
laplapD.J.:[læp]K.K.:[læp]vt.1.舔; 舔食Cats and dogs lap water.猫狗舔水。2.轻拍; 冲拍Water lapped the sides of the boat.河水轻拍着小舟的两侧。3.领先一圈Before the end of the race Bob had lapped Jimmy.比赛结束前, 鲍勃以一圈领先吉米。4.包; 缠绕(布等)于She lapped my finger with gauze.她用绷带将我的手指包起来。vi.1.跑完一圈James lapped in two minutes.詹姆斯在两分钟内跑完一圈。n.1.一圈He put in a spurt at the beginning of the eighth lap.他进入第八圈时便开始冲刺。2.(坐着时)膝上腰下的大腿部分She was sitting with her hands on her lap.她坐着, 把手放到膝上。3.裙兜She put the apples in her lap.她把苹果装在了裙兜里。

lap1[læp]n.1.膝部(人坐着时自腰以下至膝的正面部分)2.(坐下时)覆盖两膝和大腿部分的衣裙3.(衣服的)下摆;裙兜,衣兜4.(可用作口袋的)裙子前兜5.山谷;山坳;凹地6.休息的处所7.重叠8.重叠量;重叠程度9.耳垂10.(绳索绕柱子的)一圈11.(用作切割或磨光玻璃、宝石等的)磨盘12.(赛跑中完整的)一圈;跑完全程;(游泳赛)游完全程13.(扩建工程中的)一部分(或阶段)14.互搭,搭接;并排15.掌管范围,责任范围16.【冶金学】皱褶17.【材料学】搭头18.【军事】扫雷段drop(或damp,throw) something in (或into) someone's lap把责任推诿给某人,把某事推在某人身上,把某事交由某人掌管(或负责)[亦作drop(或dump,throw)something into the lap of someone]in fortune's(或Fortune's)lap走运,运气好[亦作in the lap of Fortune (或Providence)]in the lap of future未来的事情,尚在未知之数in the lap of luxury在奢侈的环境中in the lap of the gods全凭天意;一切由神决定;非人力所能左右;结果难以预料last lap(活动、行程等的)最后阶段live in each other's lap紧紧挤靠在一起sit in the lap of倒在…的怀抱中throw oneself into the lap of投入…的怀抱;投靠 lap2[læp]vt.1.折叠;对折:He used to lap the page where he stopped reading.他常把读到的那一页折起来。2.包,裹,缠:He lapped his daughter in a warm blanket.他把女儿裹在一个暖和的毯子里。3.(环境等)包围;使沉浸于:to be lapped in luxury穷奢极欲4.使形成部分重叠;部分叠盖:to lap slates叠盖石板瓦to lap one board over another使两块木板部分重叠5.(径赛中)比…领先一圈(或数圈);跑完(全程):Before the end of the race,he lapped the other runners.赛跑结束前,他比其他赛跑者领先了一圈。She lapped the course in 5 minutes 23 seconds.她以5分23秒跑完全程。6.(用研磨具)切割,磨光,抛光,研磨vi.1.折叠:All the ends that are not smooth should lap under.所有不平整的边应该叠在下面。2.部分重叠;互搭,搭接;部分重叠:Put the shingles on the roof so that they lap over each other.将木瓦重叠排放在屋顶上。3.(时间上)延续,延长至;延伸:One meeting lapped over into the next.会议一个接着一个地开。4.围绕:A lot of supporters lapped around him.许多支持者围在他的身边。5.(径赛中)领先或跑完一圈:The racer lapped in 1 minute 43 seconds.竞赛者用了1分43秒跑完了一圈。变形vt.lappedlapping lap3[læp]vt.1.舔,舔食:The dog is lapping the water.狗在舔水。2.(波浪)拍打;泼溅:The sea lapped the rocks.海水拍打着岩石。vi.1.舔,舔食:The cat lapped up all the milk.猫把牛奶舔食一空。2.(波浪)拍打:The waves are lapping gently against the small boat.海浪在轻轻拍打着小船。n.1.舔,舔食;一次舔食量2.被舔食的(流质)食物3.淡饮料4.(波浪的)拍打声变形vt.lappedlapping

laplap[læp]n.1.(衣服的)下摆; 裙[衣]兜2.膝; [喻]怀抱, 境遇3.山坳4.教育所, 休息处5.【建】(瓦的)互搭; 搭接6.重叠部分; 重叠量7.【体】(跑道的)一圈; 一段行程; 工作阶段8.【机】余面9.【纺】棉卷, 毛卷; (滚筒上绳索的)一圈10.掌管, 管理范围, 控制范围11.研磨, 抛光; 研磨机, 磨盘12.盖板hold a child in [on] one's lap把孩子放在膝上live in the lap of luxury过着奢侈生活a power station built in the lap of a mountain建造在山坳中的电站lap time跑一圈的时间lap of honour(优胜者)绕场一圈the last lap of our journey我们旅途的最后一阶段Everything falls into his lap.他事事如意。I'm going to drop the whole thing in your lap.我将把整个事情交给你。
词性变化lap[læp]vt.(lapped; lapping)1.用...包住, 包围2.把...抱在膝上, [喻]爱护地怀抱着3.折叠, 重叠, 搭叠4.(赛跑时)比(某人)领先一圈(或几圈), 跑完(全程等)5.用磨盘磨(玻璃, 金属, 宝石等)6.【纺】使(栉梳后的棉花)成卷lap the leg in a bandage用绷带将腿包起来be lapped in a blanket用毯子裹住身体He lapped the course in three minutes.他用三分钟跑完全程。lap[læp]vi.1.包围2.重叠3.延伸4.跑完全程Joy lapped over the audience.观众沉浸于欢乐之中。Her reign lapped over into the seventeenth century.她的统治延至17世纪。

继承用法lapdog[ˈlæpdɔɡ]n.1.叭儿狗lap-jointn.1.超头接合, 搭接 lap-rivet
