
needneedD.J.:[ni:d]K.K.:[nid]vt.1.需要; 必须These shoes need to be repaired.这些鞋需要修理。These patients need looking after.这些病人需要照料。She needs the work done before tomorrow.她必须在明天以前找人完成这项工作。aux.v.1.必须Need he go yesterday?昨天他有去的必要吗?n.1.需要, 需求2.责任, 必要There is no need of your anxiety.你的焦虑是不必要的。3.需要的东西The hotel staff will supply all your needs.饭店工作人员会向你们提供一切需用的东西。4.贫穷; 困窘We are collecting money for families in need.我们正在为有困难的家庭募捐。

need[ni:d]n.1.需要;必要2.缺乏,缺少;需求3.缺少之物,需用的东西4.困境;困难时刻5.(必要之物的)缺乏状态6.极其贫穷,赤贫v.aux.1.[后与不带 to 的动词不定式连用,一般现在时第三人称单数无词尾变化;无分词和不定式形式]需要;必须;必定:You need not go.你没必要去。Need I come in early tomorrow?需要我明天一早来吗?vt.1.需要:Needn't try to explain.不用解释。Do you need some more money?要不要再拿上点儿钱?2.必须;必要:You didn't need to hurry.你没有必要着急。3.缺少,缺钱:My car needs some gas.我的车该加油了。vi.1.缺乏,欠缺;缺衣少食,穷困:He relieved us when we needed.在我们最困难的时候,他救济了我们一家。2.[古语]需要:There need some flowers in the room.屋里还需要摆上几盆花儿。近义词necessityexigencyas the need arises需要时,必要时at need困难之时,必要时do one's needs解手had need (to) do something应该做某事have need to需要;有…的必要have need to do something有必要做某事,必须做某事if need be (或 were,require)需要的话,有必要的话if the need arises=as the need arisesin need在困难时,在危难之中in need of有…的需要,有…的必要need not have done something本来不需要做某事need (someone或 something) like (或 as much as) one needs a hole in the head见 holestand (或 be) in need of需要Who needs it?这种东西有谁要?要这种东西有什么用?

needneed[ni:d]n.1.需要, 必需2.缺乏; 穷困; 困难; 危急3.[常用复]需要的东西be in need of food需要食物daily needs日用品 =There is no need to hurry). 不用着急。satisfy one's needs满足某人的需要from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs各尽所能, 按需分配needs test经济情况调查(如对申请救济金的失业人员和年老者的调查)help people in need帮助处于困难中的人们Is there any need for you to go there?你有必要去那里吗?She feels the need of companionship.她感到需要友谊。There is no need for [of] hurrying (
词性变化need[ni:d]vt.1.需要2.必须, 有...必要My car needs repairing.我的车需要修理。Does he need any help?他需要帮忙吗?You don't need to be told twice.不必告诉你两遍。need[ni:d]v., aux.1.[无人称变化, 多用于否定句, 疑问句; 过去时用 had to, 将来时用 will [shall] have to]需要; 必须, 不得不You need not[needn't]come today.今天你不必来。 -N-we make the test?我们需要做这个试验吗? -Yes, we must.是的, 需要。(否定回答: No, we needn't. 不, 不需要。)He need not have done it.他本不需要做这件事。need[ni:d]vi.1.生活贫困2.[古]需要(主要用于无人称句)Give to those that need.救济贫困者。There needs no apology.无辩解的必要。

参考词汇need;necessity;requisite;都含“必需”、“需要”的意思。1.need指“急需”, 如:A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真正的朋友。2.necessity 属正式用语, 指“必要”、“对不可缺少东西的需要”, 如:They are in need of food, food is a necessity for all living things.他们需要食物, 食物对一切生物是必不可少的。3.requisite指“必需品”、“对某一特殊目的所不能缺少的东西”, 如:the requisites for a long march长途行军所必需的东西。