
man of his word

1. 守信用的人

Jack is a man of his word.


man of iron

1. 意志坚强的人

Tom is a man of iron.


man of taste

1. 有鉴赏力的人

Her father is a man of taste.


as one man

1. 一致地

They were as one man against the decision.


man and boy

1. 从小到大

He has lived in the city, man and boy, for forty years.

他从小到大住在这个城市, 已经四十年了。

Many men, many minds.

1. 十个人, 十条心。

习惯用语a better man never trod this earth1.没有比他更好的人a broken man1.亡命之徒; [苏]【史】被宣告剥夺法律?さ娜? 心灰意懒的人a coming man1.后起之秀a dirty old man1.[口]老淫棍A drawning man will catch a straw.1.[谚]快淹死的人连一颗稻草也要去抓。a made man1.稳操胜券的人, 社会上有地位的人a man about town1.活跃于交际场上的人; 花花公子a man among men1.男子汉中的男子汉; 特出人物a man and a brother1.同胞兄弟, 亲兄弟a man born of woman1.凡人A man can die but once.1.[谚]人无二死A man can do no more than he can.1.[谚]人只能做力所能及的事。A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.1.[谚]一个人不能同时又纺又织; 一心不能二用。A man cannot spin and weave at the same time.1.[谚]一个人不能同时又纺又织; 一心不能二用。A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time.1.[谚]一个人不能同时又吹口哨又喝酒; 一心不能二用。a man in a thousand1.难逢的人物, 罕见(杰出)的人物A man is as old as he feels.1.[谚]老不老, 自己晓。A man is known by the company he keeps.1.[谚]从其交友知其为人。A man may love his house well without riding on the ridge.1.[谚]一个人尽可以欣赏自己的房子而不必骑在屋顶上夸耀; 有宝何必人前夸。a man of action1.实干家a man of affairs1.担任重要职务的人; 见过大场面的人a man of Belial1.堕落者, 惯于作恶的人(来自《圣经》)a man of character1.有骨气的人a man of decision1.果断的人a man of family1.门第高的人; 名门子弟2.[美口]有家室的人a man of fashion1.出入于上流社会的人物; 时髦的人物a man of figure1.[古]名人, 有地位的人a man of his hands1.有手艺的人; 善于动手的人a man of his word1.说话算数的人, 守信用的人a man of honor1.讲信义的人, 正派的人a man of letters1.作家, 文学家2.文人, 学者a man of men1.杰出的人a man of means1.有钱的人; 有财产的人a man of nerve1.有胆量的人, 勇敢沉着的人a man of position1.身居要职的人a man of rank1.有身分的人a man of sense1.通情达理的人a man of straw1.稻草人2.(在非法交易或诉讼中代人出面)挂名人物, 傀儡人物(一般为穷光蛋)3.假想的敌人, 假想的论据、论敌a man of talent1.有才能 的人a man of taste1.有审美能力的人; 风雅的人a man of the pen1.作家, 文人a man of the people1.平民出身的人; 同人民打成一片的人a man of the world1.精通世故的人A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.1.[谚]光说不做的人有如长满野草的花园。a man of weight1.有影响或势力的人a man of years1.上了年纪的人a man or a mouse1.不是大大成功, 就是彻底失败; 不成龙便成虫a man with the bark on1.[美口]质朴的人, 粗鲁的人a marked man1.众所瞩目的人2.被监视的人A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will.1.[谚]智者通权达变, 愚者刚愎自用。a young man in a hurry1.急进的改革者anchor man1.拨河赛中站在最后的一个人; 接力赛中跑最后一棒的人2.负责安排新闻报道的广播员; 在广播时间负责安排讨论和对话的人any man alive1.任何人as a man1.就其个人品格而言; 作为一个普通人2.(=as one man)一齐, 一致As a man sows, so he shall reap.1.[谚]播什么, 收什么; 种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆。As good beg of a naked man as a miser.1.[谚]向守财奴求助, 好比向一无所有的人求助。as honest a man as ever broke bread.1.再老实不过的人。be a man (=play the man)1.拿出点勇气来, 显出男子汉的气概be one's own man1.独立自主, 精神正常, 完全能掌握自己between manand man (=manto man)1.坦率的[地]; 在两个中私下讲big man1.[美俚]大人物; 要人big man on campus1.[美俚]学生中的风头人物butter-and-egg man1.[美俚]在大城市娱乐场所大肆挥霍的人; 大投资家; 土财主Call no man happy before his death. (=Call no man happy till he dies.)1.[谚]盖棺而后论定。come-on man1.[美, 俚]工头; 监工; 诱人聚赌宿娼的人; 在游戏场门外招揽看客的人dead man1.冗员; [口](酒席上的)空瓶子Dead men tell no tales.1.[谚]死人不会先泄密; 人死口闭。every last man1.每一个人, 人人Every man has a fool in his sleeve.1.[谚]人人有糊涂的时候; 聪明一世, 糊涂一时。Every man has his hobby-horse.1.[谚]人人有自己的爱好。Every man has his price.1.[谚]人人有身价(指任何人都可以被收买去干坏事, 在资本主义社会, 人成了商品, 待价而沽。)Every man has his weak side.1.[谚]人人有弱点。every man Jack1.[口]人人, 每一个人; 个个(没有例外)Every man to his taste.1.[谚]百人吃百味; 人各有所好。front man1.挂名人物, 出面人物(常指非法活动); 叫喊招揽观众的人Give every man the ear, but few the voice.1.[谚]多听少说。hatchet man1.被雇的杀人凶手; 打手; 受雇写漫骂文章的人; 代上级申斥[开除]职工的人He is the last man to1.他[我]绝不...; 他[我]最不适于...I am the last man to1.他[我]绝不...; 他[我]最不适于...hit a man who is down1.落井下石hit a man when he is down1.落井下石I'm your man.1.[口]我来应征; 我接收你的[他的]挑战。I'm his man.1.[口]我来应征; 我接收你的[他的]挑战。I shall never be my own man till I do it.1.我非干不可, 不干不是人。If wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance.1.[谚]聪明人做起糊涂事来, 那才糊涂透顶。It is the man behind the gun that tells.1.胜败决定于使用武器的人, 而不是武器本身。John Tanson's man1.怕老婆的男人Judge not of men and things at first sight.1.[谚]初次的印象是靠不住的。jump a man1.(跳棋)跳吃一个棋子Let every man praise the bridge he goes over .1.[谚]饮水思源。Let every man speak well of the bridge that carries him over.1.[谚]饮水思源。Let every man praise the bridge he goes over .1.[谚]饮水思源。Let every man speak well of the bridge that carries him over.1.[谚]饮水思源。little man1.[谑]小鬼, 小伙计2.小工商业者; 替人打零工的人3.普通的人make a man of sb.1.使某人长大成人; 把某人教养成人many a man1.许多人Many men, many minds.1.[谚]十个人, 十条心(各有各的主意)。merry man1.武士的随从; 山大王的喽罗2.(=Mr.Man )滑稽演员, 小丑3.[口、谑]助手; 部属; 追随者merry man of May1.落潮时的滚滚波浪neither man nor mouse1.一个人也没有Never hang a man twice for one offence.1.[谚]一罪不可两治; 打了不罚, 罚了不打。No living man all things can .1.[谚]世上没有万能的人。no man1.没有人..., 谁也不...2.[口]不行, 我不干3.[口]惯于反对别人意见的人; 惯于拒绝别人要求的人; 顽固的人No man can serve two masters.1.一仆不能事二主。No man is a hero to his valet.1.[谚]任何人在他仆人眼里都不是英雄。No man is born wise or learned.1.[谚]人非生而知之者。No man is wise at all times.1.[谚]智者千虑, 必有一失。odd man1.投决定性票的一人; [英]杂工; 临时工; 剩下的一人odd manout1.剥下的一人; [口]在集体中跟人合不来的人old man1.老人2.[口]老头子(常指父亲, 丈夫)3.老板, 经理, 校长4.[海俚]舰长; [美俚][罕]长官5.老朋友, 老兄, 老弟6.老手, 老经验者7.【宗】(没有改邪归正的)故我, 旧我old man of the sea1.无法摆脱的负?蚶圩? 纠缠不休的人Once a man and twice a child.1.[谚]做成人只有一次, 做小孩却有两次(因人到老年言谈举止都有点象小孩。)One man may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge.1.[谚]只许州官放火, 不许百姓点灯。One man, no man.1.[谚]个人的作用是有限的; 孤掌难鸣。refresh one's inner man1.[谑]吃点东西, 喂肚子refresh the inner man1.[谑]吃点东西, 喂肚子right-hand man1.得力助手secret service man1.特工人员separate the men from the boys1.[口]选出强者[能人]sort out the men from the boys1.[口]选出强者[能人]So's your old man.1.[美俚]去你的吧; 你简直胡扯。Ten-minute man1.[美俚]强悍活跃的人; (在利益面前)手急眼快的人; 善于花言巧语糊弄人的人the first man1.亚当(《圣经》认为亚当是人类的始祖)the forgotten man1.[美]"被遗忘的人", 工人阶级; 失业者; 普通老百姓the good man of the house1.一家之主the inner man1.灵魂; 精神2.[谑]肚子The poor man pays for all.1.[谚]反正穷人吃亏。the right man in the right place1.人地相宜; 各得其所the man at the wheel1.驾驶员; 舵手; 负责人the man behind the wheel1.驾驶员; 舵手; 负责人to a man1.(亦作 all to a man)到最后一人, 全部; 全体一致地to the last man1.到最后一人; 一人不剩; 全体, 没有例外地You'll be a man before your mother.1.[口, 谑]你真是个好样儿的。Man alive1.哎呀!你这个人啊!(表示惊异, 抗议)2.老兄!伙计!man for man (=man to man)1.以一个人对一个; 坦率地man to man (=man to man)1.以一个人对一个; 坦率地Man is mortal (=All men are mortal).1.[谚]人总是会死的; 人生自古谁无死。Man is to man a wolf.1.[谚]人对人是狼; 人吃人。Men may meet but mountain never.1.[谚]山和山不相聚, 人与人总相逢; 人生何处不相逢。man of blood1.杀人成性的人; 杀人犯2.(=Man of Blood)(古代以色列王)大卫(来自《圣经》)man of God1.牧师, 教士man of resource1.足智多谋的人man on horse back1.国家危在旦夕而出来独揽大权的人2.对民主政府构成威胁的军事头领Man proposes, God disposes.1.[谚]谋事在人, 成事在天。man up1.(给矿业、农业等)补充 人力特殊用法air man1.飞行员attack man1.扣手, 攻击手average man1.常人back-end man1.截煤机辅助工baggage man1.行李员blast furnace man1.高[鼓风]炉工, 炉前工bogey man1.威胁性很大的对手boom man1.(演播室内的)吊杆操作员bow man1.头桨手business man1.商人, 实业家camera man1.摄影师, 摄影记者check man1.伪造支票人city man1.[英]金融家, 实业家color man1.颜料商; 染色师company man1.公司人convoy man1.押运人corner man1.位于场角的队员cost man1.成本计算人credit man1.信用调查员customer's man1.替证券经纪人拉生意的人cut-off man1.玻璃切裁工dash man1.短距离游泳运动员; 短跑运动员dead man1.拉杆锚桩, 锚定桩, 叉杆; (立杆用的)一端有钩的杆decker man1.湿抄工defence man1.后卫delivery man1.送货人detail man1.推销员drier man1.干燥工dummy man1.模拟人, 假人; 模拟人体economic man1.经济人end man1.结组的最后一人engine man1.司机enlisted man1.[美]水兵; 兵士; 下士enterprising man1.企业家erection man1.装配工fossil man1.化石人free man1.突破者godown man1.仓库管理员green man1.没有经验的工作人员half-commission man1.半经纪人(股票市场中为经纪人介绍生意, 从中赚取佣金的人)hammer man1.锤工hang-off man1.胴体转挂工hard-money man1.维持金本位制者hired man1.雇工hole man1.固定中锋incline man1.【采矿】轮子坡操作工iron man1.[俗]通用摄象机jerry man1.矸石清理工Juice man1.高利贷者key man1.中心人物, 要人, 杰出人才kiln man1.烤炉操作工knife man1.剔骨工knuckle man1.挂钩工last man1.结组的最后一人lead man1.核心队员learned man1.学者legal man1.法人light(ing) man1.照明员lookout man1.了望员machine man1.机械员, 印刷工material man1.仓库管理员; 材料供应者merchant man1.商人money man1.金融家, 投资者natural man1.自然人net man1.(双打)打网前位置的球员oil man1.油商; 石油大王; 制油工; 给油工open man1.进入对方空当的队员organization man1.(组织机构内)驯顺的成员; (大公司内)听话的职员outside trouble man1.外线查修线务员patrol man1.巡道工pivot man1.接球后转身作第二传的队员post man1.(在罚球线附近的)策应队员practical man1.实际家professional man1.专门家property man1.道具员public man1.公务人员rail(way) man1.铁路员工remittance man1.侨居国外靠本国汇款生活的人repair man1.修理员, 装配工research man1.研究人员road man1.列车人员(包括车长、司旗员、制动员)route man1.按指定路线售货的推销员salaried man1.职员, 领薪水的人self made man1.自我奋斗而成功的人