

1. ‘It's you who have been dishonest, ' said Traddles firmly, ‘ as we shall hear from Mr Micawber.


2. ‘Did you hear what I said, Micawber? ' said Uriah angrily, his little eyes becoming redder while his long face went very pale.


3. ‘Don't wait, Micawber, ' said Uriah to his assistant.


4. ‘Well, I do know that Heep has paid all Mr Micawber's debts in London, ' answered Traddles. ‘ The whole family is leaving tomorrow. They asked me to tell you. '


5. ‘Heep! ' I cried in horror. ‘ I know him! Why would Mr Micawber want to work for him? '


6. ‘I have taken copies of all the necessary documents, ' said Mr Micawber confidently, ‘ while working as your clerk.


7. ‘Mr Micawber, 'I said calmly, ‘ please tell us what you were going to say about this man! '


8. As they abased themselves before him, Mr. Micawber took a seat, and waved his hand in his most courtly manner


9. His father was, like Mr. Micawber, always waiting for something to turn up .


10. But this conversation soon made Mr Micawber rather depressed.


11. Like Micawber, I hope for something better.


12. But Mr Micawber did not move. He stared coldly at his employer.


13. After years of Micawberism, many newspaper publishers now accept that no amount of cost-cutting and laying off of journalists can keep up with plummeting revenues.


14. The baby was one of twins,and in all my experience of the family, I never saw Mrs Micawber without at least one of the twins.

女士服用后不管你是 用轻柔的碰触还是湿热的舌头都会给她带来有如地震般的颤抖。

15. My aunt generously offered to lend him the necessary money to pay for the journey, and the whole Micawber family started planning and packing immediately.


16. My aunt had a wonderful idea for the Micawber family. ‘ Have you ever thought of going to live in Australia?


17. When they were very short of money, Mrs. Micawber would often ask me to sell pieces of furniture and books for her?


18. I wondered why Heep wanted Micawber to work for him, and I felt sure Uriah had some evil plan in his ugly head.


19. I returned to my fireside, musing on the character of Mr. Micawber


20. My papa lived to bail Mr. Micawber several times, and then expired, regretted by a numerous circle


21. Micawber's d ifficulties came to a crisis, and he was arrested early one morning, and carried over to the King's Bench Prison in the Borough.


22. In the next few days Traddles and Micawber worked very hard together to put right what Uriah had done.


23. Just then Mr Micawber himself knocked at the door and entered.


24. Traddles and I had both received rather strange letters from Mr Micawber, in which he asked us to come to Canterbury, with my aunt.


25. Dickens' father was immortalized for ever as Mr Micawber in 'David Copperfield'.


26. Dickens' father was immortalized for ever as Mr Micawber in ' David Copperfield'.


27. Mr Micawber was very interested. ‘ Something could easily turn up there, ' he agreed.


28. Mr Micawber brought Agnes into the room too, and then stood firmly by the door.


29. Mr. Micawber, not a bit changed, came into the room with a genteel and youthful air


30. Mrs. Micawber, tapping at the wall again, to know if tea were ready, broke up this particular phase of our friendly conversation


31. When Mrs Micawber came in, she was also delighted to see me, and we talked for some time about the twins, and the other children, and her husband's business interests.

