

1. "Wrestling momentary bridge professional training apparatus" is developed for wrestling training,its function can be changed by changing program.


2. The word "love" bridges for us those chasms of momentary indifference and boredom which gape from time to time between even the most ardent lovers.


3. The radio frequency interference on CH VOR causing momentary flag indication and out of tolerance course fluctuation.

ch VOR有无线电干扰,注意有时出现故障旗和摆动大。

4. "But house, wife, and children are all transitory; they have only a momentary existence. The palm-tree alone is real. One or two fruits have dropped off. Why lament?


5. Is the sharp, if momentary, pain necessary?@ you wonder as the doctor takes a sample of your blood.


6. "Praise or blame has but a momentary effect on the man whose love of beauty in the abstract makes him a severe critic on his own works" (John Keats).

“赞扬或指责对这个人只有瞬间效应,对抽象美的热爱使他对自己的作品严加批判 (约翰·凯兹)。

7. Some slang also passes into standard speech, but other slang expressions enjoy momentary popularity followed by obscurity.


8. A momentary pause ensued.


9. A momentary silence ensued.


10. A momentary silence ensued. The Bishop almost regretted having come, and yet he felt vaguely and strangely shaken.


11. After a while, though, he found that while the momentary behavior of the particle was chaotic, the general pattern of an attractor appeared.


12. Do not seek momentary gratification.


13. Comedies observe the deficiencies, foibles, and frustrations of life, providing merriment and a momentary escape from day-to-day life.


14. The World Cup is a guarantee of fame, either lasting or momentary, and throughout its 72-year history it has created many legends.


15. The World Cup is a guarantee of fame, whether lasting or momentary, and throughout its 72-year history it has created many legends.


16. Why not go and have some fun instead of taking pains to think?The reason is that its rewards far outnumber those momentary displeasure.


17. Why deny it to the teacher from whom I learn an art by which I can gain my bread,and accord it to the confectioner who makes bonbons for the momentary pleasure of a sense of taste.


18. As noted before, each price represents a momentary consensus of value of market participants.


19. His original employment of epiphany gives a full display of the momentary ideological workings and psychological changes of the characters, which helps the re...


20. They are momentary pauses on the path to success!


21. They can only secure momentary happiness.


22. They can take down a momentary escape and find solace, but also to pay a very likely I have not succeeded to find the heaviest price.


23. They became dizzy with this momentary "victory".


24. He had gone back to his cubicle without looking at O'Brien again.The idea of following up their momentary contact hardly crossed his mind.


25. He stiffens in momentary panic.


26. He lived in momentary expectation of death.


27. His momentary weakness had vanished with the explanation of a mystery which his own experience had not served to fathom.


28. A bold, momentary whim flared in his mind, with his sight falling at sister's jady and angelic face, fair and tender.


29. Suddenly,he feel there is warm tears in his eyes.The momentary happiness !!


30. The momentary elation evaporated as he turned to look up and down the corridor.


31. Whatever is time bound is momentary and has no reality.


32. But at the long term, the advent of the Internet era footsteps will not hesitate to momentary stumble as easily.


33. However, if this proves to be a momentary flash in a long history of neglect, then Hollywood has failed to learn the real meaning of equality.


34. But in their case correction is relatively easy; Once they are alerted, they will understand, for they are patriots and their error is only momentary.


35. However,if this proves to be a momentary flash in a long history of neglect,then Hollywood has failed to learn the real meaning of equality.


36. How do you plan for that? How do you create content that works for momentary players as well as the marathon player?


37. As a result the engine experiences a momentary leanness, which causes a brief engine hesitation, stumble, or flat spot.


38. For example, a short (momentary) outage would not noticeably affect equipment such as motors or lights, but could cause a major nuisance to digital clocks or VCRs.


39. There was a momentary pause.


40. When the silkworms squirted fluid in their faces as they peered up from beneath the racks, they were happy in spite of the momentary discomfort.


41. About sex, the pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous and the expense damnable.


42. She then takes up with a series of seedy types who offer nothing but momentary pleasure.Her son goes missing and she briefly comes to grips with what is most important to her.


43. He stared back at her in silence, while a smarting bitterness welled up inside him and his momentary flush of embarrassment gave way to an angry lividness.

冯云卿白瞪着眼睛不作声。 又酸又辣的一股味儿从他胸膈间直冲到鼻子尖; 他的脸皮也涨红了,但立即转成为铁青;

44. It was but a momentary agitation, Catherine said to herself; it would presently pass away .


45. It was but a momentary weakness.


46. Ashamed of his momentary pique , Laurie squeezed the kind little hand.


47. Lu : Comparatively speaking, the expression of the latest works includes an sense of an intuition especially a momentary touch.


48. Even the most experienced hand can be softened by continual offers of friendship or plagued by a momentary mistake.


49. The fit is momentary; upon a thought he will again be well.

发作是短暂的; 一会儿他就会好的。

50. The fit is momentary;upon a thought he will again be well.


51. It's just a momentary lapse.


52. Zorba alone is hollow.His dance has not an eternal significance, it is momentary pleasure.Soon he will be tired of it.


53. Donations given after proper thought under no momentary emotional urge born out of a feeling of compassion aroused by an imposter saint or an idler i.e.


54. And again, if you do not have the cruise option, then a 12 volt signal thru a momentary switch will function just as well.


55. For that which is at present momentary and light of our tribulation, worketh for us above measure exceedingly an eternal weight of glory.


56. Even drunk, most of us can be savvy enough to know that the momentary adrenaline that may come from said hookup is not worth the long-term damage that comes later.


57. In China,the WenChuan magnitude earthquake cause most chinldren lost their parents to become orphans momentary.


58. Strike in chords from your harp fitful momentary rhythms.


59. The triplets are replaced by thudding full-length quavers, as the volume achieves a momentary fff.


60. Although the engines restarted before the pilot was even aware of the problem, the momentary power loss dropped the telemetry signals to the control room on the ground.


61. The 'Cat shook off its momentary malaise and looked back at its prey.


62. She hesitated in momentary confusion.


63. She turned her head, and our eyes met, a momentary awareness in that raucous fifth-grade classroom.


64. A momentary lapse in the final set cost her the match.


65. Her feeling of danger was only momentary; it soom passed.


66. Her feeling of fear was only momentary ; it soon passed.


67. She remarked that the Dow was down that morning, and I said I had heard it was just a momentary blip and experts were predicting the market would be back up the next day.


68. How to control your momentary slip?


69. There was a momentary silence while the children considered her answer.


70. Samadhi is useful in Vipassana but only to the level of momentary concentration.


71. Pay close attention to momentary pleasures and wonders.


72. The resistance to him was momentary.


73. For me, art is always a petition for another world, a momentary shattering of what is comfortable so that we become more sophisticated in reclaiming the present.


74. There'll be momentary exhaustion, but you've fired up your circulatory system and sandblasted your capillaries and arteries.


75. As these broad black raindrops mingle with the waste of waters, making a trifling and momentary eddy, and are then lost for ever.


76. Branderton had some knowledge of polite society, and broke the momentary silence.


77. Many analysts have been left asking if Tuesday's rally was a sign of better days to come, or a momentary interruption of a continuing trend downward.


78. Because fear is as contagious as the flu, quarantine yourself from anyone who obsesses over the momentary twitching of the Dow.


79. They would like to possess all the beauties in the world to gratify their momentary desires.


80. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

