

1. (Roy and Myra go to St. matthew's Church to hold their wedding ceremony.)


2. --(A taxi comes. A boy opens the door.)--BOY: Here you are, Governor.--MYRA: Thank you very much. I hope you get back safe and sound.


3. --(Roy stops a car and takes Myra into it.)--MYRA: What's the matter darling? Where are we going? --ROY: To announce our engagement.


4. --KITTY: Good Heaven's! He's deserted!--MYRA: Kitty he's here, he hasn't gone, he's here!


5. --KITTY: Myra! Myra!--Mrs. CLARK: Who is it?--KITTY: Has Miss Lester gone out, Mrs. Clark?--Mrs. CLARK: What? What is it?


6. --VICAR: I shall be punctual.--MYRA: Good-bye, and thank you very much.--VICAR: Good-bye, Miss Lester.--ROY: Good-bye sir. --VICAR: Good-bye.


7. --MYRA: Oh, we face the unknown in peacetime, too.--ROY: You're rather matter of fact, aren't you?--MYRA: Yes, you're rather romantic, aren't you?


8. --MYRA: Oh, Roy! Lester.--ROY: It's lucky I thought of that. That's very vital. Goodbye, Miss Lester!--MYRA: Goodbye.--ROY: Wait just a second.


9. --MYRA: Well, aren't I, right. For instance I met you, I liked you, and now so soon we have to part, and, perhaps we will never see each other again.


10. --ROY: Nothing to do about it, is there?--MYRA: Nothing, except to say good-bye.--ROY: I suppose so.--MYRA: Good-bye.


11. --ROY: Good-bye, Myra dear.--MYRA: Good-bye, Roy.--ROY: Keep well.--MYRA: Yes, you too, keep well.


12. --ROY:I can see that, Kitty.--KITTY: Bye-bye, Captain.--(Myra goes to the Candlelight Club to meet Roy there.)--MYRA: Hello.


13. --ROY: No.--MYRA: Well, what am I going to do instead?--ROY: Going to get married.--MYRA: Roy, you must be mad.


14. --ROY: Father's. profession? --MYRA: Schoolmaster.--ROY: Parent's living?--MYRA: No.--ROY: Uh, see what else? Oh yes, what's your last name?


15. --ROY: Myra? Well, Uncle, I think I’ve been more than generous leaving you so long with Myra. Any longer would be foolhardy. --UNCLE: Yes Roy. You’d better take her away before she discovers that I’m be better man


16. --ROY: Thank you.--MYRA: Here, take this.--ROY: Your, your good luck charm?--MYRA: Perhaps it'll bring you luck, I hope it does.


17. --ROY: To Bond Street.--DRIVER: Yes Sir.--MYRA: Bond Street?--ROY: Bond Street. For a ring. A very simple ring. I do not want to spoil .you straight off. Then to the florists, you deserve a posy. Then to St. Matthew's Church.


18. --ROY: A captain in the rental ship Usaleus cannot marry casually. It requires immense preparation, formality, etiquette.--MYRA: I see it does.


19. --ROY: rain the first place my dear young lady, I am a captain in the rental ship Usaleus. Are you impressed?--MYRA: Very much.


20. --MYRA: Here, take this. --ROY: Your good luck charm?--MYRA: Perhaps it will bring you luck. I hope it will. I pray it will.


21. And having sailed across the open sea which lies off Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came down to Myra of Lycia.


22. When we had sailed across the open sea off the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we landed at Myra in Lycia.


23. And having gone across the sea off Cilicia and Pamphylia we came to Myra, in Lycia.


24. B: Myra had promised to join the party with me. But I waited her for a full hour in the cold wind, and she didn't turn up.


25. Myra kessleri

n. 凯氏长臂蟹

26. Myra elegans

n. 秀丽长臂蟹

27. "ran a scuzzy operation" (Myra MacPherson)


28. This article analyses the inner world of the old lady, the heroine of the story The Present on her eightieth birthday, and appraises Myra, her daughter in different cultures.

从中西方文化的不同背景对《礼物》一文进行了赏析 ,剖析了主人公老太太在过八十岁生日时的内心世界 ,对其女儿迈拉的行为从不同角度给予两种截然不同的评价。

29. He was a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop of Myra in Lycia.


30. Do you bear a grudge against me... for that, Myra?


31. Oh! Well, that dance is the climax of my career! I can now retire permanently, and write my memoirs. Myra: You're awfully kind. I shall always be grateful to you.


32. Kitty: There are two sorts of people, Myra.


33. Kitty: That's a comfort, isn't it? Well, Myra, we are a couple of howling successes sitting on top of the world, aren't we?


34. Myra: No, we fascination of the' unknown peacetime too.


35. A great deal depends upon the petitioner on the charm of the petitioner, on his ardor, on his eloquence. Myra, look at me.


36. Myra: Well, you gave up the colonel, so I expect I made it difficult for you too.


37. Saint Nicholas of Myra is the primary inspiration for the Christian figure of Santa Claus.


38. Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor who is often associated with Santa Claus and the custom of gift-giving at Christmas


39. Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor who is often associated with Santa Claus and the custom of gift-giving at Christmas.


40. Although he was not invited, Henry managed to horn in on Myra's wedding.


41. Although he was not invited,Henry managed to horn in on Myra's wedding.


42. Although he was not invited, Henry managed to horn in on myra's wedding


43. Of course Myra was busy.


44. When we had sailed through the sea along the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we landed at Myra in Lycia.


45. 5 And having sailed across the open sea which lies off Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came down to Myra of Lycia.


46. Acts 27:5 And having sailed across the open sea which lies off Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came down to Myra of Lycia.


47. Myra broken into tears when she learned that her husband had been injured in an accident.


48. Myra broke into tears when she learned that her husband had been injured in an accident.


49. We're much further along, don't you think?--MYRA: Are we?--ROY: You know we are. Now, I'm too excited to eat, let's dance.--MYRA: All right.


50. Myra:.I 've had it for years, it brings me luck.


51. Forget about the image of Myra Hindley.


52. Tony: Perhaps it's Philip,Myra: Who is it? I'm not in .Tony: I'll give you three guesses.


53. Kirsch, Rosemarie Kelly, Myra B.

放大图片 作者: Donald R.

54. "The Santa summit also ignored historical evidence rooting their traditions in Turkey, where fourth-century Christian Saint Nicholas of Myra helped the poor and needy."


55. 5 and crossing the open sea off the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia we came to Myra in Lycia.


56. Lukas C Faulstich,Myra Spiliopoulou.Building HyperView Wrappers for Publisher Web Sites[J].Int J Digit Library,2000(3


57. Roy:A great deal depends upon the petitioner on the charm of the petitioner, on his ardor, on his eloquence. Myra,look at me.


58. Myra Lester: I may never see him again.


59. Myra Lester: Every parting from you is like a little eternity.


60. Myra, what do you think we're going to do today?


61. Myra Lester: Well, what am I going to do instead?


62. Myra Lester: I loved you, I've never loved anyone else. I never shall, that's the truth Roy, I never shall.


63. Myra: But you don't know me.


64. Myra: Yes. Perhaps they took another entrance.


65. Myra: Well, what am I going to do instead?


66. Myra help her old parents to snug their house for winter


67. Myra help her old parents to snug their house for winter.


68. Myra, I want you to remember that I tried to be your friend.


69. Myra:(Myra runs forward alongside the moving car, calls) Roy!


70. Myra: no, no, I only drop it in emergencies.


71. Myra: Oh, no. Please come in, Lady Margaret.


72. Myra: Are you home on leave?


73. Myra: What were you going to say?


74. Myra: Do you think you will remember me now?


75. Myra: Kitty, he wants to marry me!


76. Myra: Oh, not quite, that would be dreadful.


77. Myra: Uh, now and then I wonder.


78. Myra: Oh, Roy, you? re alive.


79. Myra: Oh, I'm so sorry. This hateful war.


80. Myra: Oh. we face the unknown in peacetime, too.

