
nipnipD.J.:[nip]K.K.:[nɪp]vt. & vi.1.夹; 捏; 咬; 掐; 钳I nipped my finger in the door.我的手指头让门夹了一下。The dog nipped him in the leg.那只狗咬了他的腿。vt.1.伤害; 摧残; 冻伤The cold weather has nipped the fruit trees.寒冷的气候冻坏了果树。vi.1.快走; 赶快I'll nip out and buy a newspaper.我赶紧出门买份报纸。Where did she nip off to?她走得那么快, 要去哪儿?

nip1[nip]vt.1.(紧紧)夹,掐;咬:The hem of her skirt was nipped in the door of the lift.她的裙子边被电梯门夹住了。He nipped his lip and didn't talk.他紧咬下唇,一句话也不说。2.夹断,剪断,掐断;咬断:to nip a piece of wire out剪下一段电线The neck of the zebra was nipped by a lion.狮子咬断了那头斑马的脖子。3.阻止(或抑制)…的成长(或发展),使夭折:The peace talks were nipped in the end.和平会谈最终夭折了。to nip a mistake in the bud防微杜渐4.使冻伤;冻得…发麻(或疼痛):The cold wind nipped my ears.凛冽的寒风吹得我的耳朵都发木了。5.[口语]一把夺走:He nipped the files from my hands.他一把就从我的手中抢走了所有的文件。6.[口语]比…棋高一着,胜过:I nipped him by only 2 points.我以微弱的两点战胜了他。7.[口语]偷,摸;悄悄地拿:to nip books偷书8.[俚语、方言]9.一把抓住:to nip someone's hand一把抓住某人的手10.撩起:Nip your shirt up,let me look at your injury.撩起上衣,让我看看你的受伤处。11.【航海学】使(船)倾斜vi.1.[主英国俚语]悄悄溜走;逃跑:Why did your nip last night?昨晚你干吗悄悄溜了?2.夹紧,捏牢;咬死,咬牢:to nip tightly紧紧捏牢(或咬牢)3.造成冻伤,冻得人发麻(或疼痛)n.1.一夹,一掐;一咬2.截断,掐断;咬断3.夹,钳,掐,捏;拧;咬4.截下(或掐下、咬下)的一段;小段,小块儿,一小份儿5.严寒,凛冽,刺骨6.(乳酪的)刺鼻的气味,特别浓烈的气味7.尖刻的话,苛评,辛辣的讽刺8.少量,微量9.[用复数]夹子,钳子10.(夹子等的)夹头;(轧机等的)轧缝11.[加拿大方言]夹肉面包12.【地质学】小崖;浪蚀洞nip and tuck[美国口语](比赛中)并驾齐驱,不相上下,难分高低概率相等nip in the bud见 bud¹nip on ahead赶到前面,迎头赶上put in the nips乞讨;告贷put the nips into someone向某人乞讨;向某人借钱,缠住某人不放变形vt.nippednipping nip2[nip]n.1.一小口(酒)2.一抿,一呷3.[英国英语](约半品脱的)一杯啤酒vt., vi.1.一小口一小口地抿(酒),一点一点地呷(酒):He's nipping when I came in.我走进去时他正一小口一小口地抿酒呢。变形vt., vi.nippednipping

nipnip[nip]n.1.(酒等)一小口, 少量take a nip of whisky呷一口威士忌
词性变化nipvi.1.(nipped; nipping)[口] 一点一点地喝, 呷freshen the nip以酒解酒(醉酒后再喝点酒)