
  1. a long-tailed crow with boldly marked (or green) plumage and a raucous voice
  2. Family Corvidae: five genera and several species, in particular the black-and-white black-billed magpie (Pica pica) of Eurasia and North America
    鸦科: 5属,数种,尤指欧亚大陆和北美洲黑白花斑的(黑喙)喜鹊(拉丁名Pica pica)
  3. (亦作 bell magpie)(chiefly Austral)any bird of the Australasian butcher-bird family, having black-and-white plumage and musical calls
  4. Family Cracticidae: several species, in particular the Australian or black-backed magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen)
    钟鹊科: 数种,尤指澳洲钟鹊或黑背钟鹊(拉丁名Gymnorhina tibicen)
  5. used in similes or comparisons to refer to a person who collects things, especially things of little use or value, or a person who chatters idly
    胡乱收集的人, 收集无用(或无价值)东西的人;饶舌者
  6. the division of a circular target next to the outer one; a shot which strikes this
    (圆形靶上由外向内数的)第二环;命中第二环的 一枪
  1. late 16th cent.: probably shortening of dialect maggot the pie, maggoty-pie, from Magot (Middle English pet form of the given name Marguerite) + pie