

1. * Once the contract was nullified, it no longer had any legal force.


2. But if her husband nullifies them when he hears about them, then none of the vows or pledges that came from her lips will stand.Her husband has nullified them, and the LORD will release her.


3. This contract is deemed nullified unless we receive your payment in full no later than December 10.


4. Such a measure passed Congress in 1913 and again in 1915 only to be nullified by the votes of Presidents Taft and Wilson.


5. A designated enterprise without production task for two years may be nullified of its designation.


6. Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law, the security contract shall be invalid when the principal contract is nullified.


7. Their eight years of friendship and love, the eight years of his life, were nullified.


8. Any contradictory stipulation in previous regulations will be nullified at the same time.


9. on March 14th the House of Representatives passed a bill that nullified that order.


10. But to the surprise of many, the central government neither approved the Buyun results nor nullified them, and the elected mayor, Tan Xiaoqiu, remained in office.


11. But now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who nullified death and brought life and incorruption to light through the gospel,


12. But what if the market-based arguments against AMD's coprocessor plans were nullified?


13. But the opposition has promised to fight the FTA until the beef pact is nullified.


14. But despite loud, if largely baseless, cries of foul by some losers there is little likelihood the result will be nullified.


15. However, he forgot to consult the legislature before he signed the papers;and the state Supreme Court, taking the miffed lawmakers' side, nullified the pact the next year.


16. The positive steps you have taken to rectify the situation will be nullified spirit.


17. The state of being nullified.


18. The first vote in April was inconclusive, and a second round was eventually ruled illegal and nullified.


19. For the art of directing war and the active role of man are largely nullified in positional warfare such as that fought in Western Europe in the second half of World War I.


20. The frist vote in April was inconclusive and the second round was eventually rule the illegal and nullified.


21. Any fouls committed, points scored, time used, additional activity which may have occurred after the error has occurred and before its recognition, shall not be nullified.


22. A value specified in the document header holds true for the entire document, unless explicitly overridden, refined, or nullified.


23. nullified bond


24. If the fraud is found after graduation, the degrees conferred will be annulled and their eligibility for graduation will be nullified as well.


25. If you fail to do so, or you have input incorrect scores, your applications will be nullified, and all fees paid will not be refunded.


26. If they conspire with each other to exclude the other competitors, the successful tender shall be nullified,


27. If we can rediscover the principles on which this great nation was founded, Chomsky's objections will be nullified.


28. Marriages have become like business transactions where if one party fails to deliver what was promised the deal is nullified.


29. In a crucial contribution, he nullified the threat from Eddie Gray, Leeds' most dangerous player in the Wembley game.


30. The colored citizens in those States are virtually disfranchised, the Constitution held in utter contempt and its provisions nullified.


31. nullified bidding


32. Nullified Bidding! How do Bidders Deal With it?


33. A strong release is the envy of all bowlers.Nonetheless, a great release can be nullified if the release point is not in a strong leverage area.


34. Here the pre-arranged plot and climax are nullified, and the boundaries of signs are effaced.


35. The conservatism of the trained scientist was nullified by the action of the untrained oil-finder, unhampered by “a little learning.


36. where the circumstances are serious, the enterprise registration shall be nullified and the business license revoked.


37. Realizing that their much-vaunted mandate to rule had been nullified by the massacre, the party focused on economic growth to quell demands for political change.


38. "We nullified a team that had been doing so well and made them crack.


39. We undertook a review of the items originally subject to examination and approval,and up to now,1,195 such items have been nullified by the State Council and still more by the local governments at all levels.


40. Moreover, we have nullified the wrong designation, dating from 1957, of large numbers of people as bourgeois Rightists.


41. In the history of war,there are instances where defeat in a single battle nullified all the advantages of a series of victories,and there are also instances where victory in a single battle after many defeats opened up a new situation.


42. Where a tenderer fails to submit the tender deposit as required by the bid invitation documents, its tender shall be nullified.


43. Where a tenderer fails to submit the tender deposit as required by the tender documents, its tender shall be rejected and be dealt with nullified tender.


44. An option that is knocked out, or nullified, when the underlying instrument reaches a certain price. The option writer sets ...


45. 2 Tim. 1:10 But now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who nullified death and brought life and incorruption to light through the gospel,


46. a civil aircraft whose nationality of the People's Republic of China has not been nullified shall not apply for nationality registration in foreign countries.


47. A civil aircraft whose foreign nationality has not been nullified shall not apply for nationality registration in the People's Republic of China;


48. Without proper prior notice to those who may be affected by a government decision, all other procedural rights may be nullified.

没有事前通知其利益有可能因政府的决定而受到影响的人。 一切其他程序权利便都可能毫无价值。

49. The agency activities carried out outside or beyond the agencypower or after withdrawal of the agency power shall be nullified.


50. Where only part of the Articles of a law are revised or nullified, the new text of the law must be promulgated.


51. When the Pantorans discovered the Talz, it seemed that their claim to Orto Plutonia was nullified;


52. Love cannot be modified without being nullified.


53. The rise in prices nullified the rise in wages.


54. The use of ungranted patent applications or terminated, nullified or invalid patents to advertise is prohibited.


55. Article 35 These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation. Measures of gold and silver control previously formulated by the related departments thus are hereby nullified.


56. The tenders of the tenderers who fail the post-qualification examination shall be dealt with as nullified tenders.


57. While successfully maintaining high water quality in Heyuan, efforts are almost nullified by serious pollution from other counties in lower reaches of the river.


58. His best assist of the night didn't even count;it was a save on the baseline and a toss to O'Neal who jammed, but it was nullified when referee Jack Nies said he had stepped on the line.


59. The covenant of Sinai was conditional, but the covenant with Abraham was one of grace, never to be nullified.


60. the touchdown was nullified because the left tackle was offside.


61. Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much.


62. Please make payment one week after successful registration, otherwise the registration will be nullified.


63. Those that fail to make corrections on expiry of the time period shall be revoked of their business licenses and their qualifications for operations nullified;


64. If the problems in railway transport are not solved, our production schedules will be disrupted and the entire plan will be nullified.


65. A national education examination that is held illegally shall be nullified by the relevant administrative department of education;


66. When first entering the world you quickly find you are a slave to the will of the Lich King.You do his bidding because the good in you has been nullified by his powers.

