

1. The 'Appendix C: AP ROP Message Formats' found in the APC OA&M Guide provided by your instructor.

'附录 C: AP ROP 消息格式',可在指导者提供的《APC OA&M 指南》(APC OA&M Guide) 中找到。

2. The detection limit is 1.5 10-9mol/L. 2 The electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) behavior of oleanlic acid(OA) in neutral solution was studied.


3. ATM provides explicit notification of connection failure through Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OA &M) cells.

ATM是通过运行、管理和维护(OA &M)信元,提供连接失效的明显表示。

4. ATM provides explicit notification of connection failure through Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OA&M) cells.


5. The rats in group A were sensitized by injection of ovalbumin (OA) together with aluminum hydroxide and Bordetella pertussis as adjuvants.


6. Major in IT and full of experience of IT management; Be familiar with OA.


7. Responsible for IT infrastructure designing and budget establishing, IT support team managing, corporate OA system and applied system project managing.


8. Mila and Oa have been shattered repeatedly by those fostering these types of ascension, and it is for this reason that they are now outlawed.


9. Mila and Oa have requested that their one Aventurine sphere to hold all related tones of a blue-green nature in the 144 note Language of Light Scale.


10. The ISUP Circuit Query is used by the OA &M software to verify and correct blocking status between the MSC and the far end.

OA &M 软件使用 ISUP 电路查询验证并校正 MSC 和远端间的阻塞状态。

11. High density braided shield , anti-EMI &RFI , special for OA machines , FA machines , control systems and professional AV systems .

OA 器 材 、 FA 器 材 、 控 制 系 统 及 专 业 影 音 系 统 。高 密 度 织 网 屏 蔽 , 特 效 抵 抗 射 频 及 电 磁 干 扰 。

12. The ISUP Circuit Query is used by the OA&M software to verify and correct blocking status between the MSC and the far end.

OA&M 软件使用 ISUP 电路查询验证并校正 MSC 和远端间的阻塞状态。

13. C#, B/S compiles which with C#, OA system, has not decompressed the password, the source code opening!

OA开原 .rar - 用C#编写的B/S,OA系统,没有解压密码,源码开放!

14. After OA raised floor is laid, wires can not only be fixed up at any moment, but also be dismantled at random without any help of professionals.


15. OA Active Organic-inorganic Mixed Fertilizer on Growth, Development as Well as Physiological and Biochemical Study in Raphanus Sativus L.


16. At present, OA is mainly based on two platforms: Groupware and Relational Database.


17. Lumbar lordotic and sacral slope angles were significantly greater in patients with advanced/terminal-stage OA than the control.


18. In patients with RA and OA,NO concentration in blood serum was lower than that in synovia,but significantly higher than that in control group.


19. The APC OA&M Guide,in the APC System Growth Chapter.

《APC OA&M 指南》(APC OA&M Guide) 中 APC 系统扩容的那一章。

20. I from the on-line collection OA system, after the use discovered the function is also good, in here and everybody share.


21. Some look to Mila and Oa to fulfill this role.


22. Once you're acquainted with the general idea of OA, follow new developments through my blog and newsletter , and see what you can do to help the cause.


23. The following table summarizes and defines the controlling tasks that are associated with APC OA&M activities.

下表总结和定义了与 APC OA&M 活动相关的控制任务。

24. OA can significantly up-regulated the gene expression of TIMP-1 and PAI-1 as well as the secretion of FN and collagen protein(P<0.05).

且随着OA浓度增加,对RTECs TIMP-1 mRNA、PAI-1 mRNA表达以及对FN、胶原蛋白分泌的促进作用有增强趋势。

25. Power supply for VTR; OA equipment; Digital camera; LCD television set notebook computers; portable communication equipments; DC/DC converters, etc.


26. Reasons that cause groupware the best platform for OA are given and an actual designed and developed OA system is presented.


27. Nine years ago, I was inducted into the Order of the Arrow (OA), a selective Scout organization designed to encourage leadership and community service.


28. OA: Pick one and quit whining, maybe?


29. OA:Pick one and quit whining,maybe?


30. Two written vowels representing a single sound, as oa in boat.


31. Indeed Mila and Oa have freed themselves of all holographic karma as of this fall of 2003, and the butterflies mirrored this truth unto each.


32. Today,there have been many OA systems,for example,desktop publishing,video conference,videotext and so on.


33. Today, there have been many OA systems, for example, desktop publishing, video conference, videotext and so on.


34. Someone wrote into the web site today stating “We will hold you Mila and Oa personally responsible if the US goes to war upon Iraq.


35. An applicative configuring solution of INN used in Web OA based Linux was introduced.

介绍 Web OA应用中的 Linux inn新闻服务器应用配置方案 .

36. This paper introduces the basic features of OA, emphatically discusses the problem of how to establish the new service model under OA environment.


37. With the wireless mobile communication platform embedded in the OA system The command is able to be well informed and reported in time.


38. In this paper, the development of office automation, the principles of hardware and software select, office ware module function and OA system maintenance are in trobuced.


39. Previous studies have suggested that damaged DNA showed ladder-like changes in programmed cells death(PCD) in osteoarthrosis(OA).


40. Oa loved working with the dough.


41. Preious reports noted the association of OA low reersal in high-grade ICA stenosis or occlusion.


42. With aging, patients with OA maintained the lumbar lordotic angle and did not develop a posterior sacral slope angle.


43. Such an unlimited amount of chi can be seen as Mila and Oa teach an Intensive or hold the space for larger events known as Masters Conclave.


44. You may want to contact the author oa this installer to obtain a new copy.


45. What kind of oa business do you want to have?


46. For more details regarding versioning, refer to chapter 9 of the APC OA&M User's Guide (401-710-101).

关于版本的更多详细内容,请参考《APC OA&M 用户指南 (401-710-101)》 (OA&M User's guide) 的第 9 章。

47. For more details regarding versioning, refer to chapter 9 of the APC OA &M User's Guide (401-710-101).

关于版本的更多详细内容,请参考《apcoa &m用户指南(401-710-101)》(oa &muser'sguide)的第9章。

48. GKT and celecoxib have a similar effect for OA, and GKT shows a better effect on relieving TCM syndrome, which is worth of further research.


49. OA literature is not free to produce or publish.


50. Swelling of articular cartilage serves as an important biomechanical property and one of the early signs of osteoarthritis(OA).


51. Out of the internal disappointment of feeling unfilled, many an initiate's ascension begins, or so this is so for both Mila and Oa.


52. The office automation (OA) has as if compared to the IT remote history, also is the information age eternal subject.


53. Office Automation (OA) is the application of the computer and communication technologies to improve the productivity of clerical and managerial office workers.


54. The major functions of the OA system include text processing, electronic mail, information storage and retrieval, task management, and etc.


55. Application:Diacerein is an inhibitor of (IL)-1, mainly used in curing OA(Osteoarthritis).

功 效: 双醋瑞因是一种新的白介素(IL)-1抑制剂,主要用于治疗骨关节炎。

56. Another problem is that: most of mixed-level OA's are unsaturated, leaving quite a number of degrees of freedom unused.


57. Conclusion: The present treatment methods are symptomatic treatment and can not cure the OA.


58. Therefore Mila and Oa choose not to eat escargot at this time, although they enjoy many other delicacies including wild mushrooms.


59. We have introduced the AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) mechanism in this OA system.

因此我们在本OA系统的开发中引入了AOP(Aspect- Oriented Programming,面向方面编程)机制。

60. During OA&M activities, it is imperative to maintain a set of ACTIVE RCS processes in order to minimize adverse effects on stable calls in the Flexent system.

在 OA&M 活动期间,为了使 Flexent 系统中的稳定呼叫受到的负面影响降到最小,而对一组 ACTIVE RCS 过程进行维护是非常必要的。

61. In PC and OA market, DC/DC manostat demand is sold growth by PC drive, among them PC of table of prep above of notebook computer increase rate.


62. Not too long ago Mila and Oa were in a restaurant enjoying a meal while a video of a famous opera singer played.


63. In OA equipment market, personal computer is occupied about 61% , imprint watch machine is 14% , copycat is 15% , electrograph is 10% .


64. On the basis of the analysis of Service-Oriented Architecture(SOA),OA and ERP integration scheme based on SOA was proposed.


65. These messages provide maintenance state and system error information when you are performing OA&M activities.

在执行OA&M 活动时,这些消息会提供维护状态和系统错误信息。

66. The flow reersal in the OA during systole and early diastole can be explained by the suction effect created by the CCF.


67. The energy consumption of FCU + OA system is about 50% of that of all-air system for the same cooling supply in design.


68. Earth co-ensouls Mila and Oa at this time for the lessons that soul infusion offers in upper level human initiates at this time in history.


69. Mila and Oa have had their share of battles.


70. For Painting (JP,BP,IP), Origami Art (OA), Calligraphy Painting(CP) and Folk Art(FA),there is $20 nonrefundable material fee.


71. Lateral-wedge insole has been used to treat knee OA, but the biomechanical nature has not been well studied, and its side effect is unclear.


72. College degree or above. Proficient with Microsoft Office products, especially in OA system. Basic English.


73. College degree or above, be proficient with Microsoft Office products, especially in OA system. Basic English is required.


74. The experiment was divided into four groups: normal contol, supramesenteryarterial occlusion( SMAO) shock, oleic acid( OA) shock lung and group of hypotensive anoxia.


75. For Mila and Oa, along with many in their program, there is no other reason to exist.


76. A comparison between O2C(1)-CHsI-Nj mixture and Oa(1)-CFal-N2 mixture suggests that the former exceeds the latter in many respects.


77. Then it developes a method based on workflow to development network OA system.


78. Lead team to build up our brand image in local market and keep good merchandising in stationers and OA shops.


79. At last, an example of OA is given to prove the model.


80. Power supply for VTR, OA equipment, Digital camera, CD television set, notebook C, ortable communication equipments, DC/DC converters, tc.

