

1. In this social environment full of religious atmosphere, Dai people's kirigami is closely connected with Buddhism, characterized by the mingling of man, Buddha and nature.


2. Below are the pictures with different views of the Block kirigami.

这kirigami, 块, 创建削减了一份文件,获得三维形式.

3. Below are the pictures with different views of the Building Complex kirigami.

这kirigami, 建筑群, 创建削减了一份文件,获得三维形式.

4. Below are the pictures with different views of the Stairs Up and Down kirigami.

这kirigami, 楼梯向上和向下, 创建削减了一份文件,获得三维形式.

5. Below are the pictures with different views of the Cat on Window kirigami.

这kirigami, 猫的窗口, 创建削减了一份文件,获得三维形式.

6. Below are the pictures with different views of the Rat Eating Cheese kirigami.

这kirigami, 老鼠吃奶酪, 创建削减了一份文件,获得三维形式.
