

1. Deputy Garman: [On needing to use the loo] I do require a little more help.


2. In September they were flung into the Battle of Loos.


3. Rebecca Loos, Steve McClaren, even Fabio Capello and others have tried to create villainous and vicarious parts for themselves, but the hero of the tale remains bullet proof.


4. Puya coerulea Miers var. monteroana (L.B.Sm &Looser) L.B.

Sm &Looser 植物更多的照片这里可以看.

5. "But when you don't have to compete, you have more fun and your body will be looser.


6. "Because of the cold outdoor temperature and the intimate scene, a producer suggested to drink some champagne to become a bit looser.


7. "Some close partnerships involve capital relations, while looser ones do not.


8. A more attractive though less flexible variation of Segmented Lacing in which a knot makes the lower segment of shoelace permanently tighter or looser.


9. A woman can make her vagina tighter or looser depand the way she moves her body.


10. Generally, the younger and looser the sediment and the higher the water table, the more susceptible a soil is to liquefaction.


11. The small putty stove on at the same time, the fuel adds the coal briquette, rumble loo is burning the boiling water.


12. A sea song sweet and clear Loo loo.

一首海洋之歌甜美而清晰 噜噜。

13. The snake had terrified tenants wanted to go loo since it was spotted in a toilet last week.


14. Last month Fran?ois Loos, France's industry minister, said 2009 was “an indicative date” for competition rather than a firm deadline.


15. When God distributed the intelligence did wast thou be grad aufm loo!


16. The loo table, however, did not appear.


17. Denim Shorts Denim shorts have been reinvented with looser shapes and design details.


18. So to add to the rich variety of the day I sometimes go to the local loo, and sometimes go further afield, visiting other loos around the building.


19. From the lovable looser to irresistible ladies man, who will become the next pick up artist?


20. They play with The Balloon and The Man from the Moon.A Flying Feather and A Bubble fly around Andy Pandy Land, and Teddy Gets the Wind Up over Looby Loo's washing.


21. Willfully chipper, perhaps, barely hiding his hurt; but looser and less bottled up.

他可以随心所欲,畅所欲言。 这样虽然容易授人以柄,给自己造成伤害,但却能保持轻松愉快的心情,使自己不那么压抑。

22. He played cat and mouse. In response to my requests he agreed to a looser clause on replacement of weapons.


23. His stomach clenches, and he runs to the loo to be sick.


24. Mr Yam says: "They just took the money out and did not loo k to the future.


25. And after repeatedly ratcheting up banks' reserve requirements to reach 15 per cent, they have the scope to introduce a looser credit regime.


26. Tenants had to put bricks on their loo seats to stop the snake to flip into their rooms.They asked local fire department to solve the problem.


27. Dorling, Liz Defranco, Gina Gallo, Marlene Loos, Marilyn A.

作者: Ed Dee, Paul Bishop, Jim Defilippi, Ernest W.

28. You never loo me in the face.


29. You may set the wave a little looser than usual.


30. People of vata nature and imbalance tend to have weaker bones, less fatty padding, looser ligaments, and more susceptibility to pain.


31. You loos as healthy as ten years ago.


32. You going to the loo ?


33. Susan you are offering this man food and sex in the same place. If there is something to read in the loo, he may never leave.


34. If you want to cram for anything, I should be troubled to recommend you to a better adviser than Loo Bounderby.


35. For instance, Sweden's watchdog called in May for looser fiscal policy to support the economy.


36. I'd then scoot into the loo and wrap each bottle up in the towels very carefully and off I'd go to school.


37. What the original inhabitants of the Americas would have made of the complimentary barbecue equipment, cool box, loos and showers is up for debate.


38. Toilet phobia can simply be manifest as a mild distaste for public loos.


39. Memory management usually is not a predictable operation so complexity guarantees from non-intrusive containers are looser than the guarantees offered by intrusive containers.


40. Van de Loo A, Arendts W. Variability of QT dispersion measurements in the surface electrocardiogram in patients with acute myocardial infarction and in normal subjects. Am J Cardiol. 1994,74(11):1113.


41. Don't go for loos;they candeceive.Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.


42. Even in the adoption of basic middleware, this industry tends to favor simpler solutions where the data is managed transparently and the coupling is looser between components.


43. Loo = a hole in a raised platform.


44. Usually, toilet media are found on the doors, walls and mirrors.I spotted this interesting one at the loo of Suntec City Convention Center.


45. On the contrary, the looser the micelle of additives in solution is, the easier they dispersed and would be adsorbed at metal surface.


46. For 60 pounds the international charity CORD will link your loo with its very own twin deep in the African bush.


47. Going to the toilet or is it the lavatory or the loo?


48. Mr. Smth ne Jac ddn't loo at the others because he as nervous.


49. On the right is the "Antoni B" pattern with a looser stroma, fewer cells, and myxoid change.


50. On the right is Loo Teck Chee, the role model of Kepong Station.He arrived not long ago as he has got another dinner he needed to attend.


51. Meanwhile, this offered theory support for administration of the security investment fund loo.


52. Mimi: The loo?


53. Mimi: The loo? Is that your usual pick-up routine?


54. Dunne, 45 a native New Yorker transplanted to Texas when he was 17, is quick to point out that luxury loos are not his only businese.

唐恩这位45岁土生土长的纽约人,17岁时移民德克萨斯。 他明确地指出:他不只是经营“豪华厕所”的生意。

55. Dunne,45 a native New Yorker transplanted to Texas when he was 17,is quick to point out that luxury loos are not his only businese.


56. Loos lips sink the ships!


57. Salted egg yolk in ball shape is better. It is looser hence easy to crush after steaming.


58. Within a looser web of globalization, the T'ang period and its dynamics offers a distant mirror of our own time, casting a new light on issues in contemporary politics.


59. In other languages, the rules are often looser but the spirit of haiku remains.


60. Other types of millipedes may curl into a looser, sloppier spiral or form a neat ball.


61. In space, a loo costs a lot.


62. In the years of easy, plentiful credit, companies were able to demand looser conditions on their loans.


63. At regular monthly isits, the ring can be made tighter or looser by injecting saline into the port.


64. A new AIP (Alternate protocol) method is promoted in Chapter Three. A looser condition is given in the selection of loop-free alternate interfaces.

在第三章提出了一种新的备选接口协议AIP(Alternate Interface Protocol)的方法,在选择备选接口的无环判定条件方面,在前人基础上提出更宽松的选择条件并证明了其正确性。

65. Best Western Hotel Het Loo : Great Deals Available Now!


66. In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet, WC, or loo .

在英式英语中, 私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory、 toilet、 WC或loo.

67. In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet, WC (dated), or loo (informal).

在英式英语中, 私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory、 toilet、 WC(已陈旧)或loo(用於口语).

68. In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet,WC(dated),or loo(informal).

在英式英语中,私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory,toilet,WC(已陈旧)或loo(用于口语).

69. TALES FROM THE BUSH Why it's best to go to the loo in pairs when you're in the African bush at night.


70. What works just fine in a highly structured linguistic environment falls apart completely in the looser universe of the graphical user interface .


71. PREPARATION: Previously unpainted surface clean off dust,grease and looser matter , surface should be clean ,dry and stable ,ensure the surface moisture <10% ,PH<9.5.


72. PREPARATION: Previously unpainted surface clean off dust ,grease and looser matter ,surface should be clean,dry and stable .


73. Out with dourness and discipline, in with a looser, more laid-back style.


74. The communities of perennial herb are characterized by consociation with single synusia consisting of pure population, and the structure of bush community appear looser.


75. Heat sources of air conditioning of the building, mutually standby, are LOOS (Germany) steam boiler that uses natural gas as fuel.


76. Hi, everyone!!!! finally can be connected!!! I am now trasfer to a hotel in Beijing as we have now join a very loos...


77. A 10ft boa constrictor has been captured after popping up in the loos of a posh block of flats in Manchester.

大河网讯 外电上周报道:英国曼彻斯特一幢豪华公寓楼的洗手间内发现一条足有10英尺长的大蟒蛇。

78. Singapore - Loo cleaning has reached new heights in Singapore with the setting up of the world's first Toilet College, organisers said on Sunday.


79. She's gone to the loo.


80. Her black hair was looser now than either of them had ever seen it before, and surrounded her brow like a forest.

