

1. In 2005 Mr Kim agreed in principle that he would give up his other nefarious nuclear activities and eventually his weapons too.


2. A former“ infidel dog” says nefarious corporations are running the planet.


3. The nefarious Zerg Overmind has been destroyed and the Protoss homeworld of Aiur now lies in smoking ruin.


4. nefarious deeds, activities, etc

不法的行为、 活动等.

5. One lesson from PC viruses is that the bigger the target, the bigger the attraction for nefarious programmers.


6. Many of you may remember the infamous "Wool Raiser", that nefarious bandit who kept many fearing for the safety of their sheep and other livestock.


7. The second is more nefarious as certain Third Party Tools allow hackers to drag the monument away to a place where legitimate players cannot reach it.


8. You see, my dear, I was engaged in some of my nefarious schemes here during the war and these people have devilish long memories!


9. He guarded his nefarious doings from view


10. Instead of counting money in the office, the firm put cash in special accounts, kept off its books, from which nefarious payments could be made.


11. When they arrive there, they are shocked to learn that Horatio's brother Ray, and nephew Ray, Jr., are mixed up in the nefarious international criminal's heinous activities.


12. in a nefarious manner


13. in a nefarious manner or to a nefarious degree


14. in a nefarious manner or to a nefarious degree.


15. On the other hand, there are far more nefarious things people can and are already doing with links created via URL shorteners.


16. However, the dark side of the Force allows a malicious user to install these tools for nefarious purposes such as forgery, data modification and eavesdropping.


17. Can Sato overcome the horrible plot that has been hatched by the nefarious N-H-K?


18. nefarious a.


19. It's the relationships pharmaceutical companies deelop with hospitals that are much more nefarious than buying a doctor a steak dinner.


20. Now they must protect those who fear them as the nefarious Magneto (Ian McKellen), who believes humans and mutants can never co-exist, unveils his sinister plan for the future!


21. But Arronax had twisted several of the council to his nefarious ways.


22. With nefarious players on either side, Spawn must carefully navigate his obsessive revenge to avert the destruction of the human race.


23. He was universally feared because of his many nefarious deeds.

因为他干了许多罪恶的勾当, 所以人人都惧怕他。

24. Something called the Mittelos Bioscience Corporation, which sounds as if it does terrible things to baby ducks, has maintained an inscrutably nefarious presence on and off the island for some time.


25. Help them defeat nefarious pirates in their quest to find a long, lost treasure.


26. These live balls of fire can be misused by nefarious elements for materialization of their personal agendas.


27. extremely wicked; "nefarious schemes"; "a villainous plot"; "a villainous band of thieves"


28. The skeptical scribes soon uncover a nefarious plot to make look-alike android copies of the esteemed folk in their group, and use these impostors to do their bidding.


29. The gifts of the earth were put only to nefarious uses


30. And was she a harbinger of a race of unnatural beings who might eventually be fashioned specifically as a means to nefarious ends?


31. For more information on viruses, spyware, Trojans and other nefarious software, scan over to the next page.


32. If system departures right direction, society will wield nefarious for system influences basic view of value of society.


33. If you don't let me heal this time, I humbly pray: Please have me killed!I am in total despair, please acquit me of the torment, God the Nefarious!

如果这次再不让我痊愈 那么求求你 请杀了我吧 绝望了 放过我好吗 可恶的上帝!!

34. " As it stands, it is a heavily restrictive 20-page plod outlining a process that may or may not encourage timid public servants to come forward with tales of nefarious doings in their departments.


35. nefarious schemes;


36. nefarious schemes; a villainous plot; a villainous band of thieves


37. nefarious schemes; a villainous plot; a villainous band of thieves.


38. To counter the nefarious influence of the ID creationists, we need to employ a proactive strategy of science education and evolution explanation.


39. I'm not sure I would agree with the "ineffective" part - nefarious to be sure, but not ineffective.


40. I once knew a woman who had the nefarious distinction that her name and her personality were both contradictions in terms, a double hit of bad luck, you might say.


41. Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone Hanging out with insects under ducting...

我终于走到了 回廊的尽头。我抽了一支上上签,这是对我莫大的讽刺。...

42. I hated the train stations, full of dubious men hovering vast quantities of nefarious substances up their noses


43. Precisely. They have already usurped the magical powers of my people! Who knows what nefarious purposes they intend for this new energy?


44. You should not open a door or do business toward the intersection of the roads or the rivers.Money can be tainted and various nefarious activities can occur.


45. Players will be able to see the aliens interacting with their environment and themselves - eventually they'll uncover their nefarious plot, but not without the help of the other abductees.


46. Players must choose whether to join the nefarious Horde or the Alliance faction.


47. Owing to my lack of tolerance for those who would use magic towards their own nefarious ends, many have assumed that I am averse to the practice of the magical arts on a philosophical level.


48. All these factors aggravate matters but only by reinforcing the underlying ideology that blames the ills of the Muslim world on the nefarious actions of the West.


49. Red Wizards are the notorious and nefarious spellcasters who are the ruling class in the inhospitable but well-inhabited country of Thay.


50. Experience Capcom's classic platformer on mobile. Control Mega Man and his dog, Rush, on an epic journey to defeat the nefarious Dr. Wily and his deadly robot masters.


51. nefarious activities


52. It might be one of your users, but it just as easily could be a nefarious cracker looking for an opening.


53. Computer hackers have adopted these symbols to describe, respectively, legitimate practitioners of their art and their nefarious counterparts.


54. The bomber's nefarious deed desspxoyed many innocent lives.


55. to a nefarious degree


56. It also requires insurance companies to end various nefarious practices, such as refusing to insure people with existing conditions or cancelling their coverage just when they need it most.


57. This stuff isn't just measured on a 1-to-10 scale, with squeaky clean at one end and nefarious at the other.


58. It also requires insurancecompanies to end various nefarious practices, such as refusing to insure peoplewith existing conditions or cancelling their coverage just when they need itmost.


59. This technique is used for legitimate inter-process interactivity, but can very easily be used for nefarious purposes by malicious individuals.


60. Maynard and Edwina, Morgan's lovely daughter, are soon captured by the notorious Blackbeard, an act that will ultimately lead to the discovery of a nefarious plot and to the villain's downfall.

