
musemuseD.J.:[mju:z]K.K.:[mjuz]n.1.缪斯2.艺术家的创作灵感His muse had deserted him, and he could no longer write.他已无灵感, 不能再写作了。vi.1.沉思; 冥想vt.1.沉思自语说(某事)“I wonder if I shall ever see them again, ”he mused.“我不知道是否还可以再见到他们, ”他沉思自问。

muse[mju:z]vi.1.沉思,冥想(与about, on, upon, over连用):She mused on what she has heard.她仔细考虑自己听到的事。He mused over memories of his youth.他重温青年时期的往事。2.若有所思地凝视;凝望;仔细端详 (与on, upon连用):to muse upon a distant scene凝望远处的风景3.[古语]感到惊讶;感到惊异(与at连用)vt.1.沉思;冥想;反复思考:She has mused that question once more.她已经又一次仔细思考了那个问题。2.沉思地说:I could do it, he mused.我能做这件事,他沉思着。3.[废语]使…为难n.1.沉思;冥想;默想2.[废语]惊讶;惊异近义词ponder变形vi.musedmusing

musemuse[mju:z]vi.1.沉思, 默想(on; upon)2.凝视, 若有所思地望着; 细心周到地说3.[古]惊讶muse over memories of the past缅怀过去
词性变化muse[mju:z]vt.1.冥思, 冥想n.1.沉思, 冥想

继承用法museful[ˈmju:zfʊl]adj.1.[古]沉思的, 冥想的musern.