

1. Had the honor to win first legionary and professional technology 1996 significant contribution award.


2. Analysis on Health Status of 437 Cases of Retired Legionary Cadre


3. The third is seen from the effect that the logistic management of grass roots exerts on the logistic task, referring to it as the key link of improving the performance of legionary logistics.


4. Personnel attending the meeting is figuring legionary recently secret is brought into play is how to return a responsibility.


5. The departure for Nijmegen was this morning at the Ronchi dei Legionari airport, the Bianconeri will then leave directly for Milan on Friday to play the last match before the Christmas break.


6. That is to say, the about legionary hospital advertisement on any networks is false.


7. In his first military command, at 22, he recovered Roman legionary standards lost for decades in Parthia, and returned to great acclaim.


8. ”When Austin Ruse calls to mind the Legion, he thinks not of the scandal but of Legionary priests like Frs.


9. Steeped in tragedy and legionary heroism, their music strives towards communicating the glory of armies marching to victory and forgetting defeat.


10. Soldiers armed with straight sided legionary scuta need to open a gap between their shields in order to use a short stabbing sword, there is no way around this geometrical limitation.


11. Like adding Legionary Cavalry which Rome didn't use Back then, their cavalry was bad hence why the used Mercs a lot for cavalry.


12. Court-martial hears legionary and in-house case, commit a crime in the light of the soldier and basically establish, trying a program is same, undertake cognizance by the person of military court.


13. Legionary teleplay has a full character both in content and format after nearly 30 years development.


14. The Night Of Legionary Port


15. Legionary and state-owned asset is the corporeal base that my army is built and expands, also..


16. The constituting and actualizing on compositive diathesis quality control of legionary nursing school students


17. Legionary characteristic is to have rigid discipline, excellent way and the breadth of spirit that dare make tough fight.


18. Strengthening quality to build an idea is the main point of thought of Deng Xiaoping legionary economy, it takes how-to my army the route of the picked troops that has Chinese distinguishing feature.


19. The author tried to analyze the reason which how the characters of legionary teleplay form using psychology and rhetoric in this thesis.


20. In war of first time bay, US-led multilateral force ever with " desert sabre " the action is driven away inbreak the Iraq of Kuwait is legionary, this one incident puts a history already.


21. She is the first legionary medical worker that falls in forefront of cure SARS patient.


22. When you lose a Legionary Eagle UNLESS you recapture it, that Legion number is NEVER recruited again.


23. " current, to legionary Party committee, the the most austere, directest is the challenge of informatization war.


24. of contradiction of military expenditure supply and demand use of all kinds capital fund as a whole, get used to system of legionary budget making to reform requirement;


25. New period is strengthened and improve legionary Party member to teach must party of press close to and the modernization that army is undertaking are actual, the unified;

新时期加强和改进军队党员教育必须贴近党和军队正在进行的现代化建设实际 ,实现最高纲领和最低纲领的统一 ;

26. It is legionary obedience and the real operation that serve to build overall situation at national economy;


27. The thesis researched the character of figure setting and descriptive style of legionary teleplay by using narrative theory which based on scenario.


28. The Actuality, Identification and Treatment of Bogus Legionary Vehicles


29. Yingkechuang Elec.Co. was built in 1990, specialized in IC of all the world.Our firm support kinds of ic for civilian, industrial and legionary use.


30. Bet national destiny, bet legionary destiny, this ' bet ' word, very bad to listen, but replace it again without other word.


31. Latter, company of group of trade of justice horse coal put forward " legionary, family, school " the core management concept of culture of company of this one characteristic.

