

1. “The King struck the blow he had for some time meditated” (William E.H. Lecky).


2. In the afternoon during the next meditation session, Master arrived in a bright blue African dress and meditated with us for a time.


3. I had no idea when Master arrived; She seemed to have meditated with us for a while, and then told us to wake up. Then, She began Her discourse.


4. If the Baron, however, had really meditated such an alliance, the indifference of Waverley would have been an insuperable bar to his project


5. So the Father Superior sat there with the man for a while, meditated, and maybe prayed to the supreme Father in heaven.


6. Dear child of God, you have often meditated on this blessed passage.


7. Beginning from his infancy, we often meditated by his bedside when he was sleeping.


8. As he meditated, he whipped up his horse, which was proceeding at that fine, regular, and even trot which accomplishes two leagues and a half an hour


9. Now and then he put flowers on his own head and meditated.


10. When they stopped coming to see me, I had more time for spiritual practice. I meditated twelve hours a day.


11. He meditated for two days before giving his answer.


12. He had meditated all night long;he had meditated all the day: he heard within him but one voice, which said, "Alas!"


13. he had meditated all the day: he heard within him but one voice, which said, "Alas!"


14. He had meditated a fierce course of action.


15. As he meditated thus, dejected but resolute, hesitating in every direction, and, in short, shuddering at what he was about to do, his glance strayed to the interior of the barricade.


16. He meditated on death for many days.


17. He meditated for two days before deciding.


18. He meditated resentfully on the physical texture of life.


19. Then, there alone in the darkness, trembling with cold and with something else, too, perchance, he meditated


20. he sat on the floor cross-legged and meditated.


21. Beneath the cudgel, beneath the chain, in the cell, in hardship, beneath the burning sun of the galleys, upon the plank bed of the convict, he withdrew into his own consciousness and meditated.


22. He meditated some severity of speech.


23. Afterwards, he came back to see his master and said, Master, Ive meditated for one year. Ive done everything you told me to do so when can I see God?


24. So he closed his eyes and meditated for a while and then suddenly said, How come its so dark?


25. Then I meditated even more diligently, ten hours a day. Another three months later, everything had changed and it was just great!


26. The author meditated on the theme of his book before sketching out the plot


27. Dont you know Ive already meditated for two years?


28. In this situation Jean Valjean meditated and what could be the nature of his meditation?


29. In this situation Jean Valjean meditated; and what could be the nature of his meditation?


30. Again and again I meditated on the uncertainty of the hour of death,


31. Here he paused, the pen fell from his fingers, he was seized by one of those sobs which at times welled up from the very depths of his being;the poor man clasped his head in both hands, and meditated.


32. I meditated the other day and to my surprise, when I left my cell and looked at the clock, half an hour had passed.


33. Fauchelevent meditated.The prioress meditated.


34. After initiation, we cannot run away from the light of God. She added that She was very happy to see our progress, especially the newcomers, who also meditated very well.


35. The reason is because he constantly read, meditated upon, and obeyed God's Word.


36. Later, Master taught the new initiates the Holy Names and meditated with them for a while, and when the initiates were deep within, She quietly took Her leave.


37. A control group also with no meditation experience meditated for 20 minutes a day over the same period.Both groups were then given the tests with two numbers in a group of letters.


38. In the clear light of the moon and the stars I have meditated upon the existence of material things.


39. Under the trees of England I meditated on this lost and perhaps mythical labyrinth.


40. Here I meditated nothing but my escape; and what method I might take to effect it, but found no way that had the least probability in it.


41. She sat there and meditated, not knowing what next was to happen, while Vesta quieted down, and then went soundly to sleep.


42. She was sitting on the pianostool, and as she meditated, her finger passed idly over the keys.


43. She has long meditated on the meaning of life .


44. She meditated for 2 days before giving her answer


45. ” She meditated upon this a moment, and then said, “I think I'd better be going.


46. If someone with AIDS, cancer or some other disease meditated like this and every day, for as many hours as possible, there would definitely be some effect.


47. If suicide formed part of what he had meditated on coming to this sepulchre, to that spot, he had not succeeded.But we doubt whether he had thought of suicide, an irreligious act.


48. " For a man who has meditated for twenty five years, to acknowledge that he has deceived himself - you understand the nature of a human being that says that.


49. These young practitioners meditated daily for one hour, and were free to do what they wished the rest of the day.


50. Master, you promised that I could see God after another year of meditation. Now Ive already meditated for two years. Why cant I see God yet?


51. Beautiful were the days when Master came and meditated here with us.


52. Past LivesThe child can become conscious only if in his past life he has meditated enough, has created enough meditative energy to fight with the darkness that death brings.


53. When I asked his advice he ponder/ meditated the matter and then told me not to go.


54. While we all meditated together in the mountains, it suddenly began to rain and everyone got wet. But the two would-be initiates still remained in samadhi.


55. Remember two of your parties Meditated cowardice; but Allah was their protector, and in Allah should the faithful (Ever) put their trust.


56. However, we remained calm and meditated together with fellow initiates from our village, praying for Master to see us through the ordeal.


57. Very few prisoners have ever meditated prior to being in jail and the beginnings are difficult. However, if they persist, it becomes a royal path opening in front of them.


58. When I had recovered from the shock, I meditated in the courtyard, waiting for daybreak.


59. We meditated, trying to understand, for meditation of the heart is understanding.


60. I meditated on love and reasoned it out. I realized what is wrong with us.


61. I prayed within its chambers and meditated among its gardens. I was happy then; at peace.


62. As I leaned back in the comfortable though not elegant conveyance, I meditated much at my ease


63. Secretly, I meditated on the bliss of being anchild with a room all my own .


64. Secretly, I meditated on the bliss of being an only child with a room all my own .


65. Every time after I have meditated for a while, I want to stand up. I cannot continue to meditate, because I feel a power pulling me up.


66. My heart grew hot within me, and as I meditated, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue


67. I meditated without respite. But because I had left Marpa without his permission, I had no inner experience.


68. I walked along and meditated on this matter: I almost dared not to think about myself.


69. One sister even commented that she meditated better after the physical exercise.


70. meditated a visit to her daughter.


71. Effects of Fuzhengyangying granules on the bone marrow proliferation and bcl-2 expression in mice with immune meditated aplastic anemia


72. Approach to logically and effectively improve the medical service and hospital management has been meditated and discussed in this article.


73. In the morning he meditated for an hour, then he said his mass, either at the cathedral or in his own house.


74. I considered you while doing my Horoscope last night, and meditated.


75. Even more surprising, when the subjects were retested after being deprived of a full night's sleep, those who meditated still scored better than their study counterparts.


76. Chumong meditated, "For heaven's grandson to be a mere herdsman is an unendurable shame." Searching his heart, he sought the right way: "I had rather die than live like this.


77. The night of the devastation, I couldn't sleep.I meditated through the night.

此外,也对这基金作一公众监察角色,以肯定 一基金 的行动及募捐的可靠性。

78. This was worse than before: the youth grew crimson, and clenched his fist, with every appearance of a meditated assault.


79. meditated, did all kinds of things...


80. Javert leaned both elbows on the parapet, his chin resting in both hands, and, while his nails were mechanically twined in the abundance of his whiskers, he meditated.

