
nibblenibbleD.J.:[ˈnibl]K.K.:[ˈnɪbəl]vt. & vi.1.啃; 一点一点地咬(吃)She nibbled at her food.她一小口一小口地吃东西。vt.1.啃出(洞); 一点一点咬出(洞)The mice have nibbled a hole in the cheese.老鼠在干酪上咬了一个洞。vi.1.(对提议、建议等)显出略有兴趣的样子n.1.啃; 轻咬; 显出有兴趣2.很少量食物

nibble['nibl]vt.1.一点一点地吃(或咬);啃:He nibbled a piece of bread while drawing a picture.他一边画画儿一边啃着一片面包。2.轻咬;轻轻地掐:He nibbled me not to talk about it.他轻轻掐了我一下,让我别把这件事说出去。3.一点点地去掉,蚕食:His lofty ideas were nibbled by years.他的雄心壮志被岁月慢慢磨掉了。vi.1.一点点地咬(或吃);啃:Then they nibbled at their supper for about one hour.然后,他们用了将近一个小时的时间,慢慢享用他们的晚餐。2.一点一点地轻咬;蚕食:to nibble at another country's territory蚕食他国领土3.吹毛求疵,找碴儿;抨击:Don't nibble, I don't want to quarrel with you now.别找碴儿,我今天可不想和你吵架。4.谨慎地着手;胆怯地对待:Don't nibble at your picture if you want to be a painter.如果你想成为一名画家,你就不要缩手缩脚地不敢下笔。5.(对诱惑、建议、交易等)显出有意接受的样子:It seems that he'll nibble at my trick soon.看来,他很快就要上我的当了。n.1.啃;一点点儿地咬(或吃)2.轻咬;轻掐3.咬一小口的量,少量;一小口4.[口语]很少的食物5.【计算机】半个字节,4个比特变形vt.nibblednibbling

nibblenibble[ˈnibl]vt.1.细吞[咬, 食]
词性变化nibble[ˈnibl]vi.1.啃, (鱼等)一点点地咬2.(对别人意见、交易等)做出有意接受的样子(at)3.吹毛求疵, 批评, 攻击(at)4.分段冲截(at)5.半字节, 四位字节tactics of -ling away蚕食政策critics -ling at a new play攻击一部新戏的剧评家们nibble[ˈnibl]n.1.细咬; 少量, 一小块; (鱼)试咬2.不愿意似的回答glorious day for a nibble钓鱼的好日子I felt a nibble at the bait.我感到(有鱼)轻咬一下饵。Each nibble was eaten with the air of an epicure.每小块食物都吃得津津有味的样子。