

1. After they were manumitted by the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865, millions of former slaves celebrated their newfound freedom.


2. The abundance of newfound seahorse fossils suggests that these ancient species had broods of at least ten offspring at a time, researchers said in April 2009.


3. When Bynum returned for training camp, he had "definition to the way he looked.He no longer looked like an overweight kid.He had a newfound confidence that we had not seen before.


4. A newfound pastime.


5. Jill is successfully revived but attempts to kill Wesker using her newfound powers, Wesker manages to restrain her and a Plagas parasite is implanted in her to control her.

不过,Jill不断地尝试运用自己的新能力杀死Wesker,Wesker只好将Las Pagas寄生虫植入她体内,从而控制她。

6. But Masha Allen finally has an identity all her own and a newfound voice, and she is intent on telling the world how she, and an untold number of children like her, have been allowed to suffer.


7. In the meantime, Juventus seems to be basking in its newfound identity.


8. The middle class's newfound disdain for democracy is counterintuitive.


9. China’s newfound passion for Italian opera carries a touch of the nouveau riche.


10. The competition between the browsers, along with a newfound variety, has created both security advantages and new threats as attackers and malware writers adjust to the new landscape.


11. Maybe now they'll need a new song from Billy Joel to go with their newfound state of mind!


12. In truth, it doesn't take but a few minutes of discussion with Chinese officials and scholars for their pride in China's newfound power to come to the surface.


13. He then paints the newfound pattern on the screen.


14. taking their newfound wealth in stride.


15. Most of all they are worried about getting well paid jobs and a share of the newfound wealth that many Chinese professionals are enjoying as the economy surges ahead with double-digit growth.


16. They sat down to count their newfound treasure.They quickly forgot about finding Death.


17. Their classmate Matsuri quickly latches on to Yurie's newfound divinity as a way to promote her family's bankrupt Shinto shrine.


18. He discovered that his adventures took him beyond his mother's realm and he relished this newfound taste of independence.


19. He is enjoying the benefits of China's newfound riches, but in the future he says he expects more stress, as well as more freedom.


20. his newfound aggressiveness; Hudson pointed his ship down the coast of the newfound sea.


21. He returned to the fringe life, leaving his newfound friends behind.


22. He reveled in his newfound freedom, spending nearly all his free time playing outdoors with the other boys in town and soon becoming a leader.


23. But I had no time to enjoy my newfound sanctum for I ran into a crocophile bent on purifying Egypt of every "Grecian" stain!


24. But the newfound plesiosaur is thought to have been a pliosaur, and pliosaurs were different from other plesiosaurs.


25. But there's no reason to abandon your newfound allure in some empty hotel room.


26. But, with the arrival of our peers and the onslaught of our training and work responsibilities has come a newfound freedom.


27. For a species considered near threatened, however, this newfound popularity could literally be a lifesaver.


28. Build a prestigious career and enter the envied circle of Miami’s most powerful.Your newfound celebrity status will make you ener acters...


29. One of Saturn's farthest moons, Phoebe, circles within the newfound ring, and is likely the source of its material.


30. The second reason is that more British millionaires owed their newfound fortunes to real estate.


31. Taking their newfound wealth in stride


32. Chelsea's newfound ability to ship goals may prompt Jose Mourinho to splash out this January.


33. Beijing's diplomatic influence is expanding as well, supposedly thanks to its newfound soft power.


34. It might give you a newfound respect for your company.And when you help lift others, you always end up lifting yourself.


35. Talk generally about the weather, the beer or the pub and at an appropriate moment, offer to your newfound companion a drink.


36. But despite his newfound Christianity, it was not an easy transition.


37. All manner of scavengers make a living on these carcasses, and an increase in numbers of everything from grizzly bears to magpies reflects these newfound riches.


38. Hudson pointed his ship down the coast of the newfound sea.


39. When the animals died, they were embalmed and carried along a ceremonial road nicknamed the Way of the Sphinxes, which runs near the newfound pyramid and leads to the Serapeum.


40. A newfound hunk of ice and rock beyond Neptune is larger than most and might contend for the title of the biggest object in the solar system besides the Sun, planets and moons.


41. In normal times my newfound prominence would almost surely have speeded my departure from government


42. In releasing the attachments to others, one will find ones way to a newfound level of freedom within.


43. The Kiran line holds that the revolution remains incomplete, and the Maoists should use their newfound state power toward the achievement of a Communist people's republic.


44. What makes the country so exciting at the moment is that, thanks to its newfound stability, Brazil's better self now has a much greater chance of prevailing.


45. She was just not entirely confident in her newfound identity.


46. With her newfound arts, she chained the emptied mage in a dark cellar, bound in spell-silence, and set forth to lure the most cunning merchant of the city to wed her.


47. If your newfound friend doesn't immediately respond to your instant message, it doesn't necessarily mean you are being ignored.


48. If your newfound friend doesn't immediately respond to your instant message,it doesn't necessarily mean you are being ignored.


49. Though secretly thoughtful of the strength of Cassius' newfound fervour, Calgar acceded to the request.


50. resulting in a waiting army of the dispossessed to emigrate to Britain's newfound colonies.


51. Eustace Scrubb and his bullied school friend Jill Pole, find themselves on a perilous quest to find the lost Prince Rilian, aided by their newfound reptilian companion Puddleglum(Tom Baker).


52. Despite a newfound sympathy for the plight of the employed, one can still wonder just what the heck the people with the job of being city councilors in Aliso Viejo, Calif.


53. Leveraging his newfound popularity among the youth, Mao called for students to abandon their studies and form militia groups, to aid the army in the ouster of undesirables.


54. And as he wavers between newfound heroism and vengeance, Wes will come to learn what no one can ever teach him: controls his destinyalone.


55. When Thelma turned 80, her newfound friends showed their appreciation by throwing a surprise birthday party for her.


56. As the reunion is complete, a greater sense of self, one's truth, and a newfound sense of wholeness emerge.


57. The onrushing Cyber Age has given newfound power to us all, as seen in Jody William’s one-woman organization using e-mail to promote a global ban on land mines.


58. I’ve spoken with high school dropouts who’ve stumbled on popular science books about the human genome project, and then returned to school with newfound purpose.


59. We're happy to have our newfound abundance of choices, she said, even if those choices end up making us unhappier.


60. 46.We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption. We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity.


61. 46. We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption . We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity .


62. nbsp;We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption . We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity .


63. 6.We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption.We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity.


64. We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption. We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity.


65. Our hero stormed out of the room with a newfound determination, ranting to anyone who might be listening in the arenas empty hallways.


66. I couldn't have scripted a better beginning to my newfound existence running the trading operation at Cramer, Berkowitz.


67. Given the distance between my previous role as a convention gate-crasher and my newfound role as convention keynoter, I had some cause to worry that my appearance in Boston might not go very well.


68. I'm very excited about the new system of teching that involves the Queen and her newfound position as what is clearly the replacement of the Cerebrate.


69. Encouraged by how youthful my newfound amiability made me feel, I sent a text message to my Twitter entourage that said, “I mean to mention earlier, you look really good today.


70. Maybe that's what makes sixteen so sweet to the boys as they eagerly celebrate this newfound autonomy.


71. Now is the time to get out there and put this newfound leverage to good use.


72. Which hopefully means that if Qian's newfound superstardom requires him to travel a lot, he should find it a bit more comfortable.


73. The Labrador Retriever originated on the cold reaches of newfound.


74. Whether this newfound energy austerity alters the fabric of American life in a lasting way will depend partly on what happens to oil prices over the long term.


75. More observations will be needed to pin down the size of the newfound KBO.


76. The dramatic improvement in young players Andrew Bynum, Jordan Farmar, Ronny Turiaf, Sasha Vujacic and Trevor Ariza (when he arrived in trade) sparked the newfound hope.


77. The Europeans have a newfound determination to take political responsibility for the management of crisis that affects their security.


78. Reveling in her newfound power, Vosa took command of the cult, leading it from a decrepit citadel on Kohlma, a burial moon orbiting Bogden.


79. Wang has very personal reasons for her newfound sense of public spiritedness.


80. Now, bristling with newfound power, Kael'thas has turned his back on his former master, Illidan, and has finally returned to Quel'Thalas, promising final deliverance to his people.

