

1. In 1998, CIW's circulation exceeded 200,000, which was notarized by Beijing Notary Office.


2. In May and November of the same year,the Circular on Developing Legal Aid and the Circular on Legal Aid in Notary Services were respectively published by the Ministry of Justice.


3. "No?" said the notary; "then, perhaps, it is to your son, M. de Villefort?"


4. "I hope so," replied the Notary.


5. "But," said the notary, "you are aware that the law does not allow a son to be entirely deprived of his patrimony?"


6. "What do you want with a notary?"


7. "You are the notary empowered to sell the country house that I wish to purchase, monsieur?"


8. "Notary," said she, "do you want a notary, dear grandpapa?"


9. "Hem!" coughed the Notary.


10. "Do you wish the notary to be sent for immediately?"


11. "And you are quite right," said the notary, who feared to lose his fee.


12. "Must I receive it, or leave it in the hands of the notary?"


13. "Yes, count," returned the notary.


14. "Yes, I do want a notary," motioned the old man, shutting his eyes with a look of defiance, which seemed to say, "and I should like to see the person who dares to refuse my request.


15. "No, she is not here at present," returned the Notary.


16. "Really, sir, you must allow that this is most extraordinary," said the astonished notary, turning to M. de Villefort.

“真的,阁下,您得承认这实在是太奇特了。” 那惊诧不已的公证人转身对维尔福先生说道。

17. "The deed, if you please, Mr. Notary."


18. "This must be some falsehood!" cried the Notary.


19. "You would wish a notary to be sent for then?"


20. "Sir," said Valentine, "my grandfather wishes for a notary."


21. This signature was acknowledged by a notary.


22. First, clarifing the nature of notary institution, which values the unique position and special function of notarization.


23. A notary's failure deprived him of the sum of ten thousand francs, which was all that he possessed in his brother's right and his own.


24. First-Grade Notary Public; First-Grade NP


25. If you want to do public notary, go to Kroger at alps.Thats free.

一般地说, 每个系里的秘书都是公证员, 可以去她那儿公证, 也是免费的.

26. The teaching quality of Sam Kiang Public School was very professional and the School had groomed famous figure like lawyer, Mr.Lee Bon Leong, the Notary Public, PBM, JP.


27. Third-Grade Notary Public; Third-Grade NP


28. Notary Public of Shanghai Municipal Changning District


29. The Notary System Practiced in the Change of Title to Real Property


30. "Notary:XX (Signature)XX Notary Public Office (seal),XX Province,The People's Republic of China"


31. Notary System of the People's Republic of China


32. Tianjin Notary Public Office Tianjin The People's Republic of China


33. Fengtai District Notary Office Fangzhuang Office


34. The director and deputy director shall direct the work of the notary office, and must also execute the duties of notaries.


35. After Zheng her son to write a big Wills says in his own name somewhere premises, in its death, so that property inherited by the eldest son, and a notary.


36. Second-Grade Notary Public; Second-Grade NP


37. And the steward followed the notary out of the room.


38. It is necessary trend that notary organ should be consider as public service unit form the angle of long-development.


39. In the countries of the Continental law system, the notary system is playing a vital role in preventing disputes and regulating the economic order.


40. A Discussion which begins with Notary Offices Summoned by the Court as Witnesses to appear in Court


41. He was a peasant, but he had been a notary, which added trickery to his cunning, and penetration to his ingenuousness.


42. He took a seat, and quietly awaited the arrival of the notary.


43. He was the illegitimate son of a notary, Messer Piero and a peasant woman, Caterina.


44. He left the room to give orders for another notary to be sent, but Barrois, who had heard all that passed, had guessed his master's wishes, and had already gone to fetch one.


45. A declaration made in a prescribed form before a justice of the peace, notary public, or other person authorized to administer an oath.


46. Any attachment must be initialled by the Notary Public and the person completing this PIF.


47. Any SFC licensed or registered person, an affiliate of such of the Peace,aBranch Manager ofabank, Certified Public Accountant, Lawyer or Notary Public.


48. Any SFC licensed or registered person, an affiliate of such person, a Justice of the Peace, a Branch Manager of a bank, Certified Public Accountant, Lawyer or Notary Public.


49. asked the count carelessly, addressing himself half to Bertuccio, half to the notary.


50. You'd better go to the notary office and ask for a property notarization.


51. All your sponsors must sign affidavits in the presence of notary publics who will verify the documents by signing and stamping them with an official seal.


52. a commission to serve as notary public


53. The final counts was confirmed by statements from 3 witnesses and notarized by the Notary.


54. An authentic deed is a formal deed prepared by or executed before a notary.


55. notary public;public notary;notary;notary public(NP)


56. Notary Personnel refers to people working for notary offices including: directors, deputy directors, notaries, assistant notaries and other people providing assistance.

公证人员 指在公证处工作的人员总称,包括公证处主任、副主任、公证员、公证员助理(助理公证员)和其他从事辅助性工作的人员。

57. The notary, sitting in his corner, watched the abbe 's placidly.


58. Are you satisfied, sir?" continued the notary, addressing the old man.


59. That notary is authorised to perform the certain legal functions.


60. said the notary; "you really mean to declare that such is not your intention?"


61. But before the notary could answer, Villefort had drawn him aside.


62. If a definite error is found in the notary document, the people's court shall refuse to execute it and inform the litigants of both parties and the notary public of the ruling.


63. The notary system originated from the Western culture.


64. A notary or any other work functionary of a notarization institution shall not apply for any notarization on behalf of any party concerned in the very notarization institution where he works.


65. A notary shall join in the local and national notarization associations.


66. The notary is the owner of the notarial power, and judgment on fact and value is unavoidable challenge for the notary.


67. Notary plays a special role and has an important status in the protection of marital and familial relations.


68. The subordinative relationship does not exist between notary offices.


69. The notary office shall be under the leadership of the judicial administrative authorities.


70. The notary office shall refuse to give a testimonial to false or illegal statements and documents.


71. The realization and guarantee to the effect of notary public


72. Issues on Nature Orientation of Notary Agencies and Its Policy Proposals


73. Analysis on the Ideas for Reform in the Setup of Public Notary Institutions


74. After the notarial office makes a compensation, it may demand the notary with intentional or serious mistake to make a repayment.


75. To certify or attest to(the validity of a signature on a document,for example)as a notary public.


76. To certify or attest to(the validity of a signature on a document, for example) as a notary public.


77. Of or relating to a notary public.


78. A notarized certificate, judgment, guidance, forecast function is notarized by a notary in the process of achieving concrete.


79. The process of notarization is meanwhile the process of certifying, judging, guiding and forecasting by a notary public.


80. The first thing necessary to render an act valid is, that the notary should be thoroughly convinced that he has faithfully interpreted the will and wishes of the person dictating the act.

