

1. IGN: How much has the lore changed and evolved over the development process?


2. "Scott gathered the disparate strands of contemporary novel-writing techniques into his own hands and harnessed them to his deep interest in Scottish history and his knowledge of antiquarian lore.


3. 30) "Teron Gorefiend - Lore and Legend" (turn this in at 58.70


4. A choir or order of angels that appears in a certain aspect of Jewish lore.


5. An early account of vampire lore involved a man of the Bohemian village of Blow (Blau) in the 14th century.


6. the plant lore and agricultural customs of a people


7. a spoonful of honey will catch lore flies than a Gallon of Winegar.


8. A Narrative of Economic Funeral lore in the Three Kingdoms Period


9. Not all sentient races are covered in this article, only those whomthe community has suggested alternative origins beyond what is explicitly stated in the official lore.


10. Whether Phoenician or Polynesian, Arab, Viking or Medieval European, the lore of the sailor and his achievements have contributed to the streams of our culture.


11. Blended with gentle sounds from nature, these sweet, lilting melodies are imbued with the spirit of ancestral lore.

专辑介绍: The dulcet sounds of the harp, violin and flute capture the essence of Celtic musical tradition.

12. Mysticism and magic from throughout the world, many are drawn to dark arts, occult studies and forbidden lore.


13. In Chinese lore, a number of anecdotes tell of Cao Cao's ruthlessness, cunning, and military and political acumen.


14. Dealing with the theory of value of Chinese fo lk lore held by various Chinese schools,we must comb it out from the Chinese schola rs' "value exploration" of folklore and folk literature.

中国民俗学学派价值论 ,需要从中国学者对民俗与民间文学的“价值探索”中梳理。

15. People always lie on other"s knowledge and craftsmanship because of their deficiency of specialty lore, capability and experience, or limited time and energy.


16. The XML Language query standards issued through W3C was introduced,however XPath and XQuery took LORE system of Stamford University,USA,as its example.


17. Purchase from him the lore of extreme anglers: Master Fishing - The Art of Angling.


18. In Kristofferson lore, it's not always easy to separate fact from fantasy.


19. In Kristofferson lore, it’s not always easy to separate fact from fantasy.


20. From what little we know of late druidic practice it appears deeply traditional and conservative in the sense that the druids were conserving repositories of culture and lore.


21. From what little we know of late druidic practice it appears deeply traditional, and conservative in the sense that the druids were conserving repositories of culture and lore.


22. They learned the lore of herbs from their ancestors.


23. One of the nine choirs of angels, as accepted on lore and determined by the sixth century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite.


24. They almost certainly accepted at face value most of this lore.


25. He inhales desert lore and data all his waking hours.


26. He has his Provensal legendary lore at his fingers' ends.


27. He sought out the old farmers and collected their weather lore.


28. His mind is drenched with lore


29. He executed a series of intricate loops;he doubled on his trail again and again,recalling all the lore of the fox hunt,and all the dodges of the fox.


30. The following crafting skills are currently known from game lore


31. Whoever strives to know learns that no human lore is despicable.


32. Chinese lore says that the number of pleats in the typhoon shrub will correspond to the number of typhoons to arrive in the coming year.


33. Lore has it that there are really three Trinities: red, green and white.


34. One thing can be sure about though, it will no doubt contain a ton of great lore and be very well written.


35. But Elves live long enough that even their poorest families must eventually accumulate a great deal of lore.


36. You can't use stat boosting Prayers for two different skills, so you can't use Mystic Lore at the same time as Ultimate Strength.


37. Have you heard the Celtic lore?


38. Do you want to buff up your Diablo lore now that Diablo III was announced?


39. When was the last time you heard of a decent bit of Warlock or Warrior lore?


40. Do you want a lore reason or an actual reason?


41. Tall tales about panicked speculators leaping to their deaths have become part of the popular lore about the Great Crash.


42. Ive been a fan since WC2 and one of my favorite lore moments is the corruption of Sargeras due to the all consuming evil of the eredar.


43. an argosy of adventure lore.


44. Embark on the endless quest to complete the Tome of Knowledge and unlock Warhammer lore, det ailed monster information, new abilities and rewards, and major story plotlines.


45. Leadbeater's 1925 book, The Masters and the Path, marked the crystalization of the lore that had accumulated around the concept of Ascended Masters into a published, public form.


46. Love of Animals: Druidry see animals as sacred, and teaches sacred animal lore.


47. Cochram is an erudite and overcurious goblin.When he finds this war is a rare chance to completely researching the ancient lore, he prefers to offend The Spirits rather than miss this chance.


48. If not from Indian lore or systematic study of the wilderness, at least from their own ingenuity and desperation, the tamers of the American frontier sooner or later ate every kind of meat that the land offered.


49. Early peoples passed on plant and animal lore through legend.


50. Plants and plant lore in Ancient Greece


51. Remember that only things that have been published in Elder Scrolls games should be considered official lore.


52. Any player can attempt to resurrect the pet with bandages if they have at least 80 Veterinary and 80 Animal Lore.


53. Carrie became wise in theatrical lore, hearing the gossip of little Lola.


54. Featuring more than 250 questions and answers, a volume contains scientific lore for the layperson and is an entertaining and informative trivia reference manual.


55. The aboriginal shamanic "experience of death and rising again" in the initiation of tribal "men of high degree" finds some fascinating parallels with modern day UFO abduction lore.


56. These accounts in the Bible are also the basis for much of the legend and lore of Freemasonry, which uses the construction of the Temple as a backdrop and metaphor for moral instruction.


57. Tethyr for the Take Down Tethyr!quest in Dustwollow Marsh uses the model, he might be a kraken but it is unlikely since in lore its stated that no mortal can kill a kraken, and Tethyr is killed.


58. Tethyr for the Take Down Tethyr!quest in Dustwollow Marsh uses the model he might be a kraken but it is unlikely since in lore its stated that no mortal can kill a kraken and Tethyr is killed.


59. By the late 1970s, I was exploring the Seth material among other things and thereafter spent a number of years recording my dream adventures while I absorbed page upon page of Seth lore.


60. In some Jewish lore the thrones function within the heavenly scheme of things as either the chariots upon which the throne of God rests (the Merkabah) or as the wheels of the chariot.


61. The strain between the folkloric and the museological is another, and it finds interesting interaction in Tapaya's dioramas of lore.


62. On Monday people around the world celebrated the start of the Year of the Ox, which in Chinese lore represents prosperity and good luck.


63. While players will be delivered story elements through dialogue and books of lore, Blizzard is working to let the environment fill in additional details.


64. In Gnostic lore, Sophia was the mother of all angels.


65. The World of Warcraft TCG draws from the rich lore of the Warcraft universe.


66. This is one way the lore is extremely helpful.


67. Truly a bestseller in Korea, Heroes Lore will participate in an epic quest to save the world from evil forces.


68. Elrond 5is a master of wisdom and lore, but he also foresees many things, and perceives hidden meaning behind events.


69. Other aspects of Christ's birth which have passed from the gospels into popular lore include the visit by the Magi and the announcement by angels of Jesus' birth to nearby shepherds.


70. Senec and Plato call me from thy lore


71. Senec and Plato call me from thy lore.


72. Angelic Lore: Astaroth constantly whispers the secrets of reality in the back of your mind, allowing you to draw on his own nigh-infinite knowledge.


73. The angelic princes are found especially in Jewish lore, with princes governing not only the seven heavens, but the angelic orders or choirs.


74. Weather Lore: Making Sense Out of Rain and Snow, Storms and Drougth


75. Dwarf Runesmiths make many magical devices, including the finest weapons and armor.They are masters of rune lore, the art of using runes to entrap magic and imbue artifacts with arcane power.


76. Fantasy Lore: Engineers don’t make devices that are easy to use, in fact often times they can only barely figure out what they had in mind when they were making something.


77. She has familiarized herself with a great deal of native lore


78. But yeah. The whereabouts of the scythe are currently unknown, and its a great bit of lore that could fit directly into the reappearance of Arugal.


79. MAESTER: These "knights of the mind" are masters of as many types of lore as are known in the world.


80. MAESTER: These “knights of the mind” are masters of as many types of lore as are known in the world.

