

1. By 1997, we were being referred patients by a pediatric neurologist, who was following a mutual patient and observed significant changes in the child's behavior after implementation of our treatments.


2. In 2000 neurologist Miguel Nicolelis of Duke University wired a monkey with electrodes so that its thoughts could control a robotic arm.


3. Result:The patients were evaluated by a neurologist using Webster scale for PD patients before and after treatment.

Webster帕金森病功能障碍记分法评分 ,将治疗前后和两组之间治疗结果进行对比。

4. "I would not have the swine flu jab" because of the risk, said a senior neurologist who asked that his name not be used.


5. They were named by a largely unrecognized neurologist and gerontologist with expertise in clinico-pathological examination Max Durand-Fardel (Fig. 1.1).

一位不太出名的神经科及老年病医生Max Durand-Fardel在临床病理检查很有经验,对这些病变进行了命名。

6. As one eminent neurologist put it, ‘memory is everywhere in the brain and nowhere.


7. A total of 553 subjects were examined by a neurologist.


8. Evidence based medicine: concerns of a clinical neurologist


9. To get around such bias, Elliott Sherr, a neurologist at the University of San Francisco, decided to study all the MRIs his university's hospital had taken.


10. So he went back to the emergency room, and the neurologist ordered more tests.


11. An eminent neurologist, he is even more familiar broke liar to many as the outstanding sportsman who established a world record 40 years ago, when he was studying medicine at Oxford, by running a mile in less than four minutes.


12. Scott Small, a neurologist at Columbia Uniersity Medical Center in New York who led the study, said in a statement.


13. Anyone with a new diagnosis of vertigo should follow up with their doctor or be referred directly to a neurologist or ENT specialist.


14. After diagnosed aseptic meningoencephalitis by Neurologist, he was admitted to NICU, after one week his general condition was stable with supportive treatment.


15. Eventually a neurologist told me that a strain of flu that winter had left many people with viral meningitis.


16. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM This is NOT a joke. If you were able to pass these 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist.


17. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM This is NOT a joke.If you were able to pass these 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist.


18. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM This is NOT a joke. If you were able to pass these 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist.


19. Gibbons found a neurologist who was willing to examine Todd without notifying the authorities.


20. Sore throats, backaches, headaches and bronchitis do not need to be treated by a separate ENT, orthopedist, neurologist and pulmonologist, unless the internist fails to make the symptoms better.


21. "The stakes were very high," says Dr. Steven Goldstein, the neurologist who treated Kubitz in the emergency room at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.


22. "The stakes were very high," says Dr. Steven Goldstein,the neurologist who treated Kubitz in the emergency room at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.


23. Christopher Shaw, a neurologist at King's College London, started hunting for other ALS genes by recruiting patients who have the inherited form of the disease but not the SOD1 mutation.


24. Dr.William Mcllroy, a clinical neurologist at the University of Toronto, said the research is “very significant”, but he cautioned that no one should expect miracle cures of MS any time soon.


25. She is still in the hospital and will remain till we can get Hong Kong's only animal neurologist to examine her.


26. If you were able to pass this 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist!


27. If you were able to pass this 3 tests、you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist.


28. If you were able to pass these 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist.


29. If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, the doctor will refer the patient to an expert on diseases of the brain (neurologist).


30. Detrick's neurologist said the pharmacy didn't inform him of the change either.


31. While this is controversial and still speculative, there are also indications these practices can even slow down disease progression, says lead author David Burke, a neurologist at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney.


32. emotional imbalances are likely to manifest themselves in a mumber of ways that would appear to require the specialized attention of a neurologist,dermatologist ,of internist.


33. Neurologist Online - adult neurology: migraine headache, stroke, seizures, parkinsonism, back pain, managed care, consultation, brain, spinal cord, nerves. Aids for patients and doctors.


34. Described in 1881 by the German neurologist Nicolas Friedreich, Friedreich's Ataxia is a progressing neurological disease.


35. n, gynaecologist, pediatrician, neurologist, dermatologist, oculist E.N.T.specialist, traditional medicine doctor, allergist, urologist, orthopedist, dentist, endocrinologlst).


36. dreaming is definitely increased and likely more vivid," says neurologist Mark Mahowald of the University of Minnesota and director of the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center in Minneapolis.


37. Let's say if I have a cancer, I will look for a cancerologist, not a neurologist although both are doctors.

本 书 提 供 了 下 列 问 题 的 答 案 :耶稣的传记可靠吗?

38. Mee had seen several special doctors including an infectious disease doctor ,a neurologist (a doctor that looks at your brain), a hypnotist and an acupuncturist.


39. Patients were examined by a study neurologist, and those without contraindication had magnetic resonance imaging of the brain.


40. 553 subjects (92% of the total population) aged 85 years or older were clinically examined by a neurologist.


41. Neurologist participates in the community intervention for the functional prognosis of convalescent patients with stroke


42. The department of neurology was established in 1981 by famous neurologist Chen Men-e, and developed to be the cerebral vascular disease hospital in 1998. The clinical...


43. Another milestone in the evolution of thinking was the microscopical description by Pierre Marie a neurologist and neuropathologist.

神经科医生及神经病理学家Pierre Marie 的显微镜描述是另一个里程碑。

44. Orly Avitzur, a neurologist from Tarrytown, New York, and an adviser to Consumer Reports, which recently named back surgery on its top 10 list of “Medical Gotchas.


45. Most patients visited orthopaedic surgeons and neurologist at beginning, and were initially diagnosed as spondylosis or herniated intervertebral disc.


46. Emory neurologist Jorge Juncos says that one incentive to get involved with the project was to gain understanding in case American health care reform necessitates lower-cost procedures.


47. Eminent neurologist Professor Lindsay McLellan, who was ad-viser to the House of Commons' Health Select Committee in a review of head injury services, is one of the doctors leading the new team.


48. Nevertheless, having accepted that the incident might have been much more serious, he also sought the advice of a specialist neurologist yesterday.


49. “A deeloping brain looks weird,” the pediatric neurologist in charge of the project said.


50. "Hospitals have been designed to be functional, but we think that their aesthetic aspects should be taken into account too," said the neurologist.


51. This is NOT a joke. If you were able to pass these 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist.

