

1. In 1921 Einstein won the Nobel Prize, and was honored in Germany until the rise of Nazism when he was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.


2. The 1936 Berlin Games is remembered for its Nazism.


3. Mr Laughland also argues that Nazism's central features were war and racial persecution, whereas Soviet communism was neither racist nor (under Stalin) expansionist.


4. you must . . . hold . . . those horrors up to the light of justice. Otherwise we would fail our inescapable obligation to the victims of Nazism: to remember?Anthony Lewis


5. "We must . . . hold . . . those horrors up to the light of justice. Otherwise we would fail our inescapable obligation to the victims of Nazism: to remember" (Anthony Lewis)


6. an adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism


7. The conduct of the Games and their setting are to be a demonstration of the excellence of Nazism.

举办奥运会及其种种安排, 致力于表现纳粹主义的优越性。

8. There are still many people who say that, whilst the crimes of Nazism were proven and condemned in the Nuremberg Trials, the crimes of communism still need investigation.


9. " What should the Jewish community be concerned about in light of your research on his connections with Nazism?


10. Differences between German Nazism and Islamic Fundamentalism Based on an Analysis of the Characteristics of Nationalism


11. He was also noted for being an outspoken opponent of Nazism, and was removed from his post by the Vichy government following the occupation of the country by Nazi Germany.


12. Yet as the long shadow of Nazism dominates their lives, one becomes an officer in the SS and the other a pawn of the system.


13. and he was honored in Germany until the rise of Nazism when he was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.


14. What he calls “the Godless religions of Nazism and communism” killed tens of millions of people.


15. He pointed out that Soviet troops had made a huge sacrifice in defeating Nazism and liberating Europe.


16. His party's flag has echoes of both fascism and Nazism: a black hammer and sickle on a red background.


17. His basic problem as Nazism stalked Europe was that some Americans wanted to isolate themselves from the world while others wanted to remake it in America's image.


18. in nazism, a caucasian gentile , especially of nordic type.


19. He argued that fights in the new century would be different from those between ideologies, particularly Nazism and Communism, in the 20th century.


20. He saw both Communism and Nazism as the French Revolution's heirs.


21. Any man or State who fights against Nazism will have our aid.


22. relating to or consistent with or typical of the ideology and practice of Nazism or the Nazis.


23. Analyzing Vicions Development of Nazism in Germany and Its Failed Causes


24. In Nazism, a Caucasian Gentile, especially of Nordic type.


25. The Holocaust took place across the entire European continent, and for all of Europe's Jews, as well as other victims of Nazism, geography played a major role in determining their fate.


26. NAZISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both and shoots you.


27. Munich, which in the heyday of Nazi period was to be honoured as the" Capital of the Movement, was then the focal point of all the forces if nationalism, right - wing radicalism and Nazism.


28. In Nazism, everyone is subordinate to the race war;in Bolshevism, to the class struggle.


29. in Nazism,a Caucasian Gentile,especially of Nordic type


30. Hanna is a small part, thrown into the huge machine of Nazism.


31. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.


32. It had never occurred to her to go back to her home in Poland, which she had to flee as a refugee, haunted by the rise of Nazism in Europe.


33. She reminds us of historians' consensus that Nazism and the Holocaust were products of European modernity.


34. In Nazism, everyone is subordinate to the race war; in Bolshevism, to the class struggle.


35. 58.It might have done, had it tackled some difficult issues, such as whether courage is admirable in those who fight for causes that are less uncontroversially noble than opposing Nazism or apartheid.


36. It might have done, had it tackled some difficult issues, such as whether courage is admirable in those who fight for causes that are less uncontroversially noble than opposing Nazism or apartheid.


37. Tales of totalitarian gulags may strike some readers as ancient history, something that happened during Europe's 20th-century experiments in fascism, communism and Nazism.


38. Opposition to Nazism has not come from one source only.


39. As nazism took hold of Germany, however, he saw nazism for what it was.


40. But the Kissingers were a Jewish family in a Germany that was on the brink of Nazism.


41. we need to lay the ghost of the past and condemn Nazism.


42. Sensitivities about Nazism during wartime Austria and issues towards the von Trapp family themselves could explain Austria's reluctance to embrace the musical.


43. The new Nazism is resurging in some places in Germany.


44. For example, the Communism had once changed the social structure of half of the earth, and the Nazism successfully killed millions of Jews.


45. His philosophical eyes were obviously shortsighted by the evil influence of Nazism


46. Among its supporters and officials are unrepentant defenders of the fascist regimes in Spain and Portugal and even those who said that Nazism had been a lesser evil than communism.


47. Some have claimed Fritzl's sadism to be a vestige of Nazism's moral corruption, others that the psychological strain of living for years under the threat of nuclear destruction was to blame.


48. They did not seem to realize what the poison of Nazism was doing to them.


49. Mr Kolakowski had lived under two kinds of totalitarianism, Nazism and communism;


50. An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist.


51. "By sacrificing human life to serve their radical visions, by abandoning every value except the will to power, they follow in the path of fascism, and Nazism, and totalitarianism."


52. a resurgence of Nazism [inflation]

纳粹主义 [通货膨胀] 的复活

53. a rebirth of Nazism


54. NAZISM: You have two cows. State takes both of them and shoot you.


55. The background to Nazism in Germany was the lost war (WWI) and the economic downturn in the depression.


56. Nazism suppressed all three movements as degenerate.


57. NAZISM : You have 2 cows. The State takes both and shoots you.


58. Nuremberg, which had once been so synonymous with the Nazis, had succeeded in driving out Nazism's ideological descendants.


59. That put Russia on the same track as post-war Germany, which has spent decades in the commendable pursuit of reconciliation with victims of Nazism.


60. to denazify Nazism or Nazi influences


61. The British and French premiers, once they had abandoned appeasement, appealed to the Kremlin to sign an alliance to contain Nazism


62. Sartre and Aron began their 50-year acquaintance with a shared elite French education that included a formative period in Germany just before the rise of Nazism.


63. Though he confessed that Nazism was dead, at least for the moment, he nevertheless adjured the commanders of the three armed services


64. We must . . . hold . . . those horrors up to the light of justice. Otherwise we would fail our inescapable obligation to the victims of Nazism: to remember(Anthony Lewis)

记住:我们必须将那些惨事交付法庭审判。否则,对遭受法西斯主义迫害的人,我们将无法尽到应尽的责任(安东尼 刘易斯)

65. Movies dealing with Nazism and the Holocaust reflected a growing willingness in Germany to look at the humans behind the historical characters.


66. what this I read? how bigoted, the agenda of such groups is nothing short of evil. it reeks of nazism.

