

1. "A sentence of a passe foreign star who was misquoted by the media made us show our savage side," he wrote, referring to postings calling for her to be "killed" or otherwise harmed.


2. "Again Didier has come out and said that he was misquoted and we're not going to talk about that.


3. "I was misquoted recently saying I'd stopped a year too early.


4. We have been informed, however, that the reports misquoted Taiwan officials.


5. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.


6. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.


7. "You have the right to remain silence. Everything you said will be misquoted and then used against you."


8. You have the right to remain silent.Anything you say while you're still onboard will be misquoted and used against you.

决不手软,这样对付他:“You're in violation of the FAA regulations and will be ducted out of the airplane.

9. So far he has spoken very little to the media and the translator makes it clear that if he continues to be misquoted he won't speak at all.


10. The senator claims to have been misquoted in the article.


11. Adams has been misquoted and maligned for saying that all counseling problems are due to sin;


12. A great deal of debate focuses on whether the authors misquoted the scientists they consulted.


13. German government official said the ambassador, Reinhard Bettzuege, was misquoted, and that no decision has been made by Berlin on whom to support. (The newspaper couldn't be reached.


14. We called them and their first response is, well hang on, he must have been misquoted because we don't know that that has happened.


15. Misquotations are the only quotations that are never misquoted.


16. Thus, for not quite fully explainable reasons, some authored epigrams, like "History is bunk," have never become proverbial, while many others, like "Pride goeth before a fall", have, though generally misquoted.

所以,虽然理由并不十分充分,一些很有名的警句从未变成谚语,如“历史是句空话”等; 倒是一些其他的警句,虽然经常误用,倒成了谚语,如“骄者必败”等。

17. Shiver my timbers (often misquoted as Shiver me timbers) is an exclamation in the form of a mock oath usually attributed to the speech of pirates in works of fiction.

文学家们常用这一词语来表示"震惊,惊讶或是恼怒"。当船在海上航行遇到风浪的时候,海浪使得船上下摇晃,船员感到很恐惧,由此引出了这个shiver my timbers。

18. He is frequently misquoted in the press.


19. In the end the situation was defused when Prost appeared in front of FISA and satisfied Mosley that he'd been misquoted.


20. Biblical proverbs include "Money is the root of all evil" (misquoted from I Tim. vi, 10).


21. every time he goes on television to complain that the administration mistreated and misquoted him, he looks more and more snivelling.


22. Nemanja Vidic would like to clarify comments attributed to him in several UK newspapers, which have either been taken out of context or misquoted.


23. Now, in regard to the magazine quote you mentioned.All i can say is, things get misquoted all the time in press.


24. Could there be any chance that Kenyon will come out afterwards and say that he was misquoted with regards to his comments about Avram?


25. Numerous proverbs are really familiar quotations, usually misquoted, especially from the Bible, from Shakespeare, or from other literary sources.


26. We've been informed by the Taiwanese that these officials have been misquoted and the reports are not accurate.


27. The government speaker complained that the newspapers had misquoted him.


28. The politician complained that the newspapers had misquoted him.


29. The misquoted news saw speculation rise and talk of the Blues having to brace themselves for a mega-bid from Madrid soon materialised.


30. The minister complained that the newspapers had misquoted him.

