
ononD.J.:[ɔn]K.K.:[ɑn, ɔn]prep.1.(表示位置)在…上, 在…旁, 在…身边That book on the desk is an atlas.桌上的那本书是地图册。2.(表示时间)在…之时It occurred on the morning of the fifteenth.事情发生在15号的上午。On arriving home, I was met by my daughter.到家时我的女儿出来迎接我。3.(表示方向)向, 往, 朝; 沿着, 顺着They marched on the enemy's fortress.他们向敌人的要塞进军。We were driving on a California freeway.我们正沿着加利福尼亚的一条快车道驾车行驶。4.(表示状态)系于, 悬于; 附于A picture hangs on the wall.墙上挂着一幅画。He carried a coat on his arm.他手臂上搭着一件外衣。5.(表示方式)乘, 坐, 骑She will leave on an early train.她将乘早班火车离开。We went to the factory on foot.我们步行到工厂去。6.(表示对象)对, 对于, 碰在, 对…造成困难There is much to be said on both sides.公说公有理, 婆说婆有理。The car broke down on us.汽车抛锚给我们造成了麻烦。7.(表示原因)由于, 因为The old worker retired on account of age.老工人因年老而退休。8.(表示比较)与…相比Today's weather is an improvement on yesterday's.今天的天气比昨天的好。9.(表示方位)在…方位The town stands on the left bank of the river.该镇坐落在河的左岸。The post office is on the right.邮局在右边。adv.1.(放, 穿, 连接)上He has new shoes on.他穿上新鞋。She put the tablecloth on.她铺上了台布。2.向前, (继续)下去She worked on quietly all night.她整个晚上默默地继续工作。They walked on a little way without speaking.他们默默无语地向前走了一段路。

on[ɔn; ɔ:n; ən; n]prep.1.在…表面上,在…之上:a glass on the desk课桌上的一只玻璃杯2.依附(或固定、连接)在…上:a map on a wall墙上的一张地图3.包裹(或覆盖)在…上:He put another blanket on her body.他在她身上又盖了一条毯子。4.位于…上:a little cottage on the hill山上的一所小房子a scar on the arm手臂上的伤疤5.在…中:on the wing在飞行中;在行动中6.在…方向:to sail on a northerly course向北航行on the right在右(手)方7.靠近…,在…旁,沿着…:on the road在路旁on both sides of the river在河的两岸8.关于…,对于…:an article on physics一篇关于物理学的论文9.针对,对着:She racked her poor brains to have the laugh on me.她搜索枯肠来嘲笑我了。to gaze on someone盯着某人10.处于…情况中;处于…状况中;处于…过程中:on duty当班,to be on fire着火了11.(是)…的成员;在…供职:to be on the city team是市队的队员12.在…的时候;和…同时,在…后立即:on Monday在星期一to pay on delivery货到后立即付款13.[口语]由…支付:Have a glass on me.来喝一杯,我请客。14.通过…,以…方式:I got it on TV.我是看电视得到这个消息的。on foot步行15.凭,靠,以:to live on grass以草为生on credit凭信用16.根据,以…为基础:to act depending on the situations根据情况而采取行动to base one's conclusions on facts将结论建立在事实的基础上17.由于,因为:Tom is absent on illness.汤姆因病缺席。18.为了…的目的:No admittance except on business.非公莫入。19.一个接一个;…又…:Wave on wave of the audience entered into the theatre.一批又一批的观众涌进了剧场。20.用,使用(某种动力):on both petrol and natural gas使用汽油和天然气两种燃料21.[口语][后与代词连用]在…身边:Have you 5 pounds on you?你身上有5英镑吗?22.[方言][用以代替 of, at, about, for, in 等词]23.跟随:He found someone on him.他发现有人在跟踪他。24.定期服用;服…成瘾:to be on heroin吸食海洛因成瘾25.[口语]给…造成困难(或不便):My car broke down on me.我的汽车抛锚了。26.[俚语]得到不利于某人的资料:He has nothing on me.他手里没有任何不利于我的资料。adj.1.活动着的,使用着的,起着作用的,开着的,接通的2.发生着的,正发生的3.计划中的Anything on ofter supper?晚饭后还有什么安排吗?4.[口语]在演出的,在舞台上的5.[口语]正在演出(或放映等)的6.[口语](菜肴等)菜单上有的,供应的7.较近的;附近的8.[俚语]知情的,了解的9.[英国口语]愿意参加的,同意的;被接受的;有效的,行得通的10.[美国俚语]醉了的,微醉的11.【板球】12.左击球手右后方场地的13.右击球手左后方场地的14.[英国俚语]15.合适的;像样的;好;行16.甚有可能的;有潜在可能性的adv.1.(安置)上去,在上面2.(穿、盖、包)上3.朝特定方向4.向前5.继续下去6.以后7.【棒球】在垒上8.【戏剧】在舞台上n.1.(发生、活动等的)情况,状态2.【板球】3.左击球手右后方场地4.右击球手左后方场地5.侧击and so on等等be on about[口语]不停地谈论,令人生厌地谈话be on at[口语]唠叨,不断地找…的岔子be on it[美国俚语]准备好了;熟练(此事)[与形容词或副词连用] [方言] 处于某种状态(或局面)[澳大利亚口语]酗酒be on to了解…的情况;看透…的意图查明跟…接触(或联系)找…的岔子get (或 have) something (或 nothing) on someone[口语](不)掌握某人的情况(或不利于某人的证据);(没)抓住某人的把柄just on差不多,接近on and off间歇地,断断续续地on and on继续不断地,不停地

见:upon: on 见:upon: on onon[ɔn]prep.1.在...上a painting on the wall墙上的一幅画2.在...旁, 靠近the inn on the road路旁的旅店the town on the river临河的城镇3.向着...march on London向伦敦前进smile on sb.对着某人笑4.在...时候; ...之后立即on the morning of May 5th在五月五日早晨on arriving home刚到家就...on analysis经分析后5.根据; 凭; 靠act on principles照原则办事live on靠...生活On what ground?凭什么理 由?6.关于; 论述a book on grammar语法书7.是...的成员be on the committee担任委员8.在从事...中, 处于...情况中on duty值班on guard [the watch]看守9.通过, 以...方式hear music on the radio用收音机听音乐on the quiet偷偷地10.由...支付, 由...承担All the expenses fall on me.全部费用由我支付。It is incumbent on me to reclaim him.劝他改过是我义不容辞的义务。11.一个又一个, 又, 累加loss on loss一再损失heaps on heaps许许多多12.冒...危险on pain of death冒生命危险You bet she could cook, She was just on it.她当然会烧菜, 她正好学会了这种手艺。
词性变化onadv.1.(安置)上去; (连接)上去have one's shoes on穿上鞋turn on the radio开收音机2.向前去; 进行下去; 继续下去further on再向前go on往前走; 继续下去3.自从from that day on自从那天以后later on后来onadj.1.进行中的The race is on.比赛在进行中。2.[口]同意的; 乐意参加的Are you on?你同意(去)吗?3.[俚]醉了的He is a bit on.他有点儿醉了。

继承用法on-againadj.1.时有时无的, 断断续续的oncoming[ˈɔnkʌmiŋ]adj.1.迎面而来的, 即将到来的on-courseadv.1.在航线上onfall[ˈɔnfɔ:l]n.1.攻击, 袭击on-fibern.1.给光型纤维on-ga(u)geadj.1.标准的, 合格的on-gradeadj.1.健全的, 无缺陷的; 等内的on-hookn.1.【信】挂机, 在钩on-impedancen.1.动态阻抗on-licence[ˈɔnˌlaɪsɚns,ˈɔ:n-]n.1.酒吧营业执照onload[ˈɔnləʊd,ˈɔ:n-]vt.1.装载onlooker[ˈɔnlʊkə(r)]n.1.(袖手)旁观者; 目击者onlookingn., adj.1.旁观(的)on-miken.1.靠近话筒; 正在送话on-off[ˈɔnɔf,ˈɔ:nɔ:f]adj.1.时断时续的, 开关的, 离合的, 双位的, 通断, 起停on-peakadj.1.最高的; 峰值的onrolln.1.滚滚向前onside[ˈɔnsaɪd, ɔnˈsaɪd]adj.1.未越位的on-siteadv.1.在工地上; 场[厂]区内; 单位内; 装置内onslaught[ˈɔnslɔ:t]n.1.突击, 猛攻onstage[ˈɔnˈsteɪdʒ]adj., adv.1.在前台(的)on-stateadj.1.(处于)接通(状态下)的, 接通时的, 开态on-streamadv.1.在操作中; 在工作中; 在运转中; 开车onsweep[ˈɔnswi:p]n.1.向前疾驶on-switchn.1.启动开关on-the -airadj.1.正在广播, 正在发射(电波)on-the -job -trainingadj.1.在职训练on-the -runadj.1.临时的, 仓促而成的on-the -shelfadj.1.滞销的; 搁置的; 废弃的on-the -spotadj.1.现场的; 当场的on-timen.1.接通持续时间, 工作时间; 准时on-trackn.1.搬上轨道on-tuben.1.接通(电子)管