

1. secondly, political system is identified so that the political organization and system are legitimated and degree of organizational institutionalization is upgraded;


2. He legitimated his accession to the estate .


3. By 2004 a firstever free election had legitimated the presidency of Hamid Karzai.


4. In the second half Palermo legitimated the result.We are second in the table, there's time to recover and I hope our performances away from home improve.


5. For disposition of resources of right, legitim is in a position to realize maximization of effectiveness.


6. Legitimated business activities and legal rights of foreign financial institutions shall be protected by the laws of the People's Republic of China.


7. Though the Fujie grassroots chamber of commerce had not legitimated until the end of 2004, it established the identity with both the local government and community.


8. It is a film about torture, legitimated because it is the torture of Jesus.


9. 38. It was a God-given gift, almost like the Greek word" charisma," which insured and legitimated the King's rule.


10. The conclusions suggest the finance must be ploughed more into high schools, the structure of finance must be adjusted, outlays can be get from other ways and collecting money must be legitimated.


11. 10.In other words, the symbolic universe is not only legitimated but also modified by the conceptual machineries constructed to ward off the challenge of heretical groups within a society.


12. Han Learning represented more than just an antiquarian quest.Its advocates cast doubt on the Confucian ideology enshrined by Manchu rulers when they legitimated imperial power.


13. Origin effect of contract for the benefit of third party stems from contract interest of third party being legitimated by law.


14. Signed the informed consent to surgery is an important means to inform the medical obligation of doctors and to protect the legitimated rights of both doctors and patients.

摘要: 签署手术知情同意书是医方履行告知义务,保障医患双方合法权益的一种重要手段。

15. It is believed that the DSB" s authority will be more firmly established through more of its fair judgements.Its practice and jurisprudence will be ultimately legitimated in WTO framework.


16. 2.The “correctness” of his life program is thus legitimated on the highest level of generality.


17. The legitim system is of concomitance with testament freedom according to analyses from view angle of historical reference.


18. We find that, the tax&fee reform has significantly reduced the legitimated burden of farmers, but the education fee per pupil increased very rapidly.


19. And social ethic morality is also calling on the establishment of legitim system in China.


20. Origin Effect of Contract for the Benefit of Third Party: Contract Interest of Third Party Being Legitimated by Law


21. And the United States has claimed the several things but sub legitimated claims to the telephone,the semi conductor,the personal computer and the Internet.


22. And the United States has claimed the several things but legitimated claims to the telephone,the semi conductor,the personal computer and the Internet.


23. The United States' success stems from the creation and extension of international institutions that have limited and legitimated U.S. power.


24. With this step, the sphere of legitimations begins to attain a measure of autonomy vis-a-vis the legitimated institutions and eventually may generate its own institutional processes.


25. The third part gives exhibition of concrete construction of legitim system of our country, which is based on comparative analysis of legitim systems of nations of the world.


26. In modern society,Retire has been legitimated and developed into a culture.


27. According to evolution,TCM is out-of-date,and this legitimated the criticism on TCM politically,and this is one of the sources of the idea of abolishing TCM.


28. 9. The judge legitimated the use of the gun as evidence.


29. The system of collective decision making can become efficient only when it is legitimated, i.e. it represents the interests of a wide range of participants.


30. Necessity legitimated my advice;for it was the only way to save our lives.


31. Necessity legitimated my advice , for it was the only way to save our lives .

