
  1. [no obj.]strike a surface noisily to attract attention, especially when waiting to be let in through a door
    he strolled over and knocked on a door marked Enquiries.
    ■strike or thump together or against something
    my knees were knocking and my lips quivering.
    ■(of a motor or other engine) make a regular thumping or rattling noise, e.g. through pinking
  2. [with obj.]collide with (someone or something), giving them a hard blow
    he deliberately ran against her, knocking her shoulder.
    [no obj.]he knocked into an elderly man with a walking stick.
    ■[with obj. and adverbial of direction]force to move or fall with a deliberate or accidental blow or collision
    he'd knocked over a glass of water.
    ■injure or damage by striking
    she knocked her knee painfully on the table.
    you have had a setback that has knocked your self-esteem.
    ■make (a hole or a dent) in something by striking it forcefully
    he suggests we knock a hole through the wall into the broom cupboard.
    ■demolish the barriers between (rooms or buildings)
    two of the downstairs rooms had been knocked into one.
    ■(informal)talk disparagingly about; criticize
  3. [with obj.](informal)approach (a specified age)
    he's younger than his brother—knocking seventy.
  1. a sudden short sound caused by a blow, especially on a door to attract attention or gain entry
    ■[mass noun]a continual thumping or rattling sound made by an engine
  2. a blow or collision
    the casing is tough enough to withstand knocks.
    ■an injury caused by a blow or collision
    ■a discouraging experience; a setback
    the region's industries have taken a severe knock.
    ■(informal)a critical comment
  3. (Cricket, informal)an innings, especially of an individual batsman
    (板球 非正式)(尤指单个击球手的)击球
    a splendid knock of 117 against Somerset.
knock someone's block off
  1. (informal)hit someone very hard in anger
knock the bottom out of
  1. 见bottom
knock someone dead
  1. (informal)greatly impress someone
knock someone for six
  1. 见six
knock people's heads together
  1. 见bang 条bang people's heads together
knock something into a cocked hat
  1. 见cocked hat
knock someone into the middle of next week
  1. (informal)hit someone very hard
knock someone (或 something) into shape
  1. 见shape
knock it off
  1. (informal)used to tell someone to stop doing something that one finds annoying or foolish
knock someone/thing on the head
  1. stun or kill someone by a blow on the head
    ■(Brit. informal)prevent an idea, plan, or proposal from being developed or carried out
knock on wood
  1. 见wood 条touch wood
knock someone's socks off
  1. 见sock
knock spots off
  1. (Brit. informal)easily outdo
the school of hard knocks
  1. painful or difficult experiences that are seen to be useful in teaching someone about life
you could have knocked me (或her, him,等) down with a feather
  1. (informal)used to express great surprise
  1. Old English cnocian, of imitative origin
knock about (或around)
  1. (informal)travel without a specific purpose
    for a couple of years she and I knocked around the Mediterranean.
    ■happen to be present
    it gets confusing when there are too many people knocking about.
    ■(chiefly Brit.)spend time with someone
    she knocked around with artists.
knock someone/thing about (或around)
  1. injure or damage by rough treatment
knock someone back
(Brit. informal) (英,非正式)
  1. reject or discourage a person or their request or suggestion
  2. cost someone a specified, typically large, amount of money
    buying that house must have knocked them back a bit.
knock something back
  1. (informal)consume a drink quickly and entirely
  2. work risen dough by vigorous kneading to expel air before baking
knock someone down
  1. (of a person or vehicle) strike or collide with someone so as to cause them to fall to the ground
knock something down
  1. demolish a building
    ■take machinery or furniture to pieces for transportation
  2. (at an auction) confirm the sale of an article to a bidder by a knock with a hammer
    ■(informal)reduce the price of an article
  3. (US informal)earn a specified sum as a wage
  4. (Austral./NZ informal)spend a pay cheque freely
knock off
  1. (informal)stop work
knock someone off
  1. (informal)kill someone
  2. (Brit. vulgar slang)have sexual intercourse with a woman
knock something off
  1. (informal)produce a piece of work quickly and easily, especially to order
  2. (informal)deduct an amount from a total
    when the bill came they knocked off £600 because of a little scratch.
  3. (Brit. informal)steal something
    ■(N. Amer. informal)rob a shop or similar establishment
    ■(N. Amer. informal)make an illegal copy of a product
  4. (Cricket)score the total needed for victory
    there was plenty of time for the Middlesbrough batsmen to knock off the runs.
knock on
  1. (informal)grow old
    don't you think you're knocking on a bit for this.
  2. (亦作knock the ball on)(Rugby)illegally drive the ball with the hand or arm towards the opponents' goal line
knock someone out
  1. ■make a person unconscious, typically with a blow to the head
    ■knock down (a boxer) for a count of ten, thereby winning the contest
    ■defeat a competitor in a knockout competition
    England had been knocked out of the World Cup.
    ■(knock oneself out)(informal)work so hard that one is exhausted
    ■(informal)astonish or greatly impress someone
knock something out
  1. destroy a machine or damage it so that it stops working
    ■destroy or disable enemy installations or equipment
  2. (informal)produce work at a steady fast rate
    if you knock out a thousand words a day you'll soon have finished.
    如果你每天写出 1,000字,你将会很快完成。
  3. empty a tobacco pipe by tapping it against a surface
  4. (Austral./NZ informal)earn a specified sum of money
knock someone over
  1. another way of saying knock someone down
    同knock someone down
knock something over
  1. (N. Amer. informal)rob a shop or similar establishment
knock someone sideways
  1. (informal)astonish someone
knock something together
  1. assemble something in a hasty and makeshift way
knock up
  1. (Brit. informal)(in a racket game) practise before formal play begins
knock someone up
  1. (Brit.)wake or attract the attention of someone by knocking at their door
  2. (informal, chiefly US)make a woman pregnant
knock something up
  1. (Brit.)make something in a hurry
  2. (Cricket)score runs rapidly