

1. Select, suppress, improperly emphasize, or distort parts of(a story, etc.)in telling, so as to mislead or misrepresent


2. ?Don't misrepresent your employment status by indicating "to present" on your resume.


3. Why misrepresent yourself to a future employer or try to be someone you're not?


4. Let not your un-Christlike character misrepresent Jesus.


5. Owners said Ka Yip company will misrepresent to the underground layer of bicycle equipment at the construction area as a common basis of assessment in Fangjiakuan.


6. The nature of the internet allows people to freely misrepresent themselves and pretend to be someone or something they're not.


7. They were doing the work that he desired them to do, taking a course to misrepresent the character of God, and cause the world to look upon Him as a tyrant.


8. Iranian hard-liners called the mistranslation a "deliberate" act by CNN to misrepresent Iran's position at a crucial moment in international negotiations.


9. To state untruthfully; misrepresent.


10. To state untruthfully;misrepresent.


11. However, in the investigation of the registration, many people often understated rental rent, and some misrepresent a unreasonable.


12. The gravest of them is, to argue sophistically, to suppress facts or arguments, to misstate the elements of the case, or misrepresent the opposite opinion.


13. Employ any technique to otherwise misrepresent, hide or obscure any information in identifying the point of origin or the transmission path;


14. Astrologers do not misrepresent their sources of information, and make every effort to verify their accuracy.


15. 6. The only people who feel compelled to mask, and otherwise misrepresent themselves online are the same people who are mysterious and unfrank in "real life"...


16. 6. The only people who feel compelled to mask, and otherwise misrepresent themselves online are the same people who are mysterious and unfrank in “real life”...


17. and/or 4) billed for services that misrepresent the actual service provider.


18. Fourth, the progress of home sales and prices into misrepresent, mislead the consumer price is not enough;


19. Because you can't see or even hear the person it would be easy for someone to misrepresent him- or herself.


20. And so, inevitably, they misunderstand and misrepresent vital elements in it, no matter how great their admiration.


21. Impersonate any individual or entity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your identity or affiliation in any way, or forge, delete or alter any part of TCP/IP packet header information in any e-mail or other posting;


22. The random sample of alleles in the just formed new colony is expected to grossly misrepresent the original population in at least some respects.


23. In the presence of adversaries who will misrepresent our best deeds, and impugn our motives where they cannot censure our actions, how circumspect should we be!


24. We all know that being a jonarlist should be objective to what they are reproting.but sometimes they are likely to misrepresent some truth based on their own countries's interest.


25. Never misrepresent a subordinate's performance during performance appraisals.


26. 2.When a company praises, promotes, gives large raises to, or offers other desirable rewards to employees who lie, cheat, or misrepresent, the employees learn that unethical behavior pays off.


27. If you misrepresent what's in the plan, we will call you out.


28. A member shall maintain objectivity and integrity, be free of conflicts of interest, and not knowingly misrepresent facts or subordinate his or her judgment to the judgment of others.


29. Worries about China's finances or intentions are not grounded in fact, and misrepresent a cooperative, complementary relationship.


30. 3.something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity.


31. Members shall not make any statements, orally or in writing, that misrepresent


32. Impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a TakingITGlobal staff member or forum moderator, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;


33. DisguiseTo conceal or obscure by dissemblance or false show; misrepresent


34. C. the works and displays should respect the history but not to misrepresent the history and mislead the public.


35. Ii.To give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent.


36. To give a false or misleading account of;misrepresent.


37. To give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent.


38. 2. To give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent.


39. misrepresent the author's meaning


40. Trojan horse programs are most commonly delivered to users through e-mail messages that misrepresent the program's purpose and function.


41. To conceal or obscure by dissemblance or false show; misrepresent


42. Because you can't see or even hear the person, it would be easy for someone to misrepresent him or herself.


43. Further, the “truth” people believe might misinterpret and misrepresent relatively because people only believe what they seek.


44. Autumn Lake crabs,yellow fat, you misrepresent a package.


45. The US presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has been explaining how she came to misrepresent a visit she made to Bosnia during the 1990s.


46. The site safety responsibility from the Department for the project, only one workers misrepresent heart attack, after first aid out of danger.


47. Blue sister-in the water side : some recent newspaper reporter misrepresent your remarks, you have not thought of using legal weapons to solve?


48. 96.The algorithm can meet the requirements of the grid environment, in which resources can misrepresent their situation, and solve the problem of resource mapping for a set of independent tasks.


49. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys'fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is not infringing the copyrights of others.


50. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys'fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is infringing your copyrights.


51. Misrepresent progress and home sales prices, misleading consumer and inveigled consumers rush to purchase;


52. Misrepresent mouth servant girl get snacks


53. Cultural activists on the grounds that these individual often come from elite sections and are thus likely to misrepresent the desires of the masses.


54. preventive measures : First, it is necessary to verify with the decoration enterprises associated personnel reported the true situation in the project to prevent false misrepresent;


55. As the American debate intensifies, Chinese officials misrepresent the extent of Internet filtering.


56. (ii) impersonate any person or entity without their consent, including, but not limited to, a Linden Lab employee, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;

