

1. MIMO model with observable states


2. The diagram below shows the hidden and observable states in the weather example.


3. Sudden cessation of speech or a thought process without an immediate observable cause, sometimes considered a consequence of repression.


4. Sudden cessation of speech or a thought process without an immediate observable cause,sometimes considered a consequence of repression.


5. The pair can then pass from virtual to real, leading to an outward flux of observable light and a corresponding decrease in the mass of the hole.


6. Finally, information net based space based on the space station and growing development of remote sensing will be presented as the trend of development of earth observ...


7. The long inconclusive series of wars on the continent were comfortably removed, in terms of danger or observable bloodshed.


8. From a scientific standpoint, the magnitude scale is based on seismic records while the Mercalli is based on observable data which can be subjective.


9. Their results show that specific patterns of cosmic energy can hold clues to the geometry of the six-dimensional shape - the first type of observable data to demonstrate such promise, says Tye.


10. His voice slowly fell, he was conscious that in this room his accents and manner wore a roughness not observable in the street.


11. Recently we discovered that under some special conditions, black holes may have other observable properties, but this is beyond the scope of this course.


12. But, it was postulated, if ether exists, then another observable phenomenon, ether "drift," must also exist.


13. But this view is widely observable.


14. But since the brain, and society, is a connected system, the accumulation of these micro-attitudes, from neuron to neuron and person to person, can result in observable behavior.


15. Observers living in the Andromeda galaxy and beyond have their own observable universes that are different from but overlap with ours.


16. After all, such trends are easily observable in spheres other than language.


17. For example a level I-V on the Mercalli scale would represent a small amount of observable damage.


18. If the operator's spectrum is discrete, the observable can only attain those discrete eigenvalues.


19. Assuming that this pattern continues, space beyond our observable universe teems with galaxies, stars and planets.


20. open and observable; not secret or hidden.


21. The communicative intention of pragmatic vagueness is achieved by the extensional assumption, which is a combination of the assumption schema and the information in the immediately observable context.


22. ConcreteObservable - concrete Observable class. It maintain the state of the object and when a change in the state occurs it notifies the attached Observers .


23. reentry observable prediction and experiments


24. To make power system dynamically observable by use of the information measured by phasor measurement units (PMUs), on the basis of R.


25. It is possible to reduce the loss of spatial resolution by virtue of the spectrum coincidance of the filters and the non linearity of liquid crystal.It is also observ...


26. The SINS/DTU system's observable matrices in different moving bases are obtained by using the method of analyzing the piece wise constant system.


27. The main research work only focus on bryophyte flora and morphological observ ation so far, and falls behind those reaserch work in some other provinces in Ch ina.


28. The former refers to the transfer occurs in the observable speech patterns and the transfer of cultural meanings of words,and the latter refers to the transfer of deep sociocultural values.


29. Functionally Related Observable Differences


30. The infalling matter that emits X-rays does not fall into the black hole at a steady rate, but rather more sporadically, which causes an observable variation in X-ray intensity.


31. Any of the psycho-social activities of humans or animals that can be observed directly by others or can be made systematically observable by the use of special strategies.


32. Lowest observable adverse effect level.


33. Observable phenomena; an observable change in demeanor.

可观察到的现象; 可观察到的态度上的变化

34. The observable economic facts belong to that phase and even such laws as we can derive from them are not applicable to other phases.


35. The observable universe grows by a light-year every year as light from farther away has time to reach us.


36. Extended game with observable delay


37. maximum observable dimension (MOD)


38. It is recommended that selecting observables after a running average filter or combination as a detection observable can detect and correct cycle slips for single frequency.


39. Dereferencing a NULL pointer in Windows 98/Me will not, of itself, cause any immediately observable problem.


40. We can find the probability distribution of an observable in a given state by computing the spectral decomposition of the corresponding operator.


41. In his recovered energy he was sometimes a little fitful and sudden, as he had at first been in the exercise of his other recovered faculties; but, this had never been frequently observable, and had grown more and more rare.


42. With a stable light source, this can be determined from a preliminary observ ation.


43. A satisfied weld appearance was obtained under the optimized process parameters.The surface of observ...


44. The observable properties of a cell or an organism, which result from the interaction of the genotype and the environment.


45. The pattern is observable in most countries that have pursued such policies.


46. As a formal teaching activity at school, which is not only perceivable but observable as well, psychological guidance is far from unpredictability with regard to its process and methods.


47. When it was growing and grown, I have observ'd already, how many things I wanted, to fence it, secure it, mow or reap it, cure and carry it home, thrash, part it from the chaff, and save it.


48. Refactoring, per se, does not change the observable behavior of the software; it enhances the internal structure.


49. In the everyday world, it is natural and intuitive to think of everything being in an eigenstate of every observable.


50. In this case we have two sets of states, the observable states (the state of the seaweed) and the hidden states (the state of the weather).


51. Among the many wild changes observable on familiar things which made this wild ride unreal, not the least was the seeming rarity of sleep.


52. Galaxies were detected that are a billion times fainter than the unaided eye can see and over a range of colours not directly observable by the eye.


53. Text segmentation based on PLSA associates different latent topics with observable pairs of word and sentence.In the experiments, Chinese whole sentences are taken as elementary blocks.


54. English Gothic novel studies have gone through three observable stages since the publication of the first Gothic novel; marginalization, legitimization and multiplization of research perspectives.


55. If P is doubled, V will be cut in half. These laws are universal; under the stated conditions they hold everywhere in the observable universe.


56. Interface when it wants to be informed of changes in observable objects.


57. Class can implement the Observer interface when it wants to be informed of changes in observable objects.


58. Don't be afraid to create your own Observable implementation if needed.


59. There was a slight air of abstraction that became observable to Deerslayer and Cudith, if to no others.


60. Conde positivism is based on empirical natural science, with observable and testable facts and knowledge as its content.


61. Its only contact with reality is through observable quantities.


62. Their only observable characteristics were energy and spin.


63. It is usually associated with scarring of meninges or arachnoid membranes of the spinal cord, observable with CT-scan with myelography.


64. The placebo effect refers to all the observable behaviors caused by placebo.


65. The observability of linear timeinvariant dynamic system can be obtained by the analysis of the observable matrix, but it can not give the observability.


66. low observable reentry vehicle (LORV)


67. We felt the need for a book describing the next steps, how LSM is connected to the observable physics of the real world.


68. Like humans, wolves display a variety of temperaments. Their family structure more closely resembles ours.Loyalty and affection toward kin are two of a wolf's more observable characteristics.


69. Like humans, wolves display a variety of temperaments.Their family structure more closely resembles ours .Loyalty and affection toward kin are two of a wolf's more observable characteristics.


70. Holding the breath is the clearest observable sign of incorrect posture or acture.


71. Giant voids may well exist out there, but the chance of our finding one in our observable universe would seem to be tiny.


72. The thermodynamics of irreverible processes and concept of generalized variables can be used to derive creep constitutive equation in which strain is expressed as observable va.


73. When an Observable object is updated it invokes the update() method of each of its observers to notify the observers that it has changed state.


74. While sipping it, you can contemplate how that simple act can be traced all the way back to the beginning of our observable universe and perhaps beyond.


75. When the PBA/PS composite particles mixed with PS resin at melt state, the similar phase separation phenomena were observ...


76. Indeed, several modern models use this concept to predict observable changes in regional seismicity patterns before large earthquakes16-1839 117 .


77. When the denatured reduced egg white lysozymes were renatured by dilution method, an observable amount of aggregate precipitate could be immediately formed.


78. It's observable that moral education is challenged by the cultural plurality, market economy, and web culture.


79. And now, some days of bitter grief having elapsed, an observable change came over the features of the mental disorder of my friend.


80. Co eused: How about observ Marketing ng from the third person's point of view to see whether are they mutually in love?

