating results in discoloration and irreparable damage to the polycondensate product.


34. Furthermore, the deterioration will not cease at a particular level. Once the space for survival in the society is lost, the damage to our mother tongue may be irreparable.


35. You have done irreparable damage.


36. Own up personal guilt: Once you realize any offense, improper words, actions, immediately ask for forgiveness before irreparable damages occur.


37. The wild boar plow the earth up like a furrow, and does irreparable damage in the cultivated lands.


38. Party B hereto acknowledges that any breach of this obligation by Party B of this Section will cause Party A irreparable harm, which may not be compensable by monetary damages along.


39. Do not let emotions suppressed for too long, otherwise, once the outbreak, the consequences may be irreparable regret.


40. Li Yining said that the damage caused by loss of a good business is irreparable.


41. Wildfires wreaked havoc across southern California last year, resulting in billions of dollars in irreparable damage.


42. But I had to make my choice.I had either to submit to a system which I considered has done an irreparable harm to my country or incur the risk of the mad fury of my people bursting forth when they understood the truth from my lips.


43. But old friends are dwindling away year by year. They are originally few in number, so the disappearance of any of them is an irreparable loss to me.


44. Be probably already quite irreparable


45. And I have to think that his assistant Adam was sweating bullets, wondering if these potential freaks from the east coast were going to do some irreparable harm to his star client.


46. 'Cause nature made it so irreparable.


47. Never in American corporate history has so few employees inflicted so much irreparable damage to the nation's economy and its international image.


48. Hence, this medium is very good for long-term storage.Only a decomposition or change of the material can cause irreparable damage.


49. Chueh-hsin was aware of his loss, for he knew full well that nothing could replace the love of a mother. But her death left no irreparable wound in his heart;


50. In the Grand Prix 1 25 cc and 250cc practice sessions, a rider may practice on only one motorcycle.A rider may make a change to another motorcycle only in the case 0f irreparable damage to the first machine.


51. In January 2007, the International Court supported the Argentinian blockades by arguing that they did not create a risk or irreparable damage to the Uruguayan economy.


52. Careless drivers cause many irreparable accidents.


53. Extensive mining will cause irreparable damage to the area.


54. Her death is an irreparable loss to the firm.


55. Her death is an irreparable loss.


56. If he would only sit down quickly the failure might not be irreparable .


57. It suffers from an inherent and irreparable weakness.


58. Amid ongoing rumors of an irreparable rift with her partner Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie is preparing to travel with him to Ethiopia to adopt their fourth non-biological child.


59. Furniture environmental problems with food safety issues, and people's daily lives, pay attention to a little will lead to irreparable disaster.


60. do irreparable harm to

对 ... 造成无法弥补的损失

61. to cause irreparable damage/harm to your health


62. To the actor as to the absurd man, a premature death is irreparable.


63. The Boers had just wrecked a British military train(Arnold Bennett.When wreck is used in its extended sense, as in referring to the ruination of a person or his or her hopes or reputation, it implies irreparable shattering:

布尔人刚刚毁了一辆英国军用火车(阿诺德 贝奈特)。Wreck用于其延伸意义时(如指毁坏一个人或他或她的希望或名声),暗指无可挽回的毁灭:

64. When the heart stops, the absence of oxygenated blood can cause irreparable brain damage in only a few minutes.


65. The death of Mother Teresa is an irreparable loss to the destitute.


66. I don't bear malice, but the fact remains that she did me the most irreparable harm.


67. We destroy the environment of economic development, some damage is irreparable, the future generations of crime.


68. Each of us has a baby with this, but never put it as a baby to lose the time, they are are irreparable.


69. an irreparaBle loss


70. irreparable split


71. be past (or beyond) remedy; irremediable; irreparable


72. irreparable damage, harm, etc

无法修复的损坏、 无可弥补的伤害.

73. irreparaBle harm; irreparaBle damages.


74. irreparable damage


75. Time is often left irreparable regret that many regret the loss is irreparable, and regrets the disaster tend to make some people into the abyss of suffering.


76. Irreparable damage to the battery has been detected. Replace the battery with a new one.


77. a sudden and irreparable fracture of the established order(bW.Bruce Lincoln)


78. a sudden and irreparable fracture of the established order(W.Bruce Lincoln)


79. The judge accepted that continuance of the reclamation works pending the outcome of the judicial review proceedings would not cause irreparable damage to the harbour.


80. Judge Robert Patterson said in a ruling Ms Rowling, 43, had proven Steven Vander Ark's Harry Potter Lexicon would cause her irreparable harm as a writer.

