

1. Photo Camp student Zury Benitez captured this image of a millipede on a piece of wood at the 2008 Santa Monica Mountains Bioblitz.


2. "We're famous for millipede mustaches more than anything else," says Carol Maier, who started the zoo in 1997."And there's always a whole lot of bug holding going on.


3. A gigantic millipede slithered out, and over to where I was standing.


4. The female lays around 250 eggs in a hole in the soil a few centimetres below the surface.Each egg hatches into a pupoid - a brief, legless stage - then the juvenile form of the millipede appears.


5. We don't know how the millipede was introduced to Australia, but it first appeared in Port Lincoln, South Australia, in 1953, and has since spread to many areas of southern Australia.


6. However, for the micro-sized crew, a millipede is of great danger due to its deadly fluid .


7. Gradually, as their classmates' sticker count rises, the girls break ranks and allow themselves the odd stroke of a millipede's back or a quick touch of a tarantula's leg.


8. But it's a cinch the cameraman would have focused on a millipede trying its best to help a 4-year-old grow a thick, black bandito mustache.


9. You think having a wormy millipede stretch its bazillion legs across your upper lip is creepy and beyond disgusting?


10. In addition, the infestation of houses, bedding, gardens and backyard fruit and vegetable crops have made this millipede a very unwelcome visitor to Australia.


11. frozen millipede


12. Alas carpet is not a good surface for the millipede's legs!


13. In moist season, millipede would in vade your home from downcomer and green belt around home.Swarm millipedes would let you feel thrillingness.


14. 1.In moist season, millipede would in vade your home from downcomer and green belt around home.Swarm millipedes would let you feel thrillingness.


15. With the early morning dew still heavy on the ground one secretive resident makes a rare appearance. This is a Millipede, but it's a giant !


16. Any of several arthropods, such as the centipede or millipede, having segmented bodies, one pair of antennae, and at least nine pairs of legs.


17. The millipede's bright color helps to warn predators that it is not candy-coated, but is instead spiny and toxic.


18. Shirley O'Connor, administration officer for a motor company is representing Lalaura village. Her painted tattoos represent the centipede and millipede, family tribal symbols.


19. Although millipede means 'thousand feet', they don't really have that many - the numbers range from 30 pairs to about 350 pairs.


20. Normally, a millipede looks like a harmless creature to humans.


21. Far from a fashion statement, the animal's bright color probably warns predators of the millipede's toxicity.


22. a fern thought to resemble a millipede.


23. We can use these changes to determine approximately how old a particular millipede is.


24. Mr. Millipede: Well, I could, but we might be late for the party.


25. Whenever the millipede "immediate action from your subconscious psychological blink to conscious, you this mental act immediately.


26. there are some insects who would like to meet you," said the millipede.


27. Gauging by the tracks, the animal might have been as wide as a pencil with multiple legs.So it may have resembled a centipede or millipede, or a worm with legs.


28. We learn, for example, that the more you hold a millipede, the more it moves and wriggles, because your hands (warm-blooded) have the effect of waking it (cold-blooded) up.


29. Australia has hundreds of native millipede species, but not much is known about them.


30. And there wasn't just one millipede found - there was a plague of them!


31. Ego is actually a launch law millipede self-motivation, "act immediately!"


32. The Portuguese millipede isn't harmful to humans, but plagues of them year after year have made them serial pests.


33. a millipede is of great danger due to its deadly fluid.


34. Able to shoot cyanide, this millipede is tough enough to wear pink.


35. The millipede's unusual habit of sitting in plain sight during the day probably also tells predators that it's inedible, researchers believe.


36. With the results of this 'Millipede Mayhem' experiment, Dr Baker hopes to learn more about the effect they are having on our natural ecosystems and how best to control them.


37. Pay attention if we cross your path, along with the caterpillar or millipede kingdoms.


38. As the name suggests, the black Portuguese millipede is a native of Portugal.It has been introduced from Portugal to several Atlantic islands as well as to South Africa and Australia.


39. One of the fascinating aspects of the black Portuguese millipede is the way they grow and reproduce.

