

1. Was the Navigator navigating with the Insured's order or permission?


2. Memory Map navigator OSGB File Format Decode QCT complete source code, has been tested.


3. Bond along and his navigator Tatiana Romanova, played by the Italian actress Daniela Bianchi, flee an armada of small boats in From Russia with Love.


4. Netscape Navigator 2.0 (released in 1996). Too old. Don't use it.


5. On November 28th, 1520, Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean after passing through the South American strait that now bears his name.


6. In the year 1578, the English navigator Martin Frobisher held a formal ceremony, in what is now called Newfoundland, to give thanks for surviving the long journey.


7. April 4, Netscape Communications Corp which will go on to create the Navigator version of a browser, is founded.


8. Arad was the navigator of an Israeli warplane that crashed in Lebanon in October 1986.


9. The HTML editor tag navigator, which displays the currently selected element and its location within the tag hierarchy of the page.


10. While there are many similarities between Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, there are some differences in terminology.

Netscape navigator 和 Internet Explorer 有很多相似之处,但所用术语有些不同。

11. Not only are Netscape Communications' Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer a means to access the Internet, but now they can also be used to access desktop applications.

Netscape公司的Navigator和微软公司的Internet explorer不仅是访问Internet的一种手段,而且现在还能用来访问台式应用程序。

12. Montalban .... Khan Noonian Singh...Sulu Laura Banks .... Khan's navigator...

Trek: The Wrath of Khan别名:天汗的愤怒导 演...

13. Trunk Navigator allows the trunking of up to 32 Artist intercom systems.

Trunk Navigator允许最多连接32个Artist内通系统。

14. Web pages are sometimes available in several languages. navigator presents pages in the available language you most prefer.


15. Creates a new XPathNavigator object for navigating this document. The navigator is positioned on the Document node.


16. He was the developer and publisher of Global Network Navigator (GNN), the first commercial Web site, which launched in 1993 and was sold to AOL in 1995.


17. A bad Navigator guide people "lose more", and people stands around in the origin.


18. A navigator whose name is Williams navigated on the ocean and found the island.


19. A good Navigator guide people "learn more", and people makes money by their own.


20. A space navigator wishes to determine his velocity of approach as he nears the moon.


21. This rugged navigator is waterproof to IPX7 standards or, immersible in the water for 30 minutes at a depth of 1 meter, and, it floats!


22. Like it or not,you travel through life with your thoughts as navigator.


23. Never deploy any chemical or detergent to clean up the navigator to prevent erosion of the surface and paintwork.


24. No, my father didn't fight in the wars.He was a navigator on a spice freighter.


25. Ancient chinese navigator Zheng He sailed from China to Sumatra in 1405, that is,90 years before Columbus.


26. Why is it that my Netscape Navigator becomes very unstable when using ESD applications requiring digital certificates?


27. In order to ensure the security of information, advise you to back up the information in the navigator in your computer in time.


28. To Prince Henry the world owed credit for development of craft that made oceanic exploration possible. He lived in history as Henry the Navigator.


29. He wasn't good navigator, so it is necessary that the coastline remain in sight as he moved from one harbor to the next.


30. He wasn't a good navigator, so he kept the coastline well in sight as he moved from one harbour to the next.


31. He wasn't a good navigator, so he kept the coastline well in sight as he moved form one harbour to the next.


32. He wanted to become a navigator when he was a child.


33. Their new electronic navigator mislead them down the wrong road.


34. He crossed over the Atlantic from 1492 to 1502, and he discovered American land , so he became a navigator on the scroll of fame.


35. He has registered to take an examination to be a navigator of the aviation company.


36. He was proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator.


37. He was a proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator.


38. He is a navigator of planes.


39. By comparing local high noon to the chronometer's time, a navigator could use the time difference to determine the ship's present longitude.


40. It is well-known that America was discovered in 1492 by Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator.


41. It is said that the goddess could deliver the navigator from torrents, which is the reason why Mazu was converted into a goddess from an ordinary woman.


42. However, unlike Web-based applications, XML Web services components have no UI and are not targeted for browsers such as Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

但是,与基于Web的应用程序不同,XML Web服务组件不具有UI且不以浏览器(例如,Internet Explorer和Netscape Navigator)为目标。

43. Charity Navigator, a service that rates nonprofit organizations, gives Physicians for Peace its top rating.


44. You have this piece of waters has long been an experienced navigator, you will not know this sea disaster and misfortune do?


45. Your armory includes a flak jacket, heavy lead bullets and a found by chance catacombs navigator, to say nothing about a bit of luck!


46. Use your favorite keyboard shortcuts. Internet Explorer and Navigator share many of the same keyboard shortcuts.

使用您喜欢的快捷键。Internet Explorer 和 navigator 使用的快捷键有很多是相同的。

47. You can use the tag navigator to see which element has the focus, and to move from the current element to an element higher in the hierarchy.


48. For example, you can turn off the Date Navigator, or change the number of appointments that are displayed.


49. For instance, Netscape Communications Corp. is adding discussion technology from Collabra Software Inc. and new E-mail capabilities to its Navigator browser.


50. You can easily move around your documents with the new tag navigator that shows you where you are in the current hierarchy.


51. Zheng He was an outstanding navigator in ancient China.


52. Click "More Info" to learn how to extend Navigator's capabilities.


53. It was in Portugal, with the guidance of Prince Henry the Navigator, that exploration and discovery began in earnest.


54. After military training, he worked at a Russian military base in Vitebsk as a navigator.


55. Also, if you use both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, you can keep your favorites and bookmarks up-to-date with each other by importing them between programs.

另外,如果同时使用 Internet Explorer 和 Netscape navigator,通过在程序之间导入可使收藏和书签相互更新。

56. But the key element involved the way in which Microsoft forced its Internet Explorer (IE) browser to leadership in a market, which had been dominated by Netscape's Navigator.


57. I am very tempted to trade in my old Escalade for a Navigator.


58. Hudson was not the first European explorer to discover this river.The Florentine navigator Giovanni da Verrazano discovered the Hudson in 1524.


59. Hudson was a headstrong but courageous commander.Though he often mismanaged his crews by playing favorites or letting morale suffer, he was a competent navigator.


60. Columbus was a famous navigator.


61. Columbus is a great navigator.


62. Therefore, in order to build a precise extended-time navigator, some means must be found to damp out these oscillations.


63. In Flex Builder, just drag and drop build.xml from Flex Navigator to Ant view and double “click build SWC” task.

在FlexBuilder中, 只需要将Build.xml从导航栏中拖到Ant视图中, 然后双击’build SWC’任务.

64. In the Navigator window, notice that a Java file for the content spot has been generated.


65. In Netscape Navigator,the hotlist items are called bookmarks,and the hotlist is called the bookmark list.

在Netscape Navigator中,热单项被称作书签。热单被称作书签单。

66. On the View menu, point to To-Do Bar, and then click Date Navigator.


67. The menu navigator button is a 0.25 carat diamond while more diamonds decorate the titanium body.


68. The menu navigator button is a0.25 carat diamond while more diamonds decorate the titanium body.


69. Are there tips for using Netscape Navigator Communicator to optimise UPS Create a Shipment performance?

在使用Netscape Navigator Communicator上,是否有秘诀可使UPS托运发挥最佳效能?

70. MIP. SSD and virtual endoscope were postprocessed by navigator software on the workstation.


71. An older version of Netscape Navigator was found on your machine.

在您的机器上找到旧版本的 Netscape navigator。

72. According to reports the navigator ejected while the aircraft was flying upside down.


73. Uncharismatic and unable to charm a crowd, he is instead an expert navigator of the corridors of power.


74. Dashan: Okay. Rumei, you can be my navigator.


75. As shown below, increasing the number of months displayed in the Date Navigator increases the size of the Date Navigator area.


76. If this compass variation or error is not compensated for, a navigator could find himself far off course and in deep trouble.


77. Rumei: Sure. What does a navigator do?


78. Such incredible experience makes every navigator stauncher.


79. It is often used as a file system navigator, and is a highly effective way to present inherently hierarchical information.


80. Support for the Netscape Navigator web browser will cease on 1 March, its owners say.

