
lamentlamentD.J.:[ləˈment]K.K.:[ləˈmɛnt]vt. & vi.1.(为…)哀悼, 痛哭, 悲伤We lamented over our bad luck.我们为自己的不幸而悲伤。The children lament the death of their mother.孩子们哀悼母亲的去世。n.1.悲恸, 哀歌, 挽歌He composed a lament to the dead soldier.他为那位阵亡的战士谱写了一首挽歌。

lament[lə'ment]vi.1.悲痛,伤心,哀悼,悔恨 (for, over):to lament for the dead哀悼死者to lament over the misfortunes of the earthquake victims为地震灾民的不幸感到悲伤vt.1.哀悼;为…而悲痛,为…而伤心:They deeply lemented the death of the national hero.他们深切哀悼民族英雄之死。2.为…感到遗憾;惋惜:to lament the passing of time为时间的流逝而惋惜n.1.悲哀的表现;悲痛之情;恸哭;哀悼2.哀乐;挽歌;悼词3.抱怨;苦衷;牢骚

lamentlament[ləˈment]vt.1.哀悼; 悲痛[伤]; 痛惜2.悔恨; 惋惜lament the death of a friend哀悼朋 友的死We lamented his absence.我们对他的缺席感到非常遗憾。
词性变化lament[ləˈment]vi.1.悲痛[伤], 哀悼n.1.悲伤, 哀悼, 恸哭2.挽歌, 悼词