
noticenoticeD.J.:[ˈnəutis]K.K.:[ˈnotɪs]n.1.预告, 通知These rules are subject to change without notice.这些规则可不经通知就进行更改。2.布告, 通告, 启示They announced the birth of their baby by putting a notice in the newspaper.他们在报纸上刊登启示, 宣告他们婴儿的诞生。3.注意Nobody took notice of the mischief of the matter.没有人注意到这件事情所带来的危害。4.评价, 短评The new play got mixed notices.这一新剧得到的评价是褒贬不一。vt. & vi.1.注意She pretended not to notice.她假装没看见。I didn't notice you when you passed by.你走过时, 我没有注意到你。We noticed how to make the experiment.我们注意如何做这个实验。The teacher noticed that one student was missing.老师发现一个学生不见了。I noticed how she did it.我注意到了她是怎么做这件事的。I didn't notice you enter.我没注意到你进来。I noticed the man leaving the house.我注意到那人离开这栋房子。He noticed the situation changed.他发现形势已经变了。

notice['nəutis]n.1.通知(书),布告;预告;招牌2.警告;警告书3.注意,留心;招呼4.关注;理会5.(文学作品、电影、电视剧等的)短评;简介6.(事情发生之前的) 征兆,兆头;消息7.事先声明;(过一段时间结束协议等的)正式通知,(解聘、离职、迁址等的)通告vt.1.注意;注意到,察觉到:Did you notice what was his all in all?你注意到他最关心什么了吗?2.礼貌对待;招呼:She noticed him merely with a nod.她仅以点头向他打招呼。3.关注,理会:to closely notice the development of the situation密切关注局势的发展4.说到,提及:He noticed you and your team for several times in his remarks.他在讲话中曾多次提到你和你的小组。5.介绍;短评,简评:to notice the new film acted the leading role by Whoopi Goldberg简评了一下由胡皮戈登堡主演的新影片6.关照;正式通知:The government has noticed us to quit out of the old building.政府已通知我们迁出这座旧大楼。7.事先通知(某人)将终止协议(或合同):to notice an employee事先通知雇员解聘一事vi.1.引起注意;引人注目近义词discerna notice to quit解雇(或迁走等)通知at a moment's notice立即,马上;随时at short notice迅速,立即;提前很短时间通知beneath (或 not worth) someone's notice不值得某人注意,被某人认为不屑一顾bring something to (或 under) someone's notice使某人注意(或留心)某事come into notice受到注意(或重视)come to (或 into,under) someone's notice引起某人的注意;被某人看到(或知道)escape someone's notice逃过某人的注意;被某人疏忽give notice通知,通告预先通知解除协议预告,预示have (或 receive) notice接到通知have (或 receive) notice to quit接到迁移(或解雇等)的通知[口语]危在旦夕,病入膏肓on notice按事先通知的(地),被关照过的(地)on short notice[美国英语]=at short noticeserve (a) notice (to)(对…)发出正式通知宣称,声称;宣布sit up and take notice[口语]突然产生兴趣;突然重视起来;刮目相看[戏谑语](病人)日渐康复,恢复健康take no notice of不理睬;不注意take notice(常与 of 连用)注意;察觉关注;理会take notice that我劝你当心…till (或 untill) further notice在另行通知之前under notice已接通知被注意的(地)with little notice不很引人注意的(地),不很引人注目的(地)without notice不事先通知地;不另行通知地变形vt.noticednoticing

noticenotice[ˈnəutis]n.1.布告, 公告, 告示, 通知2.(辞退等)预先通知; 消息3.注意, 观察4.(报刊、杂志、戏剧等的)介绍; 评论, 短评5.客气; 有礼貌的打招呼6.警告7.价目牌a notice of a call催缴股款通知书a notice of marriage结婚启事notice board布告栏[牌]give one's employee a month'snotice通知雇员一个月后离职bring it to hisnotice引起他的注意book notices图书介绍The tenant received two month's notice.房客得到两个月后搬出的通知。He left without notice.他不辞而别。
词性变化notice[ˈnəutis]vt.1.认识, 注意到; 留心2.评论; 介绍3.打招呼; 客气对待4.通知5.提及, 谈到notice a new book评价一本新书He noticed me entering the room.他看到我正在走进房间。She was too shy to notice him.她太害羞, 没有向他打招呼。He was noticed to leave the office as soon as possible.他被通知尽快离开办公室。notice[ˈnəutis]vi.1.注意; 留心