
marchmarchD.J.:[mɑ:tʃ]K.K.:[mɑrtʃ]vi.1.进军; 行进The crowd of demonstrators marched along the main street.游行群众沿主要街道行进。vt. & vi.1.(使)前进After a rest, they marched on.休息一会儿以后, 他们继续前进。He marched the prisoner in.他把犯人押了进去。n.1.行进, 行军Military training fits men to make long marches.军训使人能适应长途行军。2.前进, 进军3.行进距离It was a day's march from the city to the camp.从这个城市行军到营地需要一天的行军时间。4.游行The soldiers were making a triumphal march through the city.战士们正举行胜利游行穿过那城市。5.进行曲The movement of a waltz is very different from that of a march.华尔兹的韵律和进行曲的韵律是不同的。6.稳定的发展The march of events is as fast as we thought.事情的发展就如我们所料的那样快。

march1[mɑ:tʃ]vi.1.齐步前进,快步行走:She was very angry and marched out of the door.她怒冲冲地快步走出了门。The battalion marched from the barracks to the parade ground.这个营的士兵列队从营房齐步走向检阅场。2.行军,进军:The soldiers marched to the capital of the enemy country.士兵们向敌军的首都进军。The procession marched along the highway.队伍沿公路行进。3.进展,进行:Science marches on.科学不断发展。He marched the prisoner out.他把犯人押了出去。4.游行示威(或抗议):The crowds of demonstrators marched down the main street.成群的示威者沿大街游行。5.排成整齐的行列:The battalion marched past their commanding officer.全营士兵从指挥官面前列队走过。vt.1.使(部队等)前进,使行军,使行进:She marched the little boy up to bed.她打发这小男孩上床睡觉。2.行进通过:We'd marched 10 miles by sunset.日落时我们已走了10公里。n.1.行军,行进2.进行,进展3.步伐,步调4.行程,路程5.进行曲6.长途跋涉7.进军8.游行示威,游行抗议9.[美国俚语](马戏团)吹打过市death march向着死亡的行军forced march【军事】急行军,强行军frog (或 frog's) march[口语]蛙式抬运get a march on someone抢先一步,巧妙地先发制人,偷偷抢在某人之前hunger march(失业者)反饥饿游行[亦作 hunger-march]march of events事态的进展military march(军乐)进行曲on the march在行军中在前进中,在进展中Quick march.【军事】快步走。slow march(送葬队伍或军队的)慢步前进steal a march on (或 upon) someone(偷偷地)抢在某人之前,抢先一步,偷袭,巧妙地先发制人 march2[mɑ:tʃ]n.1.边界,边境2.边境地区,(两国间有争议的)边界区3.[常作 the Marches]英格兰与苏格兰(或威尔士)的接界地区vi.1.[罕用语]交界,毗邻,接壤

marchmarch[mɑ:tʃ]vt.1.使前进, 使行军2.拖走, 拖去, 把...带走, 迫使到(某处)His mother marched him right off home with her.他母亲让他马上跟她回家。He was marched off to prison.他被带到监狱。
词性变化march[mɑ:tʃ]vi.1.以整齐步伐前进2.行进, 行军; 推进march against the enemy向敌方推进The soldiers marched along the highway.部队沿公路而行。march[mɑ:tʃ]n.1.前进; 进军; 行军2.进展; 发展3.行军的距离; 长途跋涉4.进行曲5.游行抗议[示威]They reached the camp after a three-day's march.他们经过三天行军后到达了营地。It was a day's march from the city to the village.从城里到那个村子有一天的路程。The band played a military march.乐队吹奏军队进行曲。The book describes the march of civilization from ancient Egyptian times to the present.该书描述了从古埃及时代至现代文化的发展情况。

继承用法march-pastn.1.【军】分列式marchrallyn.1.游行集会marchern.1.行进者, 行军者, 游行者